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15-02-2010, 13:34
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54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
The Tories have published a document claiming that 54% of teenage girls are pregnant before they turn 18, but the real figure is 5.4%
BBC News - Tories criticised over teenage pregnancy figure error
.. it's laughable but worrying to know that the so called well educated Eton tory hierachy actually believed the figure was 54%.. these idiots want to run the economy, I hope they brush up on thier maths before they start making the massive cuts.. scary! 
15-02-2010, 13:36
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
not one to stick up for tories but this clearly looks like somone didnt press the "." button hard enough when typing teh report lol
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15-02-2010, 13:41
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
They are probably just talking about Accrington.
15-02-2010, 13:42
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by accyman
not one to stick up for tories but this clearly looks like somone didnt press the "." button hard enough when typing teh report lol
Looks that way.. but they must have thought it was 54% or they would have spotted it  .. either way they are dumb.
15-02-2010, 13:51
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
The Tories have been attacked as "out of touch" for wrongly claiming more than half of girls in the most deprived areas get pregnant before they turn 18.
It could be worse I suppose, if they had been accused of being 'in touch' and had caused 54% of all pre-eighteen pregnancies!
Oh Mummy what can I do?
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15-02-2010, 15:31
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
It would appear that Mancie is just as confused as his Tory friends. Irrespective of the dancing decimal point, there is a big difference between teenage girls getting pregnant (the conception rate) and those same girls subsequently having a baby. About half of all these pregnancies end in abortion (and that figure is rising). Maybe next time he can try to be more accurate with the title of his thread.
15-02-2010, 15:55
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
It would appear that Mancie is just as confused as his Tory friends. Irrespective of the dancing decimal point, there is a big difference between teenage girls getting pregnant (the conception rate) and those same girls subsequently having a baby. About half of all these pregnancies end in abortion (and that figure is rising). Maybe next time he can try to be more accurate with the title of his thread.
No confusion here.. please enlighten me.. I presume that "conception" would mean the woman is pregnant?  .of course having an abortion would end ..as for me being more accurate are you joking?.. accuracy does not seem to be one of the Tories strong points... can you back up your figures that half of these pregnancies end in abortion?.... tell you what why not just plum for 54%  ...
The Tory party said the conception rate for this age group in the 10 most disadvantaged areas of England was 54%, while the real figure was 5.4%.
Last edited by Mancie; 15-02-2010 at 16:00.
15-02-2010, 16:00
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by Mancie
 .of course having an abortion would end it but can you back up your figures that half of these pregnancies end in abortion?.... tell you what why not just plum for 54%  ...
Err....try the Office for National Statistics. They published some figures a few months ago which appeared in the press.I'm quite sure their website will contain those very same figures.
15-02-2010, 16:04
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Err....try the Office for National Statistics. They published some figures a few months ago which appeared in the press.I'm quite sure their website will contain those very same figures.
Err.. why would I want to trawl through O.N.S stats?.. you are the one talking about accurate figures. 
15-02-2010, 16:12
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by Mancie
Err.. why would I want to trawl through O.N.S stats?.. you are the one talking about accurate figures. 
Typical Mancie clutching at straws when his ship has already sunk 
15-02-2010, 16:18
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re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
Typical Mancie clutching at straws when his ship has already sunk 
I think he's confused and emotional, Jaysay...maybe he's just back from the pub. He did ask previously ask me to back up my figure and I simply suggested he refer to the ONS...but now he suddenly does not want to. I think he should lie down and have a good rest.
15-02-2010, 16:24
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Re: 54% of tenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
Typical Mancie clutching at straws when his ship has already sunk 
Hang on ... the Tories have published a national document stating 54% of teenage girls are pregnant before they reach 18..in real the real world (the world your Eton boys don't seem to live in) it is 5.4%..slightly wrong by about 10 fold.. if this sort of thing is what we can expect from a Tory Government then it won't only be straws we'll be clutching at when we sink! 
15-02-2010, 16:32
Resting in Peace
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Re: 54% of tenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by Mancie
Hang on ... the Tories have published a national document stating 54% of teenage girls are pregnant before they reach 18..in real the real world (the world your Eton boys don't seem to live in) it is 5.4%..slightly wrong by about 10 fold.. if this sort of thing is what we can expect from a Tory Government then it won't only be straws we'll be clutching at when we sink! 
Your missing the point Mancie we've already sunk mate, its the Tories who'll have to raise the ship AGAIN, because every time your chosen form of government is give a chance everything goes tits up big style, only this time they've had longer and its a fare bigger tits up than usual 
15-02-2010, 16:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: 54% of teenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
Typical Mancie clutching at straws when his ship has already sunk 
Somehow suspect there are a couple of mixed metaphors there Jay', but what the hey at least his ship allows him to take a couple of straws with him when it sinks.
Will your ship be that generous to you?
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15-02-2010, 16:39
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Re: 54% of tenage girls have a child before 18.... According to the Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
Your missing the point Mancie we've already sunk mate, its the Tories who'll have to raise the ship AGAIN, because every time your chosen form of government is give a chance everything goes tits up big style, only this time they've had longer and its a fare bigger tits up than usual 
Yeah right I've missed the point..  ...the Tories will raise the ship again.. like 3 day weeks, power cuts, riots, 15% mortgage rates..got to admit there was never a dull moment under the Tories.. oh happy days 
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