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16-01-2007, 16:23
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by garinda
The last time I went to the Ritz. nice though it was, it wasn't secured 24/7 by trained guards. Comparissons between prisons and hotels don't really equate.
Also Broadmoor is a secure hospital for the criminally insane, hardly your average nick.
still full of rapists, murderers and paedophiles most of which are only in there beacause of technicalities and lawyers tricks.
16-01-2007, 16:28
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by jedimaster
still full of rapists, murderers and paedophiles most of which are only in there beacause of technicalities and lawyers tricks.
I'm certainly not in favour of prisons being easy. Infact I'd help the economy by building more, and put the scrotes that are currently free to roam the community onto tread mills to help power the national grid.
I just find the financal comparisson between prisons, army accomodation, and hotels totally unconnected.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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16-01-2007, 16:31
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by jedimaster
he did a bit of whining to the mods
apparently one of me posts had a copyright thingy and cos i copied it instead of linking (is there much difference) it it was deleted
shame really that people must resort to underhand tactics instead of discussing like adults
Golly! Any reputable website, and any reputable user of those websites, will go to great lengths to avoid copyright infringement. The costs of infringement can be very dear, but those costs often fall on the websites owners. Guess some folks just want the law to apply to everyone else, but not themselves - which to the folks running the website, if like having an extremely inconsiderate guest.
Of course, presenting someone's else's work as your own is also intellectual dishonesty, but that is quite another topic.
Stop whining, jedimaster! You did something wrong, got caught, and now are unwilling to take your lumps. So sad, too bad! And rather like the "blame anyone but me" attitude of many of those fellows you claim are living in luxury - LOL!
jedimaster, Luke Skywalker you are not! Grow up and act like a man.
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16-01-2007, 16:34
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by garinda
I just find the financal comparisson between prisons, army accomodation, and hotels totally unconnected.
Exactly! Well said.
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16-01-2007, 16:38
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
fair comment re. copyright i possibly should've checked a little more in depth however i wish to point out yet again that i never once presented it as my own!!!!
tis you who must do the growing up and agree to disagree on this subject instead of throwing insults. which as a grown up i am more than prepared to do!
furthermore i do declare that throughout our discussion heated as it may have become i have not once personally attacked you in any way and i would thank you kindly to show me the same curtosy. unless of course that equates to conduct unbecoming a person such as yourself.
16-01-2007, 18:15
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by jedimaster
fair comment re. copyright i possibly should've checked a little more in depth however i wish to point out yet again that i never once presented it as my own!!!!
jedimaster: I wish to "point out yet again," that when you post something - anything - without proper attribution, you are presenting it as your own. That is dishonest behavior. Also, in doing so, you put the the good folks who run Accyweb at risk. In your dishonest attempt to deceive, you tried to play all of us for chumps and suckers - if that is not insulting behavior on your part, what is?
In the final outcome, the one you damaged the most is yourself; who can ever believe you again?
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16-01-2007, 20:10
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
i fail to see what your pint is here as there is nothing to believe or disbelieve as i have only put forward my opinion!
and used various snippets of information, however gathered to illustrate that opinion after all that is how the majority of the western world's politics operates. including the grand us of a so maybe you need to look a little closer to home before trashing someones opinion on atheir home country thousands of miles away from your own!
i fail to see the damage
and to be frank i couldn't give a rats a... whether someone as highly self opinionated as yourself wishes to believe disbelieve agree or disagree with what i have to say as they are my opinions and as far as i'm aware i am freely able to express them within this forum and untill i am told otherwise i shall continue to do so.
16-01-2007, 21:01
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Originally Posted by jedimaster
i fail to see what your pint is here as there is nothing to believe or disbelieve as i have only put forward my opinion!
and used various snippets of information, however gathered to illustrate that opinion after all that is how the majority of the western world's politics operates. including the grand us of a so maybe you need to look a little closer to home before trashing someones opinion on atheir home country thousands of miles away from your own!
i fail to see the damage
and to be frank i couldn't give a rats a...
Frankly, that much has been obvious for a while! You got caught doing wrong and you are totally unconcerned. Choosing not to give a rats ass exhibits the same attitude towards the property of others as that exhibited by those folks you claim to be living "inside" in great luxury.
And you choose to employ yet another tactic of those who can't stand the heat when their argument is failing....trying to change the subject to divert attention. But, you chose very poorly in your attempt to divert. "Look a little closer to home," indeed! Pretty humorous, considering that you, jedimaster, started this string closer to my home than yours, by lauding the tactics of an American sheriff; one who has lost lawsuits that cost the taxpayers millions!
Actually, there plenty to believe or disbelieve. We're discussing housing and the humane treartment of humans. I believe that, whenever possible, all human beings deserve decent housing. For soldiers, prisoners, whomever, even plagiarists! You showed us some pitcures from HM Prisons and tried to convince everyone that they are luxurious. While they looked decent and clean, serviceable and basic, they sure don't appear anything close to what most folks would see as luxurious.
Let's all feel sorry for poor jedimaster. Getting his virtual knuckles rapped for doing wrong. Awwwww, poor lad! Okay, enough of that nonsense!
Frankly, at this point, jedimaster, I'm not sure what point you are attempting to make. Do you endorse the mistreatment of prisoners by that Arizona sheriff? Punishing those who are not yet convicted, against the great traditions of both the USA and the UK? Taxpayers shelling out for wrongful death suits? The recidivism rate noted by that sheriff, even if far higher than that in the UK? If the pictures from HM Prisons do not confirm with your concept of how prisoners should be housed, how would you "improve" the situation?
Here's a piece or two of advice for you, jedimaster - when you find yourself in a hole, it's a good idea to stop digging. When your horse is dead - dismount!
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16-01-2007, 22:24
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
ahh finally we get back to the point in hand
i thought you had forgotten about that.
maybe if you read the title of the thread and the various posts in it tou would see that the point i was trying to make was that BRITISH CONVICTED CRIMINALS are in prison to be punished for their crimes and the sheriff in question is more on a par with that notion than the british justice system.
my first poin we are not just discussing housing as you have wrongfully quoted(yet more evidence of failing to recognise the points raised) but the whole lifestyle in which these convicted rapists murderers paedophiles drug pushers etc. are allowed to live in
why shouldnt prisoners be made to earn their keep, why shouldn't they be on rations and why the hell should they have such luxuries as wide screen tv's playstation state of the art stereos etc etc i said this at the start and now i have to reiterate myself just because you haven't paid attention
and as for your advice - i think you will find that is no right or wrong answer and therefore there is no win or lose there are only the opinions of the persons involved in the discussions and as i have stated before i don't agree with your way lefty leanings nor you my opinions so for once be an adult and just agree to differ on the situation as i think you will find i already have.
and in answer to your question if it was down to me firstly i would reintroduce the capital punishment system and for those who were sentenced to imprisonment would be set to workin order to pay back their debt to society and the said prisoners would be fed on a meagre diet, enough to sustain them in their duties and maybe if they behaved themselves i may allow them the odd game of football for good behaviour
further more if anyone has changed the subject her it is you as you have turned this serious discussion into nothing more than a personal slanging match for which reason i humbly bow out of it. as unlike yourself i am her to discuss things seriously among the generally good natured people of this land
and not self obsessed yanks. As that would be the grown up and britsh thing to do.
17-01-2007, 15:25
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Re: a lesson to the british prison system!
Looks like you are taking my advice and have decided to stop digging yourself into a hole. 
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