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Old 30-11-2007, 20:10   #16
God Member


Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

There are shops here that won't serve people who don't look twenty five without ID. The off licence near the Oakleigh is one of them.
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Old 30-11-2007, 20:26   #17
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
My comment was about Asda at Grimshaw Park, Blackburn and far from being wrong was spot on. Not Asda in Hull Cyfr or any other Asda. It was written clear enough for all to see. Not only do you need glasses Tealeaf but a functioning brain as well.[/SIZE][/FONT]

In my defence I was merely giving further information to say that if this rule is in Blackburn, its not in Hull, so its not a national thing.
formerly cyfr
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Old 30-11-2007, 20:39   #18
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Cool Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
He still won't agree with you. If you stood the sign up his **** he would still argue about it.
As one eloquent Scottish judge was heard to declare when passing judgement on a case involving toll fees, “A sign should state what it means, and mean what it states.”

I don’t care what signs there are in the rest of the world, the ones at Asda at Grimshaw Park in Blackburn state nothing about having to prove you are over 18 before being able to buy booze.

I can’t quote the sign verbatim but the message is quite clear. If you can’t prove you are over 21 you cannot buy booze.

Go and see for yourself.
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Old 30-11-2007, 23:31   #19
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
You know entwisi it would be ever so nice if you read what was actually written before commenting on what you THINK was written. Oh! Hang on! I forgot you are a tech god so you know everything.

There is no mention of 18 years of age on the Asda checkout notices WillowTheWhisp. If there had been I would have mentioned it. Do try and keep up to reality.

You have bad habit there Aleks – talking to someone who doesn’t exist. There is no JB registered as a member of this forum. Not even a JB lad. You don’t happen to have a large grey rabbit sitting next to you whilst you watch TV by any chance do you? I suppose that you have to pity the mentally afflicted but they shouldn’t be let out without supervision.

Ah! Good old Tealeaf has crawled out from under his stone with some pearls of wisdom. I was expecting supercilious comments from ‘know it all tech god’ entwisi and ‘opinion about everything’ WillowTheWhisp and ‘talking to imaginary people’ Aleks plus a few others but I forgot about you.

I don’t care about what notices are posted in pubs, off-licences and other supermarkets Tealeaf. My comment was about Asda at Grimshaw Park, Blackburn and far from being wrong was spot on. Not Asda in Hull Cyfr or any other Asda. It was written clear enough for all to see. Not only do you need glasses Tealeaf but a functioning brain as well.

Oh! By the way Tealeaf! Would you be so kind as to lead me to the Asda supermarket in Darwen? I’ve searched the length and breadth of Darwen and I can’t find it. Could it possibly be because there isn’t an Asda supermarket in Darwen. So now who got it totally wrong?

Have you ever considered engaging your brain – that’s the wobbly grey matter between your ears – before spouting off? It would be a first if you did.

Now – whom shall I select for some negative Karma for being such a pratt? Nah! I can’t be bothered. I know! Why don't you all take a leaf (a Tealeaf?) out of Aleks’ book and imagine you all got some negative Karma.
Entwisti was right actually, asda was actually one of the first companies to stop selling tobacco to under 18's before the law was actually finalised, at least in my local asda anyway, and has the ability to do the same with alcohol even if it isn't actually written in law that thats policy. Policy doesn't have to be formally written in law, thats why its policy.
Also his explanation of the law is spot on aswell and the way he explains it with the example of the speed limit is good aswell.

If ASDA dont want to sell you something they dont have to, and that stands for any product whether its got age restrictions or not. Different stores might have different policies on it and sell to over 18's or just over 21's, but both are legal and it is not making their own laws, it comes under the law of contract.
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Old 30-11-2007, 23:33   #20
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
As one eloquent Scottish judge was heard to declare when passing judgement on a case involving toll fees, “A sign should state what it means, and mean what it states.”

I don’t care what signs there are in the rest of the world, the ones at Asda at Grimshaw Park in Blackburn state nothing about having to prove you are over 18 before being able to buy booze.

I can’t quote the sign verbatim but the message is quite clear. If you can’t prove you are over 21 you cannot buy booze.

Go and see for yourself.
Scottish law is different than English law...
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Old 01-12-2007, 10:57   #21
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

From Asda's press centre:

ASDA and Responsible Retailing

All ASDA stores in the UK (apart from those undertaking the trial) have a strict policy of only serving customers who look over 21, and refusing to serve anyone who is already under the influence of alcohol.

