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08-09-2013, 17:27
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80% chance a child will live
according to the advert if you hit a child at 30 mph theres an %80 chance it will live
these seem acceptable odds only leaving %20 of their own safety in their own hands
so with these figures why have lancashire county council decided to remove what were already annoying speedbumps along queens road west and replaced them with mountains
joking aside they are a tad excessive i was only doing 20 and it felt like i had hit a wall.Perhaps they guy who makes teh slopes for speedbumps was off that day ?
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08-09-2013, 19:22
re: 80% chance a child will live
I think they are more dangerous than not having them. Drivers are now concentrating on the lumps and trying to decide how to swerve all over the road to try and avoid them instead of looking what or who is coming towards them or trying to cross the road. It's the same in Audley Blackburn where they have them, the cars drive down the middle of the road trying to avoid the lumps.
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08-09-2013, 20:28
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re: 80% chance a child will live
They will be worn out by Christmas anyway as usual !!
08-09-2013, 20:39
Coffin Dodger.
re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by Neil
I think they are more dangerous than not having them. Drivers are now concentrating on the lumps and trying to decide how to swerve all over the road to try and avoid them instead of looking what or who is coming towards them or trying to cross the road. It's the same in Audley Blackburn where they have them, the cars drive down the middle of the road trying to avoid the lumps.
That sums it up very well, i certainly try to avoid em H.B.C. sure will not pay fer any damage to our cars, They are far more dangerous cos me n many others try to avoid n whoever decided to install this stupidity is way too thick to see it. 
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08-09-2013, 22:07
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re: 80% chance a child will live
I think they are trying to get cars off the road, Humps and those stupid bus stops that come out into the road and those pedestrian refuge islands, its soon going to be safer driving on the pavement.
09-09-2013, 01:34
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re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by Neil
I think they are more dangerous than not having them. Drivers are now concentrating on the lumps and trying to decide how to swerve all over the road to try and avoid them instead of looking what or who is coming towards them or trying to cross the road. It's the same in Audley Blackburn where they have them, the cars drive down the middle of the road trying to avoid the lumps.
those at audly are dangerous period and boy do you know about it if you hit one.If however you manage to dodge the ones on queens road west you are greeted by giant potholes.Maybe instead of building mountains tehy should have filled holes first
way i see it is if its a 30mph zone a car should be able to go over a speedbump at 30mph without risk of damage to the driver or their car.If they want people to go slower drop the speed limit and stick speed a camera up. I do find it odd however that these so called safety cameras are installed just after traffic lights on whalley road yet not outside eithe rof the two schools moorhead or saint christophers.Its as though these "safety " cameras wernt been located for peoples safety but to make money.
perish teh thought
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09-09-2013, 01:36
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re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by davemac
I think they are trying to get cars off the road, Humps and those stupid bus stops that come out into the road and those pedestrian refuge islands, its soon going to be safer driving on the pavement.
they deliberatly put the bus stops protruding into the road as a traffic calming measure
basically hold up traffic and cause backlogs which has only led to idiots who dont want to give way when they should to drive on the wrong side of teh road to get past the bus.
kind of ironic how these traffic calming measures do teh exact opposite
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09-09-2013, 07:40
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re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by accyman
they deliberatly put the bus stops protruding into the road as a traffic calming measure
basically hold up traffic and cause backlogs which has only led to idiots who dont want to give way when they should to drive on the wrong side of teh road to get past the bus.
kind of ironic how these traffic calming measures do teh exact opposite
I could not agree more.
However the amount of times I see idiots doing exactly that with parked cars, Dill Hall Lane for example, makes my blood boil. To cap it all they don't even slow down and make nice gestures to you when you try to assert your right of way.
Traffic calming, more like road rage 
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
09-09-2013, 09:09
re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by accyman
those at audly are dangerous period and boy do you know about it if you hit one.If however you manage to dodge the ones on queens road west you are greeted by giant potholes.Maybe instead of building mountains tehy should have filled holes first
way i see it is if its a 30mph zone a car should be able to go over a speedbump at 30mph without risk of damage to the driver or their car.If they want people to go slower drop the speed limit and stick speed a camera up. I do find it odd however that these so called safety cameras are installed just after traffic lights on whalley road yet not outside eithe rof the two schools moorhead or saint christophers.Its as though these "safety " cameras wernt been located for peoples safety but to make money.
perish teh thought
I agree. 20mph sign are growing like weeds but not in places you would expect like outside a school on what isn't a main road.
