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Old 09-09-2013, 15:44   #16
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Too many sensible posts on this subject, makes one wonder why the road planners & police authorities who assess road safety cannot reach the same conclusions
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Old 09-09-2013, 16:09   #17
God Member

Re: 80% chance a child will live

because they only give a damn about peoples safety when they can make 60 quid out of it

not one speed camera outside either moorhead or saint christophers and its a 30mph zone indicated by teh smiley face sign thanking you for doing 30 or under yet how many places do we see speed cameras in irrelivant places or mobile speed units parked at places guarenteed to drum up cash and points

just been sat at a green light on dill hall lane waiting for all teh cars to finish shooting through their red light which to me is a more important issue than sticking a speed trap unit over the top hills
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Last edited by accyman; 09-09-2013 at 16:13.
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Old 09-09-2013, 16:48   #18
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I agree. 20mph sign are growing like weeds but not in places you would expect like outside a school on what isn't a main road.

Make it 20mph and stick 2 speed cameras on each side just before the 2 schools should sort out speeding.

While they are at it, if they really do care about child safety they need to do something about the buses collecting children. Neither school should have been given planning permission to extend without building off road bus stops.
Stop planting trees on the land between the road and the schools and build off road bus stops! talk good common sense, but planners do not have this perspective......which is a shame. These measures would do more to ensure child safety than all the 20MPH signs in the world.

After all, if these speed limits are not enforced,(which they don't appear to be) then they are no better than doing nothing.
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Old 09-09-2013, 16:52   #19
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
because they only give a damn about peoples safety when they can make 60 quid out of it
Nail, head...hit! Spot on.
Drivers are seen as a source of endless be taken in any way that is possible.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 09-09-2013, 16:58   #20
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

the 80% child will live slogan is emotional blackmail and not based on stats.

until road planners and the pyscho pressure group brake accept the evidence that speed is not the major cause then maybe, just maybe the nation's approach to road safety may be more joined up.
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Old 09-09-2013, 17:11   #21
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by accybeme View Post
Too many sensible posts on this subject, makes one wonder why the road planners & police authorities who assess road safety cannot reach the same conclusions
I think its the same problem that its always been accybeme, the people who make the decisions don't live anywhere near Hyndburn and it doesn't affect them or their families.
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Old 09-09-2013, 18:21   #22
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by DAV007 View Post
the 80% child will live slogan is emotional blackmail and not based on stats.

until road planners and the pyscho pressure group brake accept the evidence that speed is not the major cause then maybe, just maybe the nation's approach to road safety may be more joined up.

id say the most common cause of pedestrians getting hit by cars is their own negligence.

we should have jaywalking laws like america and put some of teh resposabilty for personal safety back onto the person who wishes to remain safe

if speed really was the be all and end all and government did really give a damn we wouldnt have cars capable of doing 160mph and more.They would be restricted by law like in china where your car is limited via sattelite until you take it to a race track
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Old 09-09-2013, 19:11   #23
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
if speed really was the be all and end all and government did really give a damn we wouldnt have cars capable of doing 160mph and more. race track
If the Muppets in the EU get their way .........

EU plans to fit all cars with speed limiters - Telegraph
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Old 09-09-2013, 19:22   #24
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

I wonder if the 'Green Brigade' have realized that all these cars pottering along at 20MPH will be burning fuel at a great rate? Mine won't even change into 3rd until 30mph and I would imagine even manuals will be happier in 2nd.
Fuel bills will soar, pollution will soar.
The 80% of the kids who survive being knocked down will still die- of the fumes!

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 09-09-2013 at 19:25.
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Old 09-09-2013, 20:21   #25
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

as rick jervais said

hit a child at 30 and theres an %80 chance it will live

hit a child at 40 and theres an %80 chance it will die

encouraging gambleing
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Old 10-09-2013, 07:12   #26

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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post talk good common sense, but planners do not have this perspective......which is a shame. These measures would do more to ensure child safety than all the 20MPH signs in the world.

After all, if these speed limits are not enforced,(which they don't appear to be) then they are no better than doing nothing.
The other way to make that road safer would be to put railings up outside the schools and a couple of crossings with lights on. They don't appear to like doing that any more though.

My primary school - yes it is still there and hasn't fallen down yet - had railings outside it from the car park to the school and along a stretch of footpath opposite so you couldn't step into the road and is on a 30mph road. It's opposite the Foxfields and Mytton Fold.

Here is a link if it works,,0,29.92&z=21
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Old 10-09-2013, 10:48   #27
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

we used to get taught road safety at school and had weekly lessons which were basically the tufty club.We also had teh green cross code man but adverts advising children have but all dissappeared and now a new tactic of emotional blackmail is been used towards drivers

what government dont realise is that if kids are running out willy nilly into the road and acting daft theres no amount of pre loaded guilt that is going to help a driver avoid them only sheer luck.

drivers are far too occupied looking at their speedo when approaching a camera, keeping an eye out for mobile speed traps and trying to make head from tail of all the road signs , looking out for potholes and exessive road markings to be worrying about what might be acting like a pratt near the roads edge.

Oh and whoever started this trend of putting zebra crossings at roundabout exits needs shooting in the head they should be a lot further down the road they only serve to cause accidents especially at rush hour
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Old 10-09-2013, 14:20   #28
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
I wonder if the 'Green Brigade' have realized that all these cars pottering along at 20MPH will be burning fuel at a great rate? Mine won't even change into 3rd until 30mph and I would imagine even manuals will be happier in 2nd.
Actually I was wrong there- checked it today- into 3rd at 20, into 4th at 30.
It still will be guzzling at 20!
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Old 10-09-2013, 14:36   #29
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Actually I was wrong there- checked it today- into 3rd at 20, into 4th at 30.
It still will be guzzling at 20!
i have a 2 litre diesil and get much better fuel economy at *** mph than at 20

take *** to mean what you will but its somewhere between 0mph and 165mph
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Old 12-09-2013, 17:29   #30
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Re: 80% chance a child will live

was driving down harvey street today and couldnt help wonder why it is 20mph for 100 yards past the garage,spray shop and tyre place then inreased to a 30mphz zone past the playing fields on either side of teh road where children play football and events for children are held.

can hardly claim they put 20mph zones up for child safety if thats how they think lol

mind you the 20mph or 30mph zones havnt stopped folk doing speeds of around 70 down harvey street in their saubrus and saxo's etc although quite often you can see people doing the same who you wuold think would know better with children in their car doing just as much speed as the most enthusiastic boy racer
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