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  • 1 Post By MoreJoe
  • 1 Post By Margaret Pilkington
  • 3 Post By Exile on Spencer St
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  • 1 Post By Exile on Spencer St
  • 1 Post By Margaret Pilkington
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Old 24-11-2024, 15:05   #1
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750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

OK people are starting to wake up, or so it would seem.
Here on this side of the pond I have seen very little positive said about the "NEW" Labor Government. On the other hand there has been a lot written about clumsy missteps and citizen suppression.

And all I see on this site is Stanley, Stanley, Stanley.


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Old 24-11-2024, 15:39   #2
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

You are not on your own there MoreJoe.
I come and cast an eye over what is posted hoping(against hope) that there will be something I can post to.

This Labour government is a disgrace and that it is in office at all is a travesty because the majority of the voters in this country did NOT vote for it.
They polled something in the region of 38% of the votes.
So nearly two thirds of the electorate did not want this shower of Fisons anywhere near the Palace of Westminster.

Their budget has trashed the private sector. They are now trumpeting that they will get the unemployed into work.
Doing what exactly because the rise in Employers NI contributions will stop employers from taking on people.
In fact this misguided policy might end up in more people joining those unemployed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 24-11-2024, 15:45   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election
This petition is approaching the one million mark.

I have added a link so that anyone who feels disillusioned with the current government can register their feelings.
I am not sure if this will make any difference, but it might make someone in power sit up and take notice.
‘Never Here Keir’ and his gang need to know of the unrest in the electorate.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-11-2024, 20:59   #4
God Member

Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
This petition is approaching the one million mark.
It was about 350k when I signed this morning. It’s now over 1.5 million - in one day!
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Old 24-11-2024, 21:11   #5
God Member

Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Read this comment t’other day and it just about sums up how the few who voted for Two Kier are treated….

The residents of the SA13 Neath/Port Talbot area voted in the election for 3 labour MPs and 1 LibDem. Now 3000 steel workers have no jobs and more will no doubt be made redundant in the next 5 years.

The postcode NG11 which encompasses Radcliffe on Soar power station voted for 4 MPs, all Labour. Workers there are now jobless.

The postcode FG3 which encompasses Grangemouth is where Scotland's only refinery will close next year. They voted for 3 MPs all Labour.

Talk about turkeys voting for an early Christmas !
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Old 25-11-2024, 02:49   #6
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

One and three quarter million now….only three per cent of Hyndburn electorate have signed this.
Bet the message out there…show this ineptocracy we can see their game plan
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-11-2024, 09:36   #7
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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Actually, looking at the map of constituencies 3% is not bad.
Signing this petition won’t achieve its main purpose but what it will do, exactly like what the WEF lackeys are trying to do to normal people with their woke nonsense, is to cause Two-tier and his Starm Troopers mental anxiety - make them begin to doubt that their own thinking is the ‘norm’.

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Old 25-11-2024, 11:08   #8
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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Now over 2 million.
Deafening silence on the BBC web site, what a surprise.
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Old 25-11-2024, 12:55   #9
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

What a surprise.
Never Here Keir on ITV telling us that he is not listening. That ‘this not how we do things’ -he knows that a minority of the electorate voted in a majority of Labour MPs. That just shows that the voting system does not support democracy.

They promised Change, economic stability and growth.
Then they increase NI contributions. Very clever!
How does that encourage employers to take on workers?
Inflation is rising.
They have taken the winter Fuel Allowance from pensioners and tried to tell us that the uplift in April will be compensation for this.
In the meantime fuel costs go up twice and the goverment have given councils the green light to raise council tax by 5%.
The capped buss fares are going up a quid too…and this is supposed to be the party that supports the worker, the ordinary man
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 27-11-2024, 14:01   #10
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

‘Tin ear Keir was on Morning TV the other day and said the petition won’t make any difference because that is not how democracy works.
But his interview was very weak and showed how few leadership qualities he has.
At PMQ’s today he has given no assurances that there will be no further tax rises.

So it is clear that he disregards the electorate who voted for him because they believed the lies that he told.
Ffom now on he is ‘Tin Ear Keir’.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 27-11-2024, 17:01   #11
God Member

Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Read this comment t’other day and it just about sums up how the few who voted for Two Kier are treated….

The residents of the SA13 Neath/Port Talbot area voted in the election for 3 labour MPs and 1 LibDem. Now 3000 steel workers have no jobs and more will no doubt be made redundant in the next 5 years.

The postcode NG11 which encompasses Radcliffe on Soar power station voted for 4 MPs, all Labour. Workers there are now jobless.

The postcode FG3 which encompasses Grangemouth is where Scotland's only refinery will close next year. They voted for 3 MPs all Labour.

Talk about turkeys voting for an early Christmas !
Voters in Luton, and the 1100 jobs at Vauxhall, can now be added to the list. It will be a long list after another four years of this nonsense.
Keep your balance on The High Wire
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Old 29-11-2024, 13:51   #12
Full Member

Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

Sorry Guys & Gals, but that is not how democracy works!
The government was elected fairly and you cannot just have another election because some of the things that the government are doing is not to your taste!
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Old 30-11-2024, 06:35   #13
Beacon of light

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Re: 750,000 Sign Petition Calling For General Election

We know that is not how democracy works and I think that most of the signatories understand that too.
The petition is just the way for people to register their dismay at how this government is doing just the opposite of what it promised….destroying the things that would promote growth and stability.
However Tin Ear Keir needs to know of the unrest in the country.
The electoral system does not support democracy in its current state.
Yes, Labour MPs were elected to the POW, but the proportion of the electorate who actually voted for this government does not constitute a majority of the electorate.
Only Proprtiona Representation would do that
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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