Make it 20mph and stick 2 speed cameras on each side just before the 2 schools should sort out speeding.
While they are at it, if they really do care about child safety they need to do something about the buses collecting children. Neither school should have been given planning permission to extend without building off road bus stops.
Stop planting trees on the land between the road and the schools and build off road bus stops!
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09-09-2013, 11:35
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Re: 80% chance a child will live
When LCC altered the end of the Dunkenhalgh way by-pass to a sharp blind corner with shrubbery they created an accident black spot. Almost every other day you can see, or see evidence of a smash on that awful idea yet nothing done about it not even clearing the greenery and trees. In fact they made visibility worse for drivers by adding a blind spot to the right as well as the left by sticking up a huge set of black and white arrows.
I don't know what their intention was because when travelling down that stretch of road it becomes clear very quickly that there's a huge roundabout and you ain't going through it.
The amount of money wasted on these 20mph signs must be staggering and its not as though its compulsory its a choice made by some halfwit somewhere up the ladder or chain in command of the "I HATE CARS" department. Surely there were other pressing matters that needed money and other areas seem to be getting along fine without 20mph road signs on streets no longer than 20 yards.
On Harvey street there is one of those mind your speed signs set to 20mph that like to try and tell you off by flashing at you for a stretch no longer than 100 yards and a 20mph sign to match it.The sign only ever works for a day at most because it can't handle the 50mph upwards readings and shuts down. Happen a good job it isn't facing the other way I've seen cars pulling at least 70 mph down Harvey street and they don't stop in case kids are coming out of the houses at Foxfields on their bikes either.
When I was a lad we were taught road safety its about time peoples safety was put back into their own hands and not reliant on a small circle with a number on it or a speed bump.
I'm not suggesting it should be a free for all but our roads and lamp posts are littered with so much information and squiggles of white paint or red tarmac it's a wonder anyone is concentrating on the actual driving part.
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by Neil; 09-09-2013 at 12:05.
09-09-2013, 11:47
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Re: 80% chance a child will live
Originally Posted by Neil
I agree. 20mph sign are growing like weeds but not in places you would expect like outside a school on what isn't a main road.
outside saint johns school there is a 20mp limit set for when school is either finishing or starting.The rest of teh day it is 30mph unlike most of accrington that is 20mph 24 hours per day.
im begining to wonder how slow we have to go before it actually becomes teh pedestrians fault for not looking where they are going or their own stupidity.Some peopel seem to think it is tehir right to just step out infront of a moving car and dont seem to understand that metal breaks bone
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
09-09-2013, 12:08
Re: 80% chance a child will live
The 20 mph at either end of Harvey Street is stupid.
There are still a lot of 20 zones in Accy & Blackburn that are not enforceable because they don't meet the correct requirements for zones - usually they have no traffic calming preventing you travelling at more than 20mph
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09-09-2013, 12:14
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Re: 80% chance a child will live
theres a simple explination as to why blackburn has got just as bad and thats that after screwing up accrington the guy with no driving licence was transfered to blackburn to continue his terrible work.
i dont think i had ever seen a street that was 1/4 one way until they did exactly that to the road that has the rear entrance to accy vic on it.I should be able to remember its name it was on my paper round for 5 years and i grew up almost next to it lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
09-09-2013, 12:33
Re: 80% chance a child will live
Garden Street?
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09-09-2013, 14:58
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Re: 80% chance a child will live
yeah thats it lol
yet another example of LCC's finest moments
you would think not having a driving licence would be a big flashing warning light when it comes to employing someone to design a road system lol although im not sure the 1/4 one way street was his doing it seems idiotic thinking is handed down the line of command lol
if they must insist on 1 way on taht street at least make the area 1 way so theres less chance of problems arising.Owent street etc is a complete nightmare
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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