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25-07-2014, 21:01
Resting in Peace
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
What happened to the thread that said Accrington was picking up ??  
25-07-2014, 21:06
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Originally Posted by Mick
What happened to the thread that said Accrington was picking up ??  
It was probably the 5th worst area last week 
25-07-2014, 21:18
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
“The government have watered down Labour’s measures to tackle this issue
how do you water down not enough or sod all its not as though the problem was been sorted under labour either
mind you the streets did feel safer under labour after that father got an asbo for playing football with his 5 year old child in the street
ASBO's became a badge of honour to kids because they were easy to get and the punishment minimalistic
frankie boyle had teh right idea to call them bender badges instead of ASBO and make them wear them
instead of using these figures to bash the opposition and drop a little dig in why not work together with the opposition in tackling teh problem.Mind you that would be doing the opposite of many years training in council where councilors do nothing but bitch about each other and blame each other for getting sod all done
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
25-07-2014, 21:52
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
at least with labour bobbies were on the beat, people were confident to report crime now crime is ignored as the police are at crisis point . we are just a bunch of plebs. once society gets to the roots of these problems nothing will change.
25-07-2014, 21:52
Coffin Dodger.
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Most folk are well aware of the problems, But theres none so blind as those who can see.  n Cmons as blind as those councillors.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
25-07-2014, 22:38
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
this might sound a bit of old fashioned toryism and socialist but the root of the problem is kids have been institutionalised with being at school then thrown out on their ear if they are academically challenged , everybody is different i like the idea that is being mooted that every body who has left without qualifications will be placed into a work place to bring out the innovative in them and the old skill centres will be set up again. this plus the creation of sustainable jobs out with the service industries would be good.
26-07-2014, 07:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
at least with labour bobbies were on the beat, people were confident to report crime now crime is ignored as the police are at crisis point . we are just a bunch of plebs. once society gets to the roots of these problems nothing will change.
I see just as many police officers 'on the beat' under the Tories as I did when Labour were in power, ZERO. Community Officers riding around on mountain bikes those I often see but the only glimpse of a Police Officer is a blur as they drive past blues and two's going, I don't believe they ever walk anywhere.
So wherever your labour bobbies walked the beat it wasn't around here.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
26-07-2014, 07:34
Coffin Dodger.
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Originally Posted by Less
I see just as many police officers 'on the beat' under the Tories as I did when Labour were in power, ZERO. Community Officers riding around on mountain bikes those I often see but the only glimpse of a Police Officer is a blur as they drive past blues and two's going, I don't believe they ever walk anywhere.
So wherever your labour bobbies walked the beat it wasn't around here.
Most sensible folk are knowing this, I reckon Cmons memory is a result of too much acid when younger. probably why mines not great these days. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
26-07-2014, 20:40
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Blackpool doesn't really count- it imports its yobs on stag parties, hen parties etc. When they've had a fight, been sick and had fun they go home(to Accrington?).
So doesn't that make Hyndburn the best 'worst borough for yobs' in Lancashire?
What has happened to my old home town? Does it actually have any law and order?
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 26-07-2014 at 20:48.
26-07-2014, 21:12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
What has happened to my old home town? Does it actually have any law and order?
Of course it does, but not on a day with a 'y' in it.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
26-07-2014, 23:31
Senior Member
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
Minutes from tonights emergency council meeting..
Item 1...removal of park benches to reduce yob behaviour in parks..
Passed..Councillor Moss pointed out that less than 3 people would complain....Graham Jones MP, asked to speak by special mandate, evidenced this by producing a document from the house of commons which read..'95% of xxx people I've personally spoken to, thought that removing park benches in the town of xxx was justified. Councillor 'lurker' Dawson asked for an addendum that seats be removed from school buses and replaced with the old hanging strap system..'they have it too good these kids nowadays'....
Item 2... striking of council workers complaining of low pay despite council paying 'living wage' as opposed to the 'minimum wage' paid by many private employers.
Passed..Leader of the council Smiles Parkinson said..every public employee deserves to be treated as a special case....big deal if a plague of rats and insects befalls Hyndburn, or that people who can't afford time off work have to arrange expensive emergency childcare or risk losing their jobs, we can score a political point here, sod the nuggets who voted us in..let them eat cake (or they could eat from their dustbins and it's win/win for us)! Besides I'm not actually paying for this, the dupes on minimum wage scraping a living who voted me in are...oh wait I'm supposed to be a Labour candidate aren't I?
During question time, 80 year old Bertha Heckinthwaite rose from the public gallery to point out that Blackburn and Burnley were both investing heavily in town centre shopping and asked the council what did they think would happen if they created a bus station away from Accrington town centre that had fast links to these towns which had actual shops and benches.....All councillors adopted the traditional 'ostrich pose' in response.
The meeting ended with councillors giving their expenses forms to the purser and self congratulations all round.
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
26-07-2014, 23:39
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Re: 6th Worst Area In England
is this joke, so the old and infirm can't have a seat  because the council think removing seats will stop anti-social behaviour .
27-07-2014, 00:15
Senior Member
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
27-07-2014, 08:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: 6th Worst Area In England
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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