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Old 14-10-2008, 09:29   #46
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

Re: 42 Day Detention

I was against the 42 day rule because it is not necessary, its just overkill, when these terror suspects are arrested most of the donkey work has been done in the lead up to the arrest, If they cannot bring charges within the present 28 day legislation then there must be a ver flimsey cse in the first place. Plus there was a case of this government using terror laws in other areas, i.e. only last week they used the anti teror legislation agains Iceland in the wake of the financial catastrophe.
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Accrington Web
Old 14-10-2008, 09:48   #47
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Re: 42 Day Detention

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

It's the 'human rights' of your poor suspected terrorists, that has created the mountains of red tape.
Not really. The government craps it's trolleys and responds to post-terrorism situations with ill-thought out and unnecessary legislation. Such situations are really owed more nouse and respect than the primitive "lock 'um up for longer so we won't get bombed".

The ironic drawl implemented with the "poor suspected terrorists" routine is just silly, let's stop it. Contrary to popular belief, those of us against the 42 day detention wouldn't give those found with bombs strapped to their chests a slap on the wrist and an "away you go, sonny Jim".
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