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08-04-2013, 23:05
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Well, here's my effort:
Post of Honour
In his hole, scratched pitiful and shallow, propped up on clumps of mud (*) and human offal, he lay, beyond shivering, so cold his body stink froze into a halo. The furthest east of his once proud, now dwindling horde of comrades, he scratched his snot-crud stubble, and fumbled at his crap-caked rifle, fixing his bayonet. The sky, hectic again with snow, bleakly blackened eastwards. Shadows in their thousands thickened into purposeful, inexorable advance. Numb fingers, curling, he squeezed the trigger and welcomed the inevitable searing release of an inferno less hellish than the frozen purgatory of his post.
09-04-2013, 00:15
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Narrowing down to 100 words is hard work...
The gruesome tale finally told. He takes the syringe from his pocket and holds it
up in the light of the campfire. The two men across the campfire blur as he focuses
upon the needlepoint. He hears the recognition in their final exhalations. He must be
quick and administer the antidote.
His tale he had said was a simple one, in the first person perspective and that it was a true story.
He told them of a boy that was bullied throughout his childhood and how later the boy had bitterly
grown into man with one purpose in mind. Revenge
09-04-2013, 09:24
Beacon of light
Re: 100-word short story competition
You both should have submitted those...they are very creditable.
Well done both of you.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-04-2013, 14:06
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Another attempt
Politics are not allowed in this house
Politics are not allowed in this house. They are but whispers that soak into the walls with all the damp and decay.
The son looks on yet again as his father punches the television screen. Support the opposite side if you must- but do it in secret. Keep those photographs of your favorite team in a safe place; away from his politics.
Share your opinion if you dare, but you must watch your reflection in the eyes of your siblings as they stare at this new television made of flesh and bone.
Only his politics are allowed in this house.
09-04-2013, 14:15
Beacon of light
Re: 100-word short story competition
Rob you should not be putting them on here...you should be putting them into the competition.......I like both of your 100word stories......I like Erics too....I am just glad that it would not be me who was having to do the choosing.......write another, but don't put it on here put it in an envelope and send it is.......you never know, you might just win.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-04-2013, 15:24
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Rob you should not be putting them on here...you should be putting them into the competition.......I like both of your 100word stories......I like Erics too....I am just glad that it would not be me who was having to do the choosing.......write another, but don't put it on here put it in an envelope and send it is.......you never know, you might just win.
Can't speak for Restless, but if he is anything like me, just being able to see if I could do it is prize enough. 
09-04-2013, 15:32
Beacon of light
Re: 100-word short story competition
well, now you've proved you can do it why not enter a short story?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-04-2013, 15:57
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Re: 100-word short story competition
And another.
So little time left. The clock, inching its way on, reminding her of the final deadline. Tomorrow at 3:00 pm. She had organized things in a general way, leaving the details to the funeral parlour and the caterer. And there she sat, fretting and fidgeting, as if she had eternity on her hands. Check the weather; damned front moving in. Weather not co-operating as usual. And still the most important detail insistently unresolved. Phone ringing again. "No, not yet, I haven't decided." "Yes, of course I know it's only hours away." Interfering fools! Soon, she must decide how to die.
Restless and me ... we is short story makin' maniacs   
09-04-2013, 16:12
Resting In Peace
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Can't anybody write anything cheerful??
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
09-04-2013, 16:16
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Originally Posted by susie123
Can't anybody write anything cheerful??
That did cross my mind too ... I haven't given it too much orgainzed thought as yet, but it seems to be more difficult to write humour in little. No, idea why. Maybe it's just me. But the short stories that stick in my mind ... "The Lottery" ... "The Smile" ... seem to tend to the dark side.
09-04-2013, 16:24
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Maybe if you write something funny in a 100 words, it comes across as a joke rather than a short story.
09-04-2013, 16:51
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Re: 100-word short story competition
So kind Margaret thanks. Susie. You heard my songs lol
09-04-2013, 18:29
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Originally Posted by Eric
Maybe if you write something funny in a 100 words, it comes across as a joke rather than a short story.
Funny that you should say that Eric, as I had thought of thinking of a joke I know and writing it down in 100 words.
09-04-2013, 20:18
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Originally Posted by susie123
Can't anybody write anything cheerful??
Dependent on your definition of cheerful, will this do Sue ?
Baby blue eyes, nose so wrinkled and wet, soft and fluffy coat and that unmistakable scent. Puddles and poops “Oops a daisy!” Early days yet but she’ll learn, anyway, how can you be cross at such unconcerned innocence as she stand alongside that tell-tale patch. Then, as you look on smiling she knows she’s the centre of attention so right there and then it starts, the little waggle, spreading from the tip of the tail, to the hindquarters, then on up through the whole hound. She comes bounding, exuberant, playful, loving! You gather her up, you fuss her, your Pup!

I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
09-04-2013, 21:28
Resting In Peace
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Re: 100-word short story competition
Yes thanks Dave, that lightens the mood a fair bit. "Sponsored by Andrex  "
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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