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Old 20-02-2013, 16:33   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: 12 year old cardio-respiratory surgeon.

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I, for one, don't believe that the 11+ was a good way of sorting out kids, and putting them on a track which affected the rest of their lives. There are problems with IQ tests which folks tend to ignore, treating them as "neutral". And curricula are designed to manufacutre "good citizens", as in those who will conform to the system. It isn't surprising that when cuts come in schools, the programmes that suffer are one's deemed to be "frills": art and music come to mind, as do physical education classes ... strange this when childhood obesity is one of the major problems facing the UK ... and Canada, the US; in fact, all the "developed" nations. Folks think "back to the basics" and "concentration on the three Rs" are the answers to the crisis in education. The crisis in the system is the system itself. And the treating of education as a system.
Well, I agreed with you until, 'physical education classes', was forced through those along with many that had no interest, I am now feeling my age, but compared to the lad's that took part and continued with sports after school, I and the other bullied boys, (gym teacher), are far fitter because we didn't exhaust our bodies.
Oh, and most of us didn't abuse our bodies by getting fat which plenty of ex sporty types that are now obese and in wheelchairs did.

Get rid of sport unless it's voluntary, the majority that don't want it will support those crippled by it from their longer lives because of what they earn & taxes.

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Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 20-02-2013 at 16:36.
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