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Old 24-03-2009, 10:21   #1
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45p Tax on high earners

What do people think about this? It's going up from 40% to 45% on high earners, and both main parties have pretty much signalled they'll go along with it.

My concern is that it's a completely political move by both sides. Labour have done it to make the Conservatives look like the party of the rich, and the Conservatives have done it to make themselves not look like the party of the rich.

It's nothing to do with actually raising more revenue to pay off debt, as it won't raise any additional. Increasing tax on the wealth creators means they're less likely to come and reside in this country, it means people have less aspiration to achieve top jobs, furthermore most economists believe it will bring in peanuts if anything, in fact a lot believe it will have the opposite effect and bring in LESS money for the government.

In the 1987 recession when income tax was taken from 45% to 40% the government actually saw more money coming in.

It's popular with the public according to a poll, but again this just adds to my cynicism, they're doing it because they'll get votes, not because its actually going to help. They take the easy option rather than explaining to the public that it really won't make a difference.
formerly cyfr
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Old 24-03-2009, 10:45   #2
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

What is the criteria for high earners now? Has that line shifted?
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Old 24-03-2009, 10:46   #3
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Originally Posted by planetsusie View Post
What is the criteria for high earners now? Has that line shifted?
Anybody who earns more than Gordon Brown
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Old 24-03-2009, 10:47   #4
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Originally Posted by planetsusie View Post
What is the criteria for high earners now? Has that line shifted?
I believe it's above £150,000
formerly cyfr
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Old 24-03-2009, 10:48   #5
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Okey dokey
hahaha jaysay... hahaha
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:29   #6
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

I don't understand how by raising the tax there won't be any extra. Can you please explain why?
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:51   #7
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Because it will of course go to pay MP's expenses Bernadette
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:57   #8
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Originally Posted by churchman phil View Post
Because it will of course go to pay MP's expenses Bernadette
Oh come on Churchman they have to live
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Old 24-03-2009, 12:29   #9
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
What do people think about this? It's going up from 40% to 45% on high earners, and both main parties have pretty much signalled they'll go along with it.

My concern is that it's a completely political move by both sides. Labour have done it to make the Conservatives look like the party of the rich, and the Conservatives have done it to make themselves not look like the party of the rich.

It's nothing to do with actually raising more revenue to pay off debt, as it won't raise any additional. Increasing tax on the wealth creators means they're less likely to come and reside in this country, it means people have less aspiration to achieve top jobs, furthermore most economists believe it will bring in peanuts if anything, in fact a lot believe it will have the opposite effect and bring in LESS money for the government.

In the 1987 recession when income tax was taken from 45% to 40% the government actually saw more money coming in.

It's popular with the public according to a poll, but again this just adds to my cynicism, they're doing it because they'll get votes, not because its actually going to help. They take the easy option rather than explaining to the public that it really won't make a difference.
cannot put a strong argument against that, though i would point out that it would reduce the immigrant intake.
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Old 24-03-2009, 12:46   #10
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

40% tax band starts a lot lower than 150K IIRC its ~38-40K

so unless they split it so that you have a band of 40 from 38 - 150 and 45 above that you are effectively increasing the tax on being successful in your career. what a brilliant way of encouraging people.


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Last edited by entwisi; 24-03-2009 at 12:48.
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Old 24-03-2009, 18:46   #11
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Forget the 45% on "high earners" (is £40K so very high these days?). The whole system is unfair as it is.

Raise the personal allowance to at least £10,000 so that very low earners don't pay any tax; leave the 40% tax for those with taxable income over £40,000 but introduce a 50% band at above £100,000.
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Old 24-03-2009, 19:10   #12
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Am a bit thick on economics West Ender, understand tax within my earnings bands throughout the years, but do these high earners, who can afford good accountants, still find a way of 'hiding' their earnings to avoid paying tax ?
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Old 24-03-2009, 19:38   #13
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

I wouldn't have thought £40k was a high earner, (would be very nice though !) especially when you look at the amount top footballers earn, some of them will be on £40k a week!
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Old 24-03-2009, 19:45   #14
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Some footballers are on 3 or 4 times that amount Linds!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 24-03-2009, 19:49   #15
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: 45p Tax on high earners

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Am a bit thick on economics West Ender, understand tax within my earnings bands throughout the years, but do these high earners, who can afford good accountants, still find a way of 'hiding' their earnings to avoid paying tax ?

Good accountants will always find loopholes and dodges to benefit their clients. There's only so far they can go, though, and good accountants don't usually go in for anything that isn't legitimate.
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