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Old 16-02-2010, 18:35   #46
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
OMG are you telling us they let scousers fly planes?

Does the static from the shell suit not play havoc with the instruments

Course they do ! No one else knows all the European Cup/Champions leauge final destinations like Scousers !!

plus the fact that most people wouldn't want to be on a plane full of scousers on account of things goin' diffy !!! I am one so I can say it !!
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Old 16-02-2010, 18:40   #47
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

I'm still trying to pinpoint why we tolerate the use of the term: 'British Asian'? Why not: 'British Scot', 'British Welsh', 'British Irish', 'British Australian' or maybe 'British Pole'?. At the end of the day you are either British or you are not.
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Old 16-02-2010, 19:48   #48
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
I'm still trying to pinpoint why we tolerate the use of the term: 'British Asian'? Why not: 'British Scot', 'British Welsh', 'British Irish', 'British Australian' or maybe 'British Pole'?. At the end of the day you are either British or you are not.
thats a good question stumped, dunno the answer, but do know i never knew a scot, or taffy, that regarded themselves as british, n only irish that did were some living in N.I. the fact that some muslims regard themselves as british, to me can only be a positive thing, its just a pity more of em dont. perhaps yer looking at this from wrong angle?
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Old 16-02-2010, 20:04   #49
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
I'm still trying to pinpoint why we tolerate the use of the term: 'British Asian'? Why not: 'British Scot', 'British Welsh', 'British Irish', 'British Australian' or maybe 'British Pole'?. At the end of the day you are either British or you are not.
I think it's a pride thing, I know when filling forms here in Germany & when renewing a Passport, I will put Brit/English, it defines me as opposed to my JocK mate he'll put Brit/Scottish, all nationals within UK tend to accept they're British, but their lineage is also important to them hence the quantification. Don't see as it hurts anyone so long as the British aspect comes first.

I mean you call a Jock/Taffy or Paddy English & see the response it elicits, you'd be pretty miffed if someone classed you as something you're not.

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 16-02-2010 at 20:08.
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Old 16-02-2010, 20:34   #50
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Anyway to come back to the topic, I don't think you got the response you expected Mancie, because most people see the politicians as all being as bad as each other, irrelevant of who's gang they're in. The British public are pretty apathetic to the tales of doom & gloom coming from all sides about the other sides & as such are letting them sling their own muck at each other.
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Old 16-02-2010, 21:00   #51

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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
I think it's a pride thing, I know when filling forms here in Germany & when renewing a Passport, I will put Brit/English, it defines me as opposed to my JocK mate he'll put Brit/Scottish, all nationals within UK tend to accept they're British, but their lineage is also important to them hence the quantification. Don't see as it hurts anyone so long as the British aspect comes first.

I mean you call a Jock/Taffy or Paddy English & see the response it elicits, you'd be pretty miffed if someone classed you as something you're not.
I have many times ignored the British tick box and writen English in the other box
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Old 16-02-2010, 22:26   #52
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
thats a good question stumped, dunno the answer, but do know i never knew a scot, or taffy, that regarded themselves as british, n only irish that did were some living in N.I. the fact that some muslims regard themselves as british, to me can only be a positive thing, its just a pity more of em dont. perhaps yer looking at this from wrong angle?
I probably am. Maybe a time will come when we can all live together as just 'people', provided the muslims will let us!
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Old 16-02-2010, 22:32   #53
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Anyway to come back to the topic, I don't think you got the response you expected Mancie, because most people see the politicians as all being as bad as each other, irrelevant of who's gang they're in. The British public are pretty apathetic to the tales of doom & gloom coming from all sides about the other sides & as such are letting them sling their own muck at each other.
I was not thinking about the response.. just making a point that the Tories shadow cabinet obviously believed the figure of 54%.. if they are so easily duped then what sort of basis will they make the cuts they are hell bent on?.. seems to me they are out of touch and rely on whatever the papers say.
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Old 16-02-2010, 22:34   #54
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
I probably am. Maybe a time will come when we can all live together as just 'people', provided the muslims will let us!
Of course a cynic looking at a post like this would say, "Think yourself lucky your problem seems to be Muslims & not Jews"!

Why would such a person say that? Because the Muslim might let you live here, but the Jew would only rent you the space!

