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Old 03-10-2015, 21:18   #31
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Which in turn will mean that those small businesses who rely on recycling bags will have to cast off jobs and the major manufacturers of carrier bags will also do the same.....

These guys who think up simplistic ideas without thinking it through should pay heed to this...

China?s Worst Self-Inflicted Environmental Disaster: The Campaign to Wipe Out the Common Sparrow
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Old 03-10-2015, 21:24   #32
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

What burns my ass is that they are charging for plastic bags in order to protect the environment ... which is ok, 'cause the environment is where we live. But just check out how many of the products you buy are packaged in plastic. Even some brands of booze now come in plastic bottles; but you don't get a plastic bag in which to carry them home.
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Old 03-10-2015, 21:48   #33
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Yup..10 cans of Guinness now come in shrink wrap plastic instead of a cardboard box..(only a matter of time before the other brewers cotton on)

It's great..takes less room in the fridge, it's easier to carry two packs from the car to the fridge, and I have less issues with recycling..because..

I had to store the cardboard boxes and remember to put them out on recycling collection day, meanwhile the shrink wrap is chucked into the non recyclable bin the minute I use the last can...and no doubt will end up in a tree the next time we have a strong wind
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Old 03-10-2015, 23:13   #34
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

i hope they dont start putting 20 x carlsberg into plastic wrap instead of a box because so far my " i need the box for ebay " excuse is holding just fine but the box is teh vital part in this scenario
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Old 04-10-2015, 13:58   #35
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

i dont personally think anything we do will effect climate change i think the world will do as it pleases regardless of any efforts

what i do object to is using the fear of impending doom to bleed peoples pockets dry

they made us use energy saving light bulbs that use less electricity.Not only are these bulbs more expensive but because they use less electricity the electricity companies raised the price of electricity to cover the loss in usage of power

whatever way they find to save energy gets negated by someone who relies on products using as much energy as possible

cars now do more mileage to the gallon these days and have fuel saving measures so when these inventions came into play up went the fuel costs.People switched to diesel for more mileage so up shot the price of diesel that used to be half of what petrol was

no matter how we try to help we get punished

two people who wont ever loose out are the government and the big companies especially power and fuel companies who are he ones who should be getting told to clean up their acts not us
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Old 05-10-2015, 09:41   #36
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
they made us use energy saving light bulbs that use less electricity...
...but are full of poisons which do far more damage to the environment than the extra bit carbon dioxide that was made from the additional power for the old-fashioned bulbs

Governments have no idea when it comes to the environment. They have the "save the planet" types on one side and the "make a profit" on the other. The only time a government takes action is when someone can convince it that it's saving the planet whilst making a profit. Usually with a bit of a kickback for the politicians involved.

For example, to qualify for a feed-in-tariff for solar panels, you need to have a certain minimum energy efficiency level for your home. Why? The electricity you are generating would be going towards global warming if it were not for your panels soaking it up instead. You could fill up your storage heaters during the day and leave your doors open at night - the net effect on the climate is zero. That energy would have been released into the environment anyway without the panels to "catch" it.

The biggest single way of improving the score is to replace an immersion heater with a condenser boiler. So you're replacing a simple machine which should really last a lifetime with a complex one that needs replacing every 15 years or so. You're replacing a use for your free electricity with hot water that costs you money. And the real kicker? The "inefficient" immersion heater connected to solar panels has absolutely zero carbon footprint. Even the panels are usually made from recycled glass (the impurities help with generation). With the boiler, you are using up an irreplaceable resource and generating greenhouse gases while you do it.

I'm not an environmentalist or an anti-capitalist. I just hate stupidity when it's from people who should know better.

(Sorry for the rant.)

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Old 05-10-2015, 10:07   #37
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Just like Accyman, I am one of those objectionable creatures..... A climate change denier.
I do not really believe that what man does influences our climate one jot.
How long have we been studying the climate of this planet?
How long has the planet existed?

I just think it is an excuse to make us all feel guilty......and a better excuse to take money off us.

We are an island surrounded by coastline.....there are two tides every day.
What a fantastic way to generate clean we do it? No we don't. Instead we dot the countryside with hideously ugly inefficient wind turbines and pat purselves on the back because we THINK this is going to solve energy problems.

