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Old 19-09-2006, 08:31   #1
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panther's Avatar

Question 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

11th September 2001. Where were you on this fateful day? and do you remember what you was doing? I was at home feeding my son he was only 6 month old then now hes 5 and a half , cant believe 5 years passed already, it still send shivers down my spine!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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Accrington Web
Old 19-09-2006, 08:46   #2
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

On my way to work when it was broadcast on the radio. Then the net was jammed as people were looking for more info and wathing what happened on Real Player. Not a day to forget.

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Old 19-09-2006, 09:01   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

At home watching the whole thing unfold on TV in total disbelief.

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Old 19-09-2006, 09:57   #4
Senior Member+

Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was sat with my friend on her bed as she was bed bound due to 2 broken legs we watched it all happen in horror. Such a shame.
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Old 19-09-2006, 10:00   #5
I am Banned


Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Watching sky news in absolute horror, while one at school & other at nursery
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Old 19-09-2006, 10:05   #6
I am Banned


Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Blimey just seen ad for new film about the world trade centre
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Old 19-09-2006, 11:14   #7
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was at work in a huge meeting and a few colleagues burst into the room, more or less, shouting 'turn the tv on' as the meeting room was the only room on that floor with a tv. As more and more events started to unfold the room got fuller.

Set off home and Chris already had the Tv on and was watching it all - think we watched for most of the evening. It was all very alarming at the time - still is, I suppose.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 19-09-2006, 11:53   #8
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

i came back from an interview from new look for an assistant managers position *which i didnt get*

came home and i honestly thought it was a movie the plane had hit the first tower and the 2nd plane hit as i sat down watchin bbc news 24
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 19-09-2006, 12:26   #9
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

i was in the accrington asda watching employees running around pretending to be airoplanes crashing

edit :

correction i was at work when the crashes occured and then went shopping at asda
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Old 19-09-2006, 16:19   #10
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was in an English lesson and the teacher didn't turn up for 45minutes, during the actual crash. Then i learnt about it when someone said 'theres people jumping out of buildings', I thought he was a loony till I got to my grandmas..
formerly cyfr
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Old 19-09-2006, 16:45   #11
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Boy, what a morning that was! My wife had call me to put the tele on. First thought just an accident, then saw the second plane hit. Then all heck was breaking out over the media. Then the pentagon was hit and it became a bit more personal (had friends working in there).

The rest of the day was both a dream and a nightmare. Must admit I had the adrenaline flowing. Kinda went into battle mode as far as food and water supplies, gas for the vehicles and the generator, chicken feed, and even plenty of bullets and shells for the guns.

After a while, kinda slowed down watching the damage, rumors, interviews, and remembered the Bible verse: Be still and know that I am God! I found great comfort through my Faith!


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Old 19-09-2006, 16:47   #12
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

I was changing out of my uniform (moorhead) when my brother started banging on the door saying "quick look at the tv". I watched Sky news for about an hour then went off to Mosque. Some of the kids in the mosque hadnt seen the news. so whoever did watch it ended up explaining what they had seen.
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Old 19-09-2006, 17:37   #13
Senior Member

Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Preparing a casserole in the kitchen listening to the radio, when a newsflash came on. Turned on the TV and saw the 2nd plane crash. It was unbelievable. Needless to say the casserole didn't get eaten that night.

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Old 19-09-2006, 17:39   #14
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
Kinda went into battle mode as far as food and water supplies, gas for the vehicles and the generator, chicken feed, and even plenty of bullets and shells for the guns.
really?! why???
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 19-09-2006, 19:34   #15
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Re: 11th September 2001. what was you doing?

was driving into work , heard on NPR that there had been an accident involving a plane in NYC, the next report said a second plane had crashed , it was an early start that day had people coming in to work pre-shift "overtime" , got to work opened the plant up , put coffee on and turned on the small TV the receptionist used for her soap operas , unbelievable ....then folks started coming in , they started watching it .......all in silence , when the towers came down , no-one could believe it , how could this happen ,after reports of the 3rd and 4th planes came in everyone was just in shock and waiting ...........
I remember that since no work was getting done and the phones were silent we decided to close for the day and sent everyone home , but I still had to pay the "overtime" for the guys who came in early

9/11 was scarier to me than the Loma Prieta/Bay Area earthquake in 89 when I was gassing up my truck and the overhead powerlines started popping and dropping
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