I am so glad that I don't share your prejudices. For someone that claims to live in 'the real world', you seem to be taking your time realising, we now live in and for ever will be a mixed race society, do try to come to terms with it or we might start to think your reality is different to ours!
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Last edited by Less; 16-02-2010 at 22:37.
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Old 16-02-2010, 23:23   #55
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I have many times ignored the British tick box and writen English in the other box

Well neil when the 2011 census comes through your door you wont have to bother about writing english in the other box ... it gives you the choice of British, English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or other...

2009 Rehearsal questionnaire: Office for National Statistics

We do not anticipate making major changes to the questionnaire content after the rehearsal. The questions to be included in the full census in 2011 will be put before Parliament in 2010.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 16-02-2010, 23:31   #56
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

I have read that the next census will be the last because by the time the one after is due they reckon that the info will be recorded on various government databases and be constantly updated.

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Old 17-02-2010, 08:13   #57
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I was not thinking about the response.. just making a point that the Tories shadow cabinet obviously believed the figure of 54%.. if they are so easily duped then what sort of basis will they make the cuts they are hell bent on?.. seems to me they are out of touch and rely on whatever the papers say.
I think that you already know on what sort of basis they will make the cuts ... they will make them on the basis of class. The poor and the workers will take it up the ass ... the only ones to benefit will be those living in the gin and jaguar belt. "It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor what gets the blame .... "
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Old 17-02-2010, 18:38   #58
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Of course a cynic looking at a post like this would say, "Think yourself lucky your problem seems to be Muslims & not Jews"!

Why would such a person say that? Because the Muslim might let you live here, but the Jew would only rent you the space!

I am so glad that I don't share your prejudices. For someone that claims to live in 'the real world', you seem to be taking your time realising, we now live in and for ever will be a mixed race society, do try to come to terms with it or we might start to think your reality is different to ours!
Doesn't take much to rattle your cage, Less. I am lead to believe that we still live in a free country, hence I am just as entitled to my own opinion as you are to yours. Take a good look at the town. It bears no resemblance to the Accrington of three generations ago, though some may be grateful for that alone. I single out the muslims for criticism because I feel that they seem to be given priority over all other sections of the population by successive and worthless councils that think only of votes - with scant regard given to those who cast them.
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Last edited by Stumped; 17-02-2010 at 18:40.
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Old 17-02-2010, 21:37   #59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
Doesn't take much to rattle your cage, Less. I am lead to believe that we still live in a free country, hence I am just as entitled to my own opinion as you are to yours.
Where does it say in 'your' free country that Less's cage must not be rattled? If you can show your prejudice against Muslims in a thread about Teenage Tory baiting, then surely I can point out why I think you're opinion is bigoted, Can't I?

Take a good look at the town. It bears no resemblance to the Accrington of three generations ago, though some may be grateful for that alone. I single out the muslims for criticism because I feel that they seem to be given priority over all other sections of the population by successive and worthless councils that think only of votes - with scant regard given to those who cast them.
As for the rest of the post utter bullshine! You single out Muslims because you consider them to be an easy target, not because you have given any intellectual thought to the subject.
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Last edited by Less; 17-02-2010 at 21:44.
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Old 17-02-2010, 22:14   #60
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Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
For someone that claims to live in 'the real world', you seem to be taking your time realising, we now live in and for ever will be a mixed race society
You're quite right, Less. Great Britain has long since become a mixed-race society but the irritation set in with the indiginous populace when the PC Brigade started discriminating towards everyone that came a-knocking for fear of being labelled 'racist'. This has now left us with a society that will bow to pressure from anyone who flashes the racism card and it seems obvious to me why such groups as the BNP are getting a foothold.

I'm not criticising or defending anyone but for all the money that is spent on trying to integrate the people of this country with each other and treat ethnics no differently it is particularly true of the Muslims that many class themselves as being another nationality, whether they were born here or not. You can't have it both ways and yet it is the people who adopt this stance and then play the racism card that gets the country's back up.

As I said recently, there really should be no talk of 'the Asian community' or 'the English/white community' as that in itself implies discrimination, positive or otherwise. For every group that gets discriminated towards, another group by definition is being discriminated against.

Political correctness has stunted so many common sense decisions that we are now in a country with millions of harmless people who are too scared too help each other out or open their mouth for fear of somebody being 'offended'.

One genius decision I heard about recently involved a little girl from a Preston drama group being told she must walk home alone in the dark because no one was CRB checked. Fortunately, a friend of mine 'rebelled' and drove her home but 20 years ago that situation would have been unthinkable where I grew up.

I'm not advocating racism in any way but we need to take a good hard look at who the bigots really are in a lot of the situations we hear about. Racism, again by definition, works both ways.
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