I mentally switch off when those with the Green Agenda start spouting. If I didn't do this it would be detrimental to my health.

By the way hasn't it been mooted that those scientist who were studying climate change 'fudged' the figures to scare us all?
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Old 05-10-2015, 10:54   #38
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

i dont know margaret maybe the dinosours got killed out because they over did it with lynx and back then fuel wouldnt have been unleaded so their cars would have given off ozone killing fumes...

archaeologists did find evidence they left things on standby and not powered off too
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Old 05-10-2015, 11:30   #39
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

I am really quite fed up of those who think this charging 5p for a carrier bag will cause chaos.
Take a bag with you or buy a bag...the choice is yours(I would charge 50p.....that would be a more realistic price if we really want to save the planet)
In Wales they have been charging for carrier bags since 2011......even the charity shops charge 5 pence for a used carrier bag.
The place does not seem to have come to a standstill.

This morning by the building that used to be the tax office there was a white carrier bag stuck in a tree.....not a pleasant sight, but we forget that all our rubbish is bagged up in black plastic bin bags...all going to Landfill...these are not going to degrade any faster than carrier bags so the guff about the damage to the environment is just that, GUFF.

OK so a black bin bag full of domestic waste might not find its way into the gullet of a turtle, or be washed up on a beach in the Seychelles....but it is still not environmentally friendly.

It is time we started to incinerate household waste to provide heat and energy.....but wait....can't do that, it probably would produce so much carbon emission that we would see the planet off by next Tuesday.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 05-10-2015 at 11:33.
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Old 05-10-2015, 11:42   #40
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

enviroMENTALists have long ago got to the stage where they are blaming cow farts for destroying the planet

it wont be long before they start blaming human farts and a fart tax enforced although the tax man will have to try and figure out who done it just like everyone else


im doing my bit im eating the bloody cow
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Old 05-10-2015, 12:15   #41
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

It's simple.
We were given them free with our shopping.
The government don't like us getting anything for free so they insist that we pay for them.
Although it's not obvious, the government will likely get part of the charge in taxes that the company charging have to pay.

Backdoor taxation.
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Old 05-10-2015, 14:55   #42
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i dont know margaret maybe the dinosours got killed out because they over did it with lynx...
T Rex didn't.


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Old 05-10-2015, 19:25   #43
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am really quite fed up of those who think this charging 5p for a carrier bag will cause chaos.
Take a bag with you or buy a bag...the choice is yours(I would charge 50p.....that would be a more realistic price if we really want to save the planet)
In Wales they have been charging for carrier bags since 2011......even the charity shops charge 5 pence for a used carrier bag.
The place does not seem to have come to a standstill.

This morning by the building that used to be the tax office there was a white carrier bag stuck in a tree.....not a pleasant sight, but we forget that all our rubbish is bagged up in black plastic bin bags...all going to Landfill...these are not going to degrade any faster than carrier bags so the guff about the damage to the environment is just that, GUFF.

OK so a black bin bag full of domestic waste might not find its way into the gullet of a turtle, or be washed up on a beach in the Seychelles....but it is still not environmentally friendly.

It is time we started to incinerate household waste to provide heat and energy.....but wait....can't do that, it probably would produce so much carbon emission that we would see the planet off by next Tuesday.
Also the frozen veg plus fresh spuds/carrots, onions etc, are all in plastic bags, anyone that thinks this 5p a bag will help the environment, has got rocks in there head imho.its just another load of crap, thought up by some do-gooder thats clueless.
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Old 05-10-2015, 19:51   #44
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
A climate change denier.

How long has the planet existed?
A climate change denier? A little like Cnut, with some Little Dutch Boy thrown in for good measure

And the earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years, plus or minus 1% ... or, if you go along with Ussher and the Bible, 6019 years ... or it will be 18 days from now. Maybe we should have a birthday party.
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Old 05-10-2015, 20:57   #45
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

earth is having a mid life crisis its ozone is thinning and it cant hold its water as well as it used to hence the rising tides.Lets just hope it dosnt run off with a younger moon
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