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Old 15-03-2008, 05:52   #16
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post
i remember quite clearly when it happened all the hype and reporting of it - and then when they got found guilty the same night they screened a documentary of what hapepned. and it transfixed the nation....
Brainwashed you mean.

I don't like the media.

I like documentaries though.
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Old 15-03-2008, 05:59   #17
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Re: 18th Bithday

*L* ur funny.

it wasnt brainwashing. it was actual statements that had been leaked out - or something along those lines.
i seen a good doc the other day - it was about the concorde that blew up in paris. how they found out the cause etc.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:04   #18
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post
*L* ur funny.

it wasnt brainwashing. it was actual statements that had been leaked out - or something along those lines.
i seen a good doc the other day - it was about the concorde that blew up in paris. how they found out the cause etc.
Yes let's believe in 'leaks'. Why don't we believe in leprechauns as well in the spirit of the upcoming st patricks day.

I do actually believe in leprechauns, fairies, ghosts, aliens, neverland etc.
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:10   #19
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Re: 18th Bithday


clearly you've never seen that famous leprechaun danny devito or maybe gordon brown

but i think it'll be soon enough that the new identities of his killers will be revealed on teh net
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:13   #20
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post

clearly you've never seen that famous leprechaun danny devito or maybe gordon brown

but i think it'll be soon enough that the new identities of his killers will be revealed on teh net
I said I personally believed in them.

Also, there identities wont be revealed because the people who reveal it WILL be found and they WILL be given a very very serious punishment, all for the sake of them being given new identities and whilst it makes life a bit more harder for them, it doesnt actually help anyone else, it just wastes resources that could be being used to help someone else.

Which is exactly the reason why police aren't held to be negligent very often
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:17   #21
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Re: 18th Bithday

see the reason i say they will be revealed is this - the protection law applies only to england and wales - no where else. with the advent of the internet i'm surprised it already hasnt.

just like the prince harry case to an extent and the diana pics this will be unveiled too
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:32   #22
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post
see the reason i say they will be revealed is this - the protection law applies only to england and wales - no where else. with the advent of the internet i'm surprised it already hasnt.

just like the prince harry case to an extent and the diana pics this will be unveiled too
The guy who revealed the info about prince harry was australian and he was bound by contractual agreement, not by ordinary legislation aimed at the public.

Pictures are also pretty different than a served murderers protected identity. It wont get revealed. If it does they'll just give them a new one and it'll be a cost to the tax payer. And it would've been revealed already.
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:42   #23
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Re: 18th Bithday

well it sorta did - someone went up to jamie's mum and gave her the address of one of the lads

she goes she went to see him and "froze"
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:44   #24
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post
well it sorta did - someone went up to jamie's mum and gave her the address of one of the lads

she goes she went to see him and "froze"
She wouldn't have known what he really looks like now anyway, so it could've been anyone.

People who I know from that age don't remember me now... don't you know people who knew you really well who you lost touch with who dont recognise you in the street?
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Old 15-03-2008, 06:47   #25
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Re: 18th Bithday

well the similarities to the face and given a specific address its good chance it was him.

they were 10 and then they were like 18 - its not that much of a difference - and who's to say she didnt stare face to face after all HE didnt know who she was...

i do tend to recognise them but i dont approach them incase they think omg thats mani ugh i hated him...
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-03-2008, 10:18   #26
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Yes let's believe in 'leaks'. Why don't we believe in leprechauns as well in the spirit of the upcoming st patricks day.

I do actually believe in leprechauns, fairies, ghosts, aliens, neverland etc.
Well thank goodness for that, now we can make allowances for you, ghosts I can just about subscribe to, as I have had a close encouter, but the rest
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Old 15-03-2008, 10:20   #27
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by mani View Post
well the similarities to the face and given a specific address its good chance it was him.

they were 10 and then they were like 18 - its not that much of a difference - and who's to say she didnt stare face to face after all HE didnt know who she was...

i do tend to recognise them but i dont approach them incase they think omg thats mani ugh i hated him...
Ah well I have changed so much since I was 10 and am now 19, and I get people coming up to me all the time who I cant remember, and same back.

Fair enough I have changed my hair colour and things, but I imagine that when you're under a new identity then you do what you can to take on a new identity and not really stay the exact same person.

I don't think 'forgiven' would be the right word to use to say how I feel about them, but I personally could not find the anger or sadness in me if I met either of them to lash out physically or verbally, i would just accept them for who they are. I find it hard to feel anger towards people. It takes quite a bit to make me actually scream with rage.

Hmm... I get I would like to say I try to understand every angle of something, but of course I can never fully understand what they did, and why they did it. I just know that they were children at the time an did something evil to an innocent child, and that it is very rare for such a thing to happen.
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Old 15-03-2008, 11:45   #28
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Re: 18th Bithday

whilst i agree blazey,it is rare, nobody understands the mindset of people like this, the "Shrinks" pretend too, but i doubt it. what they did though is not the differance between Good @ Bad, its the differance between Good @ Evil, and i reckon everyone who is compus mentus knows that.
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Old 15-03-2008, 12:41   #29
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
They will most definitely feel shame if not guilt
You, or anyone else, has no way of knowing if thet feel shame and guilt, or not. Fact. Unless of course you've spoken of the matter with one, or both, of them.

Are you saying that all killers feel guilt for their crimes?

I fear you're not learning much on your law course, unless the syllabus hasn't yet covered the more famous cases of child killers, of the last hundred years or so.
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Last edited by garinda; 15-03-2008 at 12:45.
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Old 15-03-2008, 12:44   #30
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Re: 18th Bithday

Don't make excuses for them.
Even at ten years old you should know right from wrong.
They are evil pure and simple and personally i think they should still be in prison.
Why should they be free to live their lives?
Jamie Bulger never got that chance.
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