12-10-2007, 12:21
Coffin Dodger.
2 years for raping a child.
just read a report, that a 26yr old chef from devon, and a 25 yr old window cleaner from oxford, who raped young girls aged 12, and 10, went to the court of appeal against their 2 yr sentences, the attorney general argued that the sentences were unduly lenient, and the perverts had their sentences doubled to 4 yrs, i applaud that descision, just maybe it will send a message out to creeps not to waste taxpayers money? whilst i know all sentences have a minimum/maximum tariff, where the system fails to me is the JUDGES who first sent em down,should be brought to task for the ridiculously low sentence, cos i cannot think of any mitigating circumstance where a sentence so LOW can be given,to people who rape kids.  end of rant,what do you think?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.