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Old 16-09-2008, 18:28   #16
Senior Member
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Re: A Highly Emotive Topic.

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Not if your husband/father/grandad gets kicked to death due to mistaken identity.

Don't forget the incident where a paediatrician was attacked because the locals had misunderstood and thought someone had said he was a paedophile.

There are some very unintelligent people about.
I know i kind of backed away from what i said at first when i realised what the implications could be.
I wasn't really thinking when i wrote it i'm afraid.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Accrington Web
Old 16-09-2008, 21:13   #17
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Re: A Highly Emotive Topic.

I think one problem is always overlooked.

If paedophiles are aware of this kind of information being readily available to any family they come into contact with, it actually makes them more likely to use someone elses identity in order to lead a normal life or forces them underground.

The police are already of the whereabouts of paedophiles and what risks there are when they are released from prison and they are monitored and no doubt given some form of counselling in most instances. The country isn't over run with previously convicted paedophiles so they aren't hard to keep track of really. It is the ones that haven't been caught yet that are the biggest threat and the release of any amount of information isn't going to stop these ones.

I know I'm in a minority who probably thinks this, but perhaps for the sake of protecting this information we shouldn't release it like this at all.

I have always viewed paedophilia as a type of mentality and not necessarily one that can be 'cured' but at least controlled. There have been instances of paedophiles knowing how they feel towards children is wrong but being unable to control their urges, the law even covers it because it's recognised enough medically. Is it fair to keep them running from the community to another when in reality they recognise their problem and need help, WANT help? Some paedophiles don't, I wont deny that...

This is just such a complex problem, it isn't really a 'yes, that will solve the problem' 'no, that wont', because there isn't really just one problem with this issue at all, but many many problems that can't all be dealt with the same.

We should really respect the people who are trying to put together laws and policies like this one that attempt to deal with such intensely complicated and important issues, because it must not be easy at all. Even a straight forward issue of capital punishment you might think would help, but again it's just something else to drive them underground. And out of sight from the public eye doesn't imply safety for children in the slightest.
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