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23-09-2009, 13:33
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£30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Just been reading in todays Express.
"A Council is planning to employ a £30,000 a year Myth-Buster to counter negative thoughts about migrants. The Council has already taken on a £100,000 credit-crunch buster to help firms survive the ecconomic crisis. The latest post advertised by Lancashire County Council was branded a scandalous waste of taxpayer's money. But the Council argues that the myth-busting project manager will promote community cohesion in the county"
AGGGGRHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I want to Swear!!!
Best Regards - Taggy
23-09-2009, 17:06
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
i bet they give the job to a pole who will do it for half the cost lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
23-09-2009, 17:15
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
This has got to be a joke, right .....
23-09-2009, 17:25
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
when there's something strange, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call?....Myth Busters! 
23-09-2009, 17:55
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by Eric
This has got to be a joke, right .....
I wish!!!!..........Being English is fast becoming a Joke i'm afraid!!
Best Regards - Taggy
23-09-2009, 21:46
Coffin Dodger.
Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
there would bo very few negative thoughts about any migrants, if as eric stated on another thread, they were here fer what they could offer the country, NOT fer what they can get out of it, common sense -  don't take much thinking does it?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-09-2009, 22:50
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by accyman
i bet they give the job to a pole who will do it for half the cost lol
No it won't be a Pole, surely we can all guess, it will be an asian who will get the post of Tripe Dresser, because thats all they will be able to do, dress tripe. What gets me, what gives those clowns at County hall the right to create all theses fancy un-nescessary jobs, and the pay, who creates these pay scales for useless jobs in the first place.
24-09-2009, 00:09
Resting in Peace
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Without a link to the article it's hard to comment except to say that a migrant is.
1) One that moves from one region to another by chance,instinct or plan.
2) An itinerate worker who travels from one area to another in search of work.
That last bit excludes me then.  

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
24-09-2009, 04:04
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by Retlaw
No it won't be a Pole, surely we can all guess, it will be an asian who will get the post of Tripe Dresser, because thats all they will be able to do, dress tripe. What gets me, what gives those clowns at County hall the right to create all theses fancy un-nescessary jobs, and the pay, who creates these pay scales for useless jobs in the first place.
It's not "what gives those clowns .... the right", it's "who". And the
"who" is you. Somebody must have voted them in. You still have a democratic system don' t you. 
24-09-2009, 05:53
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by Eric
It's not "what gives those clowns .... the right", it's "who". And the
"who" is you. Somebody must have voted them in. You still have a democratic system don' t you. 
sounds better coming from a Frontenacs fan than an ugly Yank 
24-09-2009, 06:06
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by Eric
It's not "what gives those clowns .... the right", it's "who". And the
"who" is you. Somebody must have voted them in. You still have a democratic system don' t you.
nope we dont
we no longer vote in our primeministers we get one shoved in number 10 and get told were getting them wether we like it or not
we also no longer have freedom of speech
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
24-09-2009, 06:40
Beacon of light
Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
We do vote in the County Council elections though.
This is just plain crazy. Like Cashy, I have no gripe aainst the migrants who come here and adopt our country as their own, and accept the way we do things.......I do, however, have qualms about those who come to claim benefits though they have not contributed........I do have qualms about those who wish to stay in their own little self made ghettos(those that a quango like this will tell me don't exist, though I can see with my own eyes that they do)..........I do have qualms about those who want to turn this country into a replica of their own by insisting that we adopt their laws and rules.
To those migrants, I would say.....'you don't like the people, you don't like the culture, you don't like the laws...then migrate to somewhere that pleases you better'
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-09-2009, 08:30
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
We do vote in the County Council elections though.
This is just plain crazy. Like Cashy, I have no gripe aainst the migrants who come here and adopt our country as their own, and accept the way we do things.......I do, however, have qualms about those who come to claim benefits though they have not contributed........I do have qualms about those who wish to stay in their own little self made ghettos(those that a quango like this will tell me don't exist, though I can see with my own eyes that they do)..........I do have qualms about those who want to turn this country into a replica of their own by insisting that we adopt their laws and rules.
To those migrants, I would say.....'you don't like the people, you don't like the culture, you don't like the laws...then migrate to somewhere that pleases you better'
The problem is Margaret, that other countries don't pay out as much as we do, thats why the world and his wife want to come here.
24-09-2009, 10:25
Beacon of light
Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
Exactly, but if you come here and claim what the country you have adopted gives you then you put up and shut up....or move.
I am sick of our politicians pandering to ethnic groups that they think will vote them in, because it doesn't help integration in any way, when the indigents see some communities being singled out, for what they see as special treatment....and no amount of money spent on Myth Busting is going to change what you can see in your own area.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-09-2009, 11:44
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Re: £30,000 Myth-Buster" for Lancs Council.
not only do we fork out for imigrants coming here but once here our govenment allows them to claim child tax benefit for their kids back in another country so with all the poles alone can yo imagine how much money our govenment is sending over seas on a weekly basis
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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