Seems Jambutty's a little slow off the mark (must be his age). The press release is dated April 2007. Asda Press Centre
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 01-12-2007, 13:38   #22
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

its not just asda alot of places have now put the age up its the same with cigarettes now have to be eightteen
R C Cochrane
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Old 01-12-2007, 13:51   #23
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Dosn't matter what the law says or what restrictions shops supermarkets etc put in place those not meant to have the products always will find a way. There are some who buy it for those not old enough and despite the possibility of being arrested themselves. No matter what happens they will always be a way to get it.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 01-12-2007, 18:38   #24
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

Oh! By the way Tealeaf! Would you be so kind as to lead me to the Asda supermarket in Darwen? I’ve searched the length and breadth of Darwen and I can’t find it. Could it possibly be because there isn’t an Asda supermarket in Darwen.
Oh dear. So there is no Asda in Darwen! And there was I, being nice and kind to 'ol Jambutty, suggesting he goes to his local Asda rather than the one in Blackburn, and what do I get for my honest mistake? A wild and totally undeserved tirade. Mind you, I suspect the reason there is no Asda store in this town is the Asda bosses took one look at the typical Darwen customer profile and decided to give it a big miss. After all, would you want some grumpy git blocking the checkout counters with rants about the law and insulting all and sundry staff and customers? No, it would'nt be worth the hassle.
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Old 01-12-2007, 18:48   #25
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
You know entwisi it would be ever so nice if you read what was actually written before commenting on what you THINK was written. Oh! Hang on! I forgot you are a tech god so you know everything.

There is no mention of 18 years of age on the Asda checkout notices WillowTheWhisp. If there had been I would have mentioned it. Do try and keep up to reality.

You have bad habit there Aleks – talking to someone who doesn’t exist. There is no JB registered as a member of this forum. Not even a JB lad. You don’t happen to have a large grey rabbit sitting next to you whilst you watch TV by any chance do you? I suppose that you have to pity the mentally afflicted but they shouldn’t be let out without supervision.

Ah! Good old Tealeaf has crawled out from under his stone with some pearls of wisdom. I was expecting supercilious comments from ‘know it all tech god’ entwisi and ‘opinion about everything’ WillowTheWhisp and ‘talking to imaginary people’ Aleks plus a few others but I forgot about you.

I don’t care about what notices are posted in pubs, off-licences and other supermarkets Tealeaf. My comment was about Asda at Grimshaw Park, Blackburn and far from being wrong was spot on. Not Asda in Hull Cyfr or any other Asda. It was written clear enough for all to see. Not only do you need glasses Tealeaf but a functioning brain as well.

Oh! By the way Tealeaf! Would you be so kind as to lead me to the Asda supermarket in Darwen? I’ve searched the length and breadth of Darwen and I can’t find it. Could it possibly be because there isn’t an Asda supermarket in Darwen. So now who got it totally wrong?

Have you ever considered engaging your brain – that’s the wobbly grey matter between your ears – before spouting off? It would be a first if you did.

Now – whom shall I select for some negative Karma for being such a pratt? Nah! I can’t be bothered. I know! Why don't you all take a leaf (a Tealeaf?) out of Aleks’ book and imagine you all got some negative Karma.
Goodness me what an incredibly aggressive response. Has it not occurred to you that as everyone else seems to be more or less in agreement with each other that you quite possibly could be mistaken in your condemnation of the ASDA at Grimshaw Park? I really must pop over there one day to have a look at these notices which have caused such a kerfuffle.

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Old 01-12-2007, 19:15   #26
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

I've just done a quick google and the scheme is called "Challenge 21" Most of the posters etc do seem to mention the age 18 but not all of them do.

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Old 01-12-2007, 23:08   #27
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
You know entwisi it would be ever so nice if you read what was actually written before commenting on what you THINK was written. Oh! Hang on! I forgot you are a tech god so you know everything.

Nice rant, only one problem. The stuff I posted was correct factual information. So no matter what YOU believe what I said was accurate, factual and more importantly TO THE POINT. YOu started ranting in an ill informed position and once again go off on one when someone sets you straight.

If you were only so not hung up on a simple tag line. I also see it doesn't get in YOUR way when YOU ask for help and I offer it(see many requests for technical help).

Perhaps as a Tech God I'm expected to be a spotty 15 YO in a room full of computers with no life away from binary. Well, get this, I'm not.

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Old 02-12-2007, 00:27   #28
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

I make an assumption here , and as we know we should never assume, but I thought by posting a thread on a site such as this, then one illicit’s the viewpoint of others. To harangue the subsequent posters in this thread in such an abusive manner ………..have some respect mister jambutty
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:21   #29
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
Nice rant, only one problem. The stuff I posted was correct factual information. So no matter what YOU believe what I said was accurate, factual and more importantly TO THE POINT. YOu started ranting in an ill informed position and once again go off on one when someone sets you straight.

If you were only so not hung up on a simple tag line. I also see it doesn't get in YOUR way when YOU ask for help and I offer it(see many requests for technical help).

Perhaps as a Tech God I'm expected to be a spotty 15 YO in a room full of computers with no life away from binary. Well, get this, I'm not.
Its JBs way or the highway as always ian

Are you not? always had that sort of image of you lol
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:30   #30
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?

As a newcomer, I havn't seen aggressive behaviour untill now, and I feel that, originally, a question was asked, people answered, rightly or wrongly, and as an opinion, it matters and is that persons opinion, but to then be castigated in such a manner seems at least extreme, I am in agreement JB that you may not agree with the REQUESTED responses, but do feel, especially at this time of year, that a more pleasant response would have been appropriate, there is usually no call for personal attack. Oh, this is just an opinion too, but I feel some will agree and some will not, THAT, is thier god given right!
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