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Old 15-03-2008, 20:42   #46
Senior Member
Loz's Avatar

Re: 18th Bithday

Please don't think i am getting at you i just can't understand how you can't care even a little bit.
Those two abusive husbands had what was coming to them but little Jamie Bulger was an innocent child who has been robbed of a life by two evil people.
That upsets me if not you.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Accrington Web
Old 15-03-2008, 23:58   #47
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Re: 18th Bithday

Originally Posted by Loz View Post
Please don't think i am getting at you i just can't understand how you can't care even a little bit.
Those two abusive husbands had what was coming to them but little Jamie Bulger was an innocent child who has been robbed of a life by two evil people.
That upsets me if not you.
I just don't feel close enough to the story to cry about it or feel any emotion. I've only read a law report and whilst they can be disturbing, they are written in a way that avoids subjective emotion. If I cried about every child, woman, man who had had their lives taken from them in such a way would I ever find time to smile?

Why cry for one but not another? Same goes with the Madeleine story, how am I meant to feel sympathetic for her parents when there are millions of missing children and nobody is even looking for them? I should be happy if anything that someone has hope in their story and is giving them the time of day. Because sadly most don't get that. So I guess I feel sadder about the people who are in the darkness, or who are silent victims right now... but even then I can't say I feel a profound sadness.
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Old 16-03-2008, 03:02   #48
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Re: 18th Bithday

Fair enough.
I respect your point of view and will not push you further on it.
Diesels' Wife!!
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