This article was in the telegraph a couple of weeks ago, note the flower basket costs !!
RESIDENTS across Hyndburn are facing a council tax rise of more than £45 a year - with the extra money being spent on public safety and flowers.
Budget proposals also recommend that the cash be spent on providing public transport for the elderly, improving recycling services, and teaching councillors new computer skills.
Hyndburn Council cabinet has been presented with a draft budget for the next financial year, and a finalised version will go to the full council on February 26 for approval.
The council has set aside £23,000 to set up a Floral Market Town Initiative, which will see flower beds and hanging baskets placed in all the town centres.
Council leader Peter Britcliffe said: "It is a case of what you see is probably what you get.
"There will be very few changes made to this budget before it goes to full council.

"We are continuing to put community safety, cleansing, waste collection and the residents of Hyndburn at the top of our list of priorities."
Council financial officers have forecast a 5per cent rise in the district council precept.
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When added to increases in Lancashire County Council, police service, and fire service charges, the average home will have to pay an extra 86p a week - around £45 a year.
Crime-fighting measures are a focus of the proposed spending.
More than £100,000 will be invested in the Community Safety Partnership to secure 18 Police Community Support Officers for the borough.
Money will also be spent developing the CCTV network linked to Greenbank police station.
Coun Britcliffe said: "We are boosting the front line to make Hyndburn a safer place to live, work in and visit.
"We want the people of Hyndburn to feel safe in their own homes and communities."
Coun Britcliffe said of the flower plan: "Now our budget is balanced it is time to make the borough brighter and more aesthetically pleasing.
"It will build on the £500,000 development of Accrington's Broadway by improving the look of Hyndburn."