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Old 18-05-2008, 19:37   #1
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42 Day Detention without Charge

So Gordon seems to be pushing this through, will he ever listen?

The issue I think is incredibly important. There is no evidence at all to suggest we need to extend the limit from 28 to 42 days. It is a complete attack on our civil liberties.

There has been no need to detain anybody longer than 28 days. At present 3/5 people have been detained near the limit and proved to be completely innocent. Detained without charge, without evidence, for 4 weeks, removing them from their job, family, friends, depriving them of freedom. All this from a supposedly free western society.

To extend this to 6 weeks is ridiculous. It almost emits the message that its ok to detain people for this long, even when there has been no evidence to show we need to.

The only legitimate argument I have seen is 'What if four 7/7's happen?'. If this happened our security services wouldn't be able to cope, and longer detention would be needed. This however is already covered in existing legislation. If it did happen 42 days would be too short anyway, therefore there is no need for the extension to 42 days at all.

The cross party joint select committee on human rights believes this legislation is unnesessary.

I've e-mailed Greg Pope about this, I urge you to do the same. He can be contacted at [email protected]

We've talked about this issue before, lets keep it on subject this time.
formerly cyfr
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Accrington Web
Old 19-05-2008, 09:52   #2
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

I think the main question on this matter is that even the police do not support this legislation, which tells you all you want to know
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Old 19-05-2008, 10:00   #3
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

Sir Oswald Mosely and his wife lady Diana were detained for 3 years without charge in Pentonville, and they were the "upper crust " so if its good enough for them its good enough for little raggy assed Abdul and Mohammed who may or may not have entered the country illegally
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Old 19-05-2008, 10:50   #4
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

It's a pity that things have come to this, but if it saves 1 innocent life I say keep them as long as needed.
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 19-05-2008, 10:56   #5
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

Originally Posted by LYNX1 View Post
It's a pity that things have come to this, but if it saves 1 innocent life I say keep them as long as needed.
As Cyfr stated though, there has been no need to detain anyone longer than the current limit of 28 days. We don't want a state where people are guilty until proven innocent just because no evidence has been found in 42 days!. That is exactly what the terrorists want - for us to live in fear.
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Old 19-05-2008, 10:56   #6
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

Yes Lynx but thats the problem, it is just not necessary and no evidence has been used to prove otherwise. The government are just trying to look tough.
formerly cyfr
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Old 19-05-2008, 11:14   #7
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Re: 42 Day Detention without Charge

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
Yes Lynx but thats the problem, it is just not necessary and no evidence has been used to prove otherwise. The government are just trying to look tough.
As in tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime, we know what a joke that was

Last edited by jaysay; 19-05-2008 at 11:15. Reason: error
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