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Old 02-02-2008, 15:37   #1
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2m Wrongly Get Benefits

here we go again BBC NEWS | Politics | Two million 'wrongly get benefit'
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Old 02-02-2008, 15:47   #2
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Originally Posted by BOB View Post
Yes indeed, are they saying that 2 million of the people on this benefit are liars or is it because they are saying, the G.P.'s aren't competent enough to diagnose correctly if someone is ill or not?
If it is the latter then priority should be given to getting us properly trained Doctors rather than blame such an easy target as the sick and disabled!

If I was a Doctor I would be furious about this whole situation!
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Last edited by Less; 02-02-2008 at 15:49.
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Old 02-02-2008, 15:48   #3
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Since when has an investment banker had the medical knowledge to make the judgement he has made ?
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Old 02-02-2008, 15:52   #4
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Since when has an investment banker had the medical knowledge to make the judgement he has made ?
Perhaps he's related to Dr. Sigmund Freud.
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Old 02-02-2008, 16:03   #5
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Since when has an investment banker had the medical knowledge to make the judgement he has made ?
Myself Dave I'd have changed the B with a W in banker
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Old 02-02-2008, 16:19   #6
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Well I don't think I'm the only one on here that this guy is talkin about, but if he wants to pop round for a brew i'll point out the finer pionts of being incapable of work and having to claim benefits. In fact I was earning more money in 1980 when I was in full enployment than what I get in benefits today, so anyone who thinks people like me are swinging it wants their bumps feelng, and I once told an DHSS docter eactly that. When I was woking I worked 7 days a week 14 hour a day, with one weeked off in three, live in a suitcase, eating whenever you got time, but loving every minute of it. I'll say this, when I was told I had to forget ever working again I was devistated. But you just have to look at what you've got in life and make the best of it, its no use feeling sorry for yourself, because no one else will, you've got to have tunnel vision and get on with it. I'm a great believer in the saying Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone and that philosophy has never let me down
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Old 02-02-2008, 16:23   #7

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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

I think many are claiming things they should not be entitled to, 2 million may or may not be correct.

I have known several people paid things they are not eligible for I speak from experience (not just my usual made up bull.)
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Old 02-02-2008, 16:42   #8
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Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think many are claiming things they should not be entitled to, 2 million may or may not be correct.

I have known several people paid things they are not eligible for I speak from experience (not just my usual made up bull.)
I appreasiate that Neil but it gets my goat when they generalise, your right I know people you describe, but its always those who need benefits the most who are targetted not the lazy conmen who always seem to get away with it.
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Old 03-02-2008, 13:30   #9
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Unhappy Re: 2m Wrongly Get Benefits

There is only one person who can say that someone is able to or not able to work and that is a doctor. And certainly not some jumped up politician or banker or as someone was already spelled it with a “w”.

I’m sure that there are a large percentage of claimants who are swinging the lead but weeding them out is going to be difficult and plunge doctor against doctor.

Sorry Tealeaf but this government and their various ‘think tanks’ have hijacked your “crackpot ideas” label.

It seems to me that this Freud guy is setting his stall out for private companies run by him and his cronies to wean people off Incapacity Benefit and into work for a fee.
He told the paper it would be "economically rational" to pay as much as £62,000 to a company which managed to place an incapacity benefit claimant in a job which lasted three years or more.
Nice little earner but it doesn’t reduce the overall cost to the taxpayer very much. All it does is transfer most of the money from a sick person to the pocket of some rich banker.
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