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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 17-09-2007, 06:06   #31
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Re: 14 Year Old Daughters For Sale

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I thought people where more concerned with the age of the 'wives-to-be' rather than the fact they where for sale.
In my experience most people seem to find it humourous that a man needs to purchase a wife, rather than simply get a woman to want to marry him naturally.

If it was a woman of our own legal age consent selling herself for marriage would people be as bothered then? Because as far as I gather, the girls on that website would only be being sold by their parents simply because either 1. they need parental permission to marry at that age or 2. they cant bring in their own income at that age where they live and it'd be held by the parents til a certain age anyway?

If your daughter wants to get married at that age and its perfectly legal where they live, then if the man is right, why not let him pay a bit of money aswell? I mean, technically it may as well be a dowry.
from this and your previous posts I can't decide if you were just born stupid or if your local educational authority should bear some responsibility

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