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02-12-2007, 12:41
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by derekgas
As a newcomer, I havn't seen aggressive behaviour untill now, and I feel that, originally, a question was asked, people answered, rightly or wrongly, and as an opinion, it matters and is that persons opinion, but to then be castigated in such a manner seems at least extreme, I am in agreement JB that you may not agree with the REQUESTED responses, but do feel, especially at this time of year, that a more pleasant response would have been appropriate, there is usually no call for personal attack. Oh, this is just an opinion too, but I feel some will agree and some will not, THAT, is thier god given right!
Because its nearly christmas?
02-12-2007, 12:46
Coffin Dodger.
Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by derekgas
As a newcomer, I havn't seen aggressive behaviour untill now, and I feel that, originally, a question was asked, people answered, rightly or wrongly, and as an opinion, it matters and is that persons opinion, but to then be castigated in such a manner seems at least extreme, I am in agreement JB that you may not agree with the REQUESTED responses, but do feel, especially at this time of year, that a more pleasant response would have been appropriate, there is usually no call for personal attack. Oh, this is just an opinion too, but I feel some will agree and some will not, THAT, is thier god given right!
dont worry mate ya aint seen nothing yet  whilst agreeing with you,this is just a minor spat. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-12-2007, 12:48
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
He is just a grumpy old man
I have been known to be a grumpy old woman at times 
02-12-2007, 12:51
Coffin Dodger.
Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
He is just a grumpy old man
I have been known to be a grumpy old woman at times 
think she may mean me as well. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-12-2007, 13:20
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by cashman
think she may mean me as well. 
NEVER........ always found you CHARMING 
02-12-2007, 13:43
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I really must pop over there one day to have a look at these notices which have caused such a kerfuffle.
Don't bother!! save your fuel and go to the Off License on Willows Lane 
They have one of these posters. When I asked about the 21 thingy, they said ' you have to look over 21, or we will ask for I.D '
If I had read the sign before opening my gob, it does state it on the sign lol.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
02-12-2007, 17:50
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by blazey
Scottish law is different than English law...
I don’t recall saying that the Scottish judge was referring to Scottish law or was even passing his judgment in Scotland.
As one eloquent Scottish judge was heard to declare when passing judgement on a case involving toll fees, “A sign should state what it means, and mean what it states.”
Nope! There is nothing there to suggest where the comment was made.
But as usual the self-opinionated don’t read what has been written much less understand and then jump to conclusions.
02-12-2007, 17:54
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Clutching at straws JB? Seems not many people share your view point so whats the next boring topic from you?
02-12-2007, 18:05
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by Jambutty
But as usual the self-opinionated don’t read what has been written much less understand and then jump to conclusions
Dear Mr. Butty,
Please arrange the following words into a well-known phrase or proverb: black the pot the kettle calling
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
02-12-2007, 18:05
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Oh dear. So there is no Asda in Darwen! And there was I, being nice and kind to 'ol Jambutty, suggesting he goes to his local Asda rather than the one in Blackburn, and what do I get for my honest mistake? A wild and totally undeserved tirade. Mind you, I suspect the reason there is no Asda store in this town is the Asda bosses took one look at the typical Darwen customer profile and decided to give it a big miss. After all, would you want some grumpy git blocking the checkout counters with rants about the law and insulting all and sundry staff and customers? No, it would'nt be worth the hassle.
You mean that there you were trying to be sarcastically clever and it backfired on you, made you look a right chump and now you are trying to wriggle out of it. Go and get some lessons from Teflon Tony. He wouldn’t have looked out of place in a tin of maggots.
Wrong again Tealeaf (isn’t that slang for something?) I am a typical BLACKBURN cantankerous old git. My residence in Darwen is accidental - when a thieving piece of **!!** watched the ambulance take me away during the early hours, went round the back of my now empty house and broke in. When my son and daughter discovered what had happened later that same day they decided that this 7th burglary was one too many and moved all my stuff to my son’s house which happened to be in Darwen.
Anything else that you want to slag me off for?
02-12-2007, 18:13
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by jambutty
I don’t recall saying that the Scottish judge was referring to Scottish law or was even passing his judgment in Scotland.
As one eloquent Scottish judge was heard to declare when passing judgement on a case involving toll fees, “A sign should state what it means, and mean what it states.”
Nope! There is nothing there to suggest where the comment was made.
But as usual the self-opinionated don’t read what has been written much less understand and then jump to conclusions.
Then why dont you refer to him by his name then dear instead of 'Scottish judge'.
You are actually the most annoying person I've seen on this forum to date. You never say anything nice, its always just ranting at someone, and you're arguments for things are always so direct towards individuals on the forum that your ideas aren't even worth reading.
If you're not referring to Scottish law, you need to learn about the english law regarding advertisements, and Entwisti gave you a perfect example of the english law regarding advertisements, so why don't YOU shut up and understand what people are saying to YOU, instead of assuming they are wrong and you are right all of the time.
02-12-2007, 18:17
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by yerself
From Asda's press centre:
ASDA and Responsible Retailing
All ASDA stores in the UK (apart from those undertaking the trial) have a strict policy of only serving customers who look over 21, and refusing to serve anyone who is already under the influence of alcohol.
Seems Jambutty's a little slow off the mark (must be his age). The press release is dated April 2007. Asda Press Centre
Much obliged for your contribution.
However the law is quite clear – the age for buying booze is 18 or over and for Asda to declare that Asda will not sell booze to anyone who looks under 21, not withstanding the trading laws, is illegal.
Not slow off the mark yerself it’s just that I have been aware of the notice shortly after it came on display. But being over 21 myself it was of no concern to me.
I took notice when the other day a young man, after producing his driving license and passport, was still refused the sale of a bottle of scotch for his granddad’s birthday because he looked under 21.
02-12-2007, 18:26
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by accyman3000
its not just asda alot of places have now put the age up its the same with cigarettes now have to be eightteen
Having to be 18 before you can buy cigarettes is by an act of Parliament not the dictat of some CEO of a supermarket.
All you drinkers should realise that this 21 thing is just a backdoor attempt to raise the drinking age. It is only a matter of time before Parliament passes an act to that effect. And when the objections come rolling in they will glibly state, “well that’s the way it has been unofficially for xxxxx years. We just made it official."
But I don’t care. I don’t use alcohol.
02-12-2007, 18:31
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Goodness me what an incredibly aggressive response. Has it not occurred to you that as everyone else seems to be more or less in agreement with each other that you quite possibly could be mistaken in your condemnation of the ASDA at Grimshaw Park? I really must pop over there one day to have a look at these notices which have caused such a kerfuffle.
So because other people are too blind to condemn Asda I have to follow suit do I? I must have missed your election to be the dictator of the UK.
Remember the story of the king’s new clothes? Well I’m like the little boy and I don’t follow others blindly.
02-12-2007, 18:35
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Re: A Law Unto Themselves?
Originally Posted by Bonnyboy
I make an assumption here , and as we know we should never assume, but I thought by posting a thread on a site such as this, then one illicit’s the viewpoint of others. To harangue the subsequent posters in this thread in such an abusive manner ………..have some respect mister jambutty
Just because in many cases my opinion differs to the majority I am told that I am wrong.
The problem with some correspondents on this forum is that they like to dish it out but cannot take the return. In any case respect is earned not given as a right.
Last edited by jambutty; 02-12-2007 at 18:37.
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