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Old 07-08-2006, 23:13   #1
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lex luther's Avatar


Ok i have just watched a documentary on the thing called "loose change" the real terriosts to me are the ones in the white house you wanna watch this film trust me.

A lot of people are saying that a plane didnt crash into washington ok and that the intence heat made it vaporise on contact it would only be the third in history to do so and may you ask about the first and second these took place on the same day in new york.

If the heat was that intence and melted the planes how could they identify and recover the bodys let me get this right bodys will burn in less heat than a full plane, and how did it manage to get through four steel reinforced walls the only thing that can do that is a missle and if it did hit the lawn were was the big crater also if you look on satlite photos two days before 9/11 why is there a strange white line appearing out of no where leading right up to the point where the plane hit.

also the plane was meant to have hit five lamp posts and carried on in 1993 a plane in america hit one lamp post and crashed...does it make you wonder also what happend to the passengers on the plane that was forced down by the passngers trying to be hero's there wasnt one drop of blood at the site no even a crater there was a hole that looked to be dug by man.

also beneath the world trade center is a gold bank, why two months after the debri was moved did they find trucks and cars in a tunnel under-neath in like a convoy with the gold lauded up, also watch as the towers come down youll see white flashes like plastic exploisve being used to destroy normal builidings becuase in new york a plane once crashed into the empire state building destorying five floors and burning on for some time it didnt fall down.

also ever heard of 757 test, it was a remote controled 757 which sucefullys was flew and landed very well and why was 11 of the terriosts on the list handed out by the fbi after 9/11 who were surposed to have done act still alive now and why was there bodys not exaimed.

whats are your thoughts on this also why where the phone calls off the plane victims to there family strange when calling your own mother have your said your full name ?

if anyone has anything please add even useful links will do and maybe this should be maken a sticky with all the 9/11 threads now and again.

(Sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes i may have made)
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Old 08-08-2006, 00:42   #2
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KIPAX's Avatar

Re: 9/11

Never heard so much utter tripe in all my life.. As for the robebry theory.. Just like die hard 3 eh...

What happened, happened.. lets not make a mockery of it with fairy stories..
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Old 08-08-2006, 02:38   #3
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Re: 9/11

i bet there's a guy in a white vest thinkin wrong place wrong time...
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Old 08-08-2006, 04:34   #4
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Re: 9/11

yep, the same folks who believe this conspiracy stuff also believe George Bush is a member of MENSA , sorry .....but both theories are wrong
Although.............I have allways wondered why , when domestic flights in the US during the summer months of 2001 were flying at 90%+ occupancy the flights which crashed were only carrying a passenger load of 50%+/-
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Old 08-08-2006, 07:50   #5
those were the days's Avatar

Re: 9/11

I watched a Dvd called In Plane Sight, docomentury made by POWERHOUSE you`ve probably heard of it, an American radio station.

All i can say is it does ask some questions watch it and see what you make of it
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Old 08-08-2006, 07:58   #6
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Re: 9/11

As with all events that cant really be compihended then the "conspiracy theory" allways rears its ugly head. The company I work for had personel in the buildings some who survived and some that died and they would more than likely refute it was a conspiracy and tell you it was exactly as it is ie a murderous terrorist act. To even think that there is something other than what it is shows no respect for those people that died or those that during and after it fought to save others.

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Old 08-08-2006, 08:13   #7
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andrewb's Avatar

Re: 9/11

Read about the video, and many of its external links. Obviously not everything can be proved as some of it is assumptions, but it shows that an awfull lot of this is completly wrong. Not that I believed it for a second anyway.

Heres a small preview:
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Factual inaccuracies

The film states that New York's Empire State Building was hit by a B-52 in 1945. It was actually a B-25 Mitchell, an aircraft less than one-third the size of a B-52 (the B-52 was not in service in 1945). The authors have since acknowledged this error and apologized.

The film suggests that there is a rumour claiming $167 billion in gold was stored in vaults beneath the World Trade Center, and that only $200 million of that amount was recovered. This amount would have exceeded the entire amount of U.S. gold reserves by approximately $67 billion, and would be about 56% of the world's gold reserves in September, 2001. In fact, all of the approximately $230 million in precious metals stored in the vaults beneath the WTC was recovered. [10]

The film focuses on the wrong type of engine for Flight 77. Bollyn, the reporter of American Free Press that Loose Changes uses, had contacted the factory in Indiana which makes engines for small planes like the Cessna Citation and Global Hawk, rather than the plant in Quebec that overhauls the 757 engines or the factory in Derby, England. Loose Change implies 757's only have Pratt & Whitney engines made of steel and titanium alloy. This is incorrect, because the engines used in Flight 77 are Rolls-Royce engines. [11]
formerly cyfr
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Old 08-08-2006, 14:20   #8
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Re: 9/11

