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View Poll Results: £2 chucks
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:18   #106
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I would like to see someone who had eaten nothing but non animal products for the whole of their 70 years of life – if they got that far.

The human being was built as an omnivore. Meaning that we eat meat, fruit and veg. You only need to look at a human’s natural teeth to see that. Crushers at the back and slicers at the front. No veg grinders although the crushers can double as grinders up to a point. And we masticate up and down not side to side like a cow or other ruminants do. Nor do we regurgitate partially chewed food to chew some more.

Even Pandas whose diet consists of just bamboo shoots will eat meat if it is offered.
The following were or are vegetarians/vegans

John Wesley died aged 88
Ghandi died aged 79
Yehudi Menuhin died aged 83
Einstein died aged 76
Dr Benjamin Spock died aged 95
Charles Darwin died aged 73
Epicurus died aged 71
General Branwell Booth died aged 73
Henry Ford died 84

There are of couse many more. In general veggies tend to live longer than meat eaters.
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:24   #107
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by polly View Post
I think a lot depends on education, research shows that the better educated a person is the more likely they are to care about animal welfare and food quality. Basically the more knowledge you have and the more one is able to process the information the more likely you are to make a conscious decision not to exploit other creatures for your own wants.

Notice I say wants as there is no need for chicken or any other animal product. Humans can live, some would argue more healthily without any animal products.

People who are better educated (as in watch tv read newspapers all about battery farming etc) still buy the cheap stuff because it saves them money - probably because they dont have the money to buy the expensive (free range, organic etc) as they are paying for expensive mortgages, little johnnys skiing lessons, little pollys horse riding lessons and pony stabling fees etc, or maybe its because they are a one parent family with 2 kids surviving on benefits, or maybe its a pensioner whos surviving on a pension each week deciding which bill to pay this week. Its not a case of better educated people its a case of what people can afford to pay. Why pay more for something when you can buy a chicken that will feed you and your family for 2 days for the price of one that will just about feed your family for 1?
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:26   #108
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by polly View Post
There are of couse many more. In general veggies tend to live longer than meat eaters.
my grannies where both meat eaters and they were 86 and 79,
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:31   #109
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Re: £2 chickens

I think Polly was making a comment about someone elses research, not her own. I dont agree with the comment wholly though because when I worked in the vegetable shop there were people who were not as well dressed as others coming in and those were more often than not the ones concerned with where the food came from.

I think it may have something to do with the education of food matters, but not education in general.

I prefer eating free range and organic food, and yeh maybe it does make me feel better about myself. Its not a case of spending more makes me feel better, as sometimes I spend less. It just makes me feel better knowing the animal it has come from has had a good life, and it also bothers me that chickens in particular are treated so badly in battery farms.

Anyone seen the Mclibel documentary about mcdonalds where they are hung on a machine and having their throats slit by a circular saw blade one by one?
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:32   #110
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by polly View Post
The following were or are vegetarians/vegans

John Wesley died aged 88
Ghandi died aged 79
Yehudi Menuhin died aged 83
Einstein died aged 76
Dr Benjamin Spock died aged 95
Charles Darwin died aged 73
Epicurus died aged 71
General Branwell Booth died aged 73
Henry Ford died 84

There are of couse many more. In general veggies tend to live longer than meat eaters.
Sorry that does not make sense, a bag of lentils are still far cheaper than a chicken and the lentils go further and have a higher nutritional value. so if you want to eat cheply pulses win every time over meat
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Old 08-02-2008, 20:36   #111
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Re: £2 chickens

Well maybe a bag of lentils are cheaper....and yes they do provide a good source of protein, but they do not contain all the amino acids that are essential for cell growth.
And I am from a poor back ground and my mother used a lot of lentils, they are horrible........I would never ever choose to eat them as they make me remember the bad times in my childhood
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:13   #112
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Re: £2 chickens

I don't buy cheap meat, I don't buy cheap eggs, not for snobbery, but because the more expensive ones tend to be better quality, I thank god and my own hard work for the ability to make these purchases, I have to agree that there probably isn't much difference in the taste of chicken (unless it is corn fed), but meat in general is poor quality when cheap, I like scotch beef, as for eggs, the difference in taste between battery hen eggs and free range eggs is quite large, given new methods of feeding though (thanks to the eu), even free range eggs don't taste as good as they used to.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:17   #113
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Re: £2 chickens

I like lentils, especially in soup and broth. I just dont have a recipe for anything like that
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:22   #114
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Re: £2 chickens

Uurrrrrgh, lentils should only be fed to chickens......then of course you could eat the chicken.
I'm not keen on chicken either.

My Mum used to make what little meat we had go further by adding lentils......she concocted all kinds of recipes, but I could never eat them. I would rather have bread and dripping.
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:26   #115
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Uurrrrrgh, lentils should only be fed to chickens......then of course you could eat the chicken.
I'm not keen on chicken either.

My Mum used to make what little meat we had go further by adding lentils......she concocted all kinds of recipes, but I could never eat them. I would rather have bread and dripping.
I guess you'd get bored eating them all the time. My diet consists of spaghetti bolognese or lamb chop and mash or omelette. I do vary sometimes but mainly one of those is my meal
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:26   #116
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Re: £2 chickens

I grew up with lentils and love them, we have lentil soup usually about once a month as i do a big pan that lasts 2 days, it is compulsary for them to be in some school dinners now, like pies, stews, lasagne , spag bol, and kids dont even know its there, you can put lentils in alot of food,but i prefer them in soup with onion carrots salt pepper a few herbs and some bay leafs topped off with crusty bread yum, makes a cheap meal and you can freeze it, thats my tip of the day lol
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:30   #117
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by jackyalex View Post
I grew up with lentils and love them, we have lentil soup usually about once a month as i do a big pan that lasts 2 days, it is compulsary for them to be in some school dinners now, like pies, stews, lasagne , spag bol, and kids dont even know its there, you can put lentils in alot of food,but i prefer them in soup with onion carrots salt pepper a few herbs and some bay leafs topped off with crusty bread yum, makes a cheap meal and you can freeze it, thats my tip of the day lol
I'm going to buy some lentils, they sound cheap and healthy. Wont be putting chicken in my soups though! Yuck.
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:32   #118
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by jackyalex View Post
I grew up with lentils and love them, we have lentil soup usually about once a month as i do a big pan that lasts 2 days, it is compulsary for them to be in some school dinners now, like pies, stews, lasagne , spag bol, and kids dont even know its there, you can put lentils in alot of food,but i prefer them in soup with onion carrots salt pepper a few herbs and some bay leafs topped off with crusty bread yum, makes a cheap meal and you can freeze it, thats my tip of the day lol
Have to say, I love all the pulses too, make soup through the winter months with them, leaves a crackin' smell in the kitchen too
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:32   #119
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I guess you'd get bored eating them all the time. My diet consists of spaghetti bolognese or lamb chop and mash or omelette. I do vary sometimes but mainly one of those is my meal
They make a damned good, cheap and healthy Shepard's pie. There are many different types of lentils eg. red, brown and green.
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Old 08-02-2008, 21:35   #120
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by polly View Post
They make a damned good, cheap and healthy Shepard's pie. There are many different types of lentils eg. red, brown and green.

and yellow, and blue if you wanna add some food colouring
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