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Old 19-09-2006, 19:34   #16
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Didnt know anything about it till i went up to pick my niece up from school. We had my cousin and his wife visiting us from ireland so the radio was turned off. Everybody was talking about it up at the school so picked her up and came straight home and turned tv on mum shouted at me to turn it off just in time to see people jumping out of the tower and then the 2nd one crashed. My niece went playing in the garden while we sat and watched it.
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Old 19-09-2006, 21:37   #17
white rabbits

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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
At home watching the whole thing unfold on TV in total disbelief.
Me too, watching Kay Burley on sky news,,,,,,
Not a full brick
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Old 19-09-2006, 21:49   #18
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

was at my nieces on pc but had tv in background couldnt quite believe what i was seeing my heart went out to all those people that day and will never forget it
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Old 19-09-2006, 22:33   #19
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was at work when my other half rang me and told me a plane had gone into the pentagon... everyone quickly hit the net as no one had heard anything in the office before then...believe me no more work got done that day!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 20-09-2006, 02:24   #20
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
Kinda went into battle mode as far as food and water supplies, gas for the vehicles and the generator, chicken feed, and even plenty of bullets and shells for the guns.

Originally Posted by mani
really?! why???
Cause we really had no idea what was going on. It was already the start of something big and couldn't be sure what may be next. The news was carrying on about hidden terror cells and such. Better safe than sorry.

We live just outside of Washington, D.C. (~60 miles). They had tried to put a ban on all flying but it took awhile for them to close down all the smaller airports. I guess just the fear of the unknown and protecting the homested.

It wasn't like I was dressed up in fatigues down in a bunker or anything. Just like being prepared for a big snow storm or hurricane.

Did I answer the ? okay Mani?

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Old 20-09-2006, 02:27   #21
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
Kinda went into battle mode as far as food and water supplies, gas for the vehicles and the generator, chicken feed, and even plenty of bullets and shells for the guns.

Originally Posted by mani
really?! why???

Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 20-09-2006 at 02:35. Reason: double post
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Old 20-09-2006, 23:28   #22
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

We were travelling over the Tamar bridge, from Plymouth into Cornwall, and decided to put the car radio on. The first plane had just hit and Brian immediately thought it might be terrorists. We raced home and watched Sky news for hours.

I remember that we felt the need for company around nine in the evening and wandered down to the local. It was packed with shell shocked folk feeling the same as we did.
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 20-09-2006, 23:54   #23
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

was driving from stockport with car radio on, thought i'd got wrong station on and was listening to a story at first, then it began to dawn on me this horror was real and happening, went to me daughters and put telly on and must have sat there stunned for a few hours, a friend and his wife had flown out last evening to new york and allsorts was going through me head, luckily as i later discovered they changed planes at new york a couple of hours before it happened.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-09-2006, 00:15   #24
Resting in Peace

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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was exactly where I am now in Denia, Spain on the beach with my friend .. her husband picked us up in the afternoon and said the whole world is crumbling and in cricise, course being in a holiday mood like, just laughed it off, 'til we turned on the telly back at base and realised the seriousness of the situation.

Would you think I was a terrible person that when I realised it was just an incident centrelised in New York rather than the whole world, that I felt a little momentary light relief ?
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Old 21-09-2006, 02:54   #25
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

lancyorkyankee - yeah i guess it was different to each person - us watchin it in the uk came up wiht different emotions etc to those barely 60 miles away. i remember the news here kept going on about how there was reports of 2-4 more planes "missing" etc and i was foning up my brother who's in london making sure he got outta the city just in case etc then at hte same time i was fonin florida - a good mate of mine works in NY and i wanted to know if she was ok so i was speaking to her mom and she was.

i do recall in the news that there was a HUGE amount of panic buyin at that time as no one knew for sure how severe the attack was going to be.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 21-09-2006, 02:59   #26
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Originally Posted by katex
Would you think I was a terrible person that when I realised it was just an incident centrelised in New York rather than the whole world, that I felt a little momentary light relief ?
Your not a terrible person for thinking that way. I imagine that's probably just a somewhat normal human response.

However, you may be a terrible person for rubbing it in that your sitting on the beach in Spain while we are not!


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Old 22-09-2006, 06:02   #27
eggstoocool's Avatar

Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was sitting in my family room chatting on the phone to a friend in Brooklyn! She and her husband were just getting ready for a visit to AUS 4 days later, and called to give me final details. Her husband yelled out something has happened, turn on the tv, I did and watched in horror as the 2nd plane hit the building. They obviously didnt get here for that visit at that time, because apart from flights being cancelled, he is a Lieutenant in the NYPD and she a Nurse and both were much needed there for sometime after the attack took place.

As for sitting on the beach.... thats where I have been today, and will be at least once a week for the next 6 months.... guess im a terrible person too!!

Last edited by eggstoocool; 22-09-2006 at 06:07.
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Old 22-09-2006, 08:29   #28
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was doing a weekly bake in the kitchen when my grandchild came to my house and said "nan have you not heard the news..." knowing the telly is never on through the day in our house (I listen to the king when baking and doing house chores) he said the twin towers have been attacked by terrorists (not knowing anything for sure just a childs enthusiasm) my immediate thought was it is his overactive imagination surely I would have seen chaos in the streets if this was true, but he was surely right about one thing the towers had been attacked and my shock was seing this happening on tv and as said in an earlier thread I was releaved that this was'nt a world attack having been a child through WWII it brought back alot of memories that had been hidden deep for many years by all born at the time, the rations ect I went to the country during WWII to live with my Uncle Rueben and Aunt Betty but missed my parents dearly and would not wish another war like that on any generation. Alot of women in Accrington lost Husbands, sons (both) and it was a very depressing time for everyone and this sadness lingered for alot of years after and still does for some of us.
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