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Old 26-01-2016, 04:28   #76
God Member

Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
We bought "For Life" bags in France, a couple of them are around 10 years old now and still fully serviceable - cost was 1E then.

if only they made cars to the same standard
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Accrington Web
Old 18-02-2016, 13:58   #77
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: 5p for a carrier bag

Just been to my local £ shop, first intention was to get some filters and a can of gas to refill all my empty lighters at home.
Second thought was, I haven't brought a carrier bag and to buy one is 5p.
So, as an alternative I bought filters and five throw away plastic lighters.
The tips and the lighters fit into my pockets more easily obviously a saving, of that environment destroying plastic bag. But is it? I have 5 refillable lighters at home each could be used again if I was given a bag to contain my purchases, instead, they will be sent to land fill because throw away plastic lighters are so cheap why should I refill the others?
I wonder, which contains more plastic?

Here's a quick thought, the shop I used said EVERYTHING A POUND, if that's the case how come the bags are only 5p?
Surely they should be offering me 20 bags for a pound just to keep everything right?
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Old 18-02-2016, 14:32   #78
God Member

Re: 5p for a carrier bag

maybe they should do a buy one item get the next one for 95p then charge the 5p for a bag and even things up
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