I've seen a link somewhere can't remember where, if I find it I'll post it but it was to a site all about this
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Old 08-08-2006, 14:36   #9
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Re: 9/11

i know who is realy responsible for the 9/11 attacks..

some sod ordered 2 jumbos from the hotdog stall outside the twin towers and the order got mixed up along the way
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Old 08-08-2006, 14:50   #10
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Re: 9/11

some people claim it couldnt have been the airplanes that did it.
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Old 08-08-2006, 16:46   #11
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Re: 9/11

the twin towers were built out of lego it had to happen sooner or later
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Old 08-08-2006, 19:18   #12
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Re: 9/11

There is now way that the twin towers were brought down by them planes becuase there were explosives in the buildings and before people how could they get there, several weeks before most of the floors at the trade center were evauated for strange drills and a few days after Sniffing dogs were removed from the trade center for un-known reasons and 2 months before the owner of the Wtc took out a 7.7 millon insurance policy which coverd terriost attacks the trade center was built to with stand a plane crashes and fires as well as hurricanes, so why two planes which only took out 4 or 5 floors destroy both towers and why did the second tower which was hit by the second plane fall first.

also the bulidings coming down looked like planned demolition, there is no way get fuel which burns at 2000 fharenheit melted high grade steel which melts at 3000f, there for the trade center was brought down in a controlled demoliton and to back this up in july 2001 in new york two bulidings were brought down in a controlled explosion for no reason and the lot remains vacant to now, 9/11 was levrage for bush to say what he wants when he wants the same for englands 7/7 attacks how convineiant there happend in the same week they tried to introduce id cards to stop terror alerts.

I still respect everyone's beliefs even though i may not agree with them, also the gold bit wasnt a fairy story they did find the trucks also in Die hard 3 lol it happend in a bank becuase he was "Having a very bad day" before being told to go out onto a street with a sign.

Also the other the plane which the so called passnegers brought down how come no bodys where found at the crash site not even a single drop of blood was found, The stuff i have found about Flight 93 is little but i know that plane did not crash into the ground. Something happened to it but what? The whole-in-the-ground with a lump of metal in it people claimed to be flight 93 was not real unless it was blasted out the air. I dont know what happened to flight 93, no one really does.

Unfotunatly, some people still try and blame muslims even though there is NO proof,
Here is something that makes the pentagon a COMPLETELY fake; planes have crosswinds

I also i would like to say sorry if i offended anyone with this 9/11 post or the 7/7 bomb attacks and am truly but i belive that the world needs answers.
News reporters and other camera crews got to the Pentagon quite quickly. People from around said it wa a plane, everyone was shocked, no one could be definate though. The only way to tell is the videos from a gas station, the hotel (of which i cant remember the name) and the traffic one. All of which have been conviscated by the FBI. The hotel workers have been warned not to tell anyone what they saw on that tape....why the cover up.
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Old 08-08-2006, 20:53   #13
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Re: 9/11

If this was some big mass conspiracy, and the Bush administration really did cause the towers crashing down as you believe, then why the hell would they allow some guy who can't get his facts right (the creator of loose change) spill the beans? Surly if they were gonna kill 3000people or whatever it was, they'd not really give a damn about shutting some guy up trying to uncover everything?

Oh and the whole steel thing, the way you write it you seem to suggest that at 2999f the steel is completly solid and has 100% strength. Then suddenly it loses it all at 3000f, well just use logic, of course its going to be much weaker under 2000 degrees, it dosn't need to completly melt does it.

See for a complete rundown on everything.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 08-08-2006 at 21:18.
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Old 08-08-2006, 23:08   #14
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Re: 9/11

you've seen that site then lex. I can't find the url, but it was interesting. They say there was a flash at ground level just before the towers came down, and also they exported the scrap, before it could be examined properly.
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Old 09-08-2006, 10:34   #15
those were the days's Avatar

Re: 9/11

Have any of you seen the information about the Pentagon site, where measurements to the damaged area were compared to teh measurements of a plane etc.. and how in such a high security place such as the pentagon only one security camera was able to show anything. also eye witness reports broadcast live at the time never to be repeated again in future footage described a missile heading for the pentagon.

The flash, hatter, i saw the info about that too, apparantly a flash was seen prior to impact of the plane into the tower, which could have possibly been some sort of detonator device? And also how fire crew interviewed said when the tower was coming down it was like a series of explosions.

try this site:

All i can say for DEFINATE is Whoever for whatever reason did this to so many innocent people is disgusting, and what a waste of wonderful llife for too many innocent victims. May there families find peace amongst the mess .
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