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Old 27-03-2007, 20:00   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: A place in the chance!

There are some benches to sit on in the Arndale centre.......One just outside H.Samuels.......and one outside won't get much sun on your back though....and you might even get rained on if the weather becomes inclement, as they STILL have not sorted the leaky roof on the Arndale!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 27-03-2007, 20:02   #17
Beacon of light

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Re: A place in the chance!

Oh, and while we are on the subject of Broadway.....has anyone noticed how the last bit of that terracotta stuff that they put on the floor has worn away in places? What a disgraceful waste of money the refurbishment has been.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 27-03-2007, 20:04   #18
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Re: A place in the chance!

In answer to Willow, the benches are basically sited east/west. If they, the few actual benches that are there, were facing south, then people could enjoy the sun all day wherever the sun was shining from.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 20:09   #19
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Re: A place in the chance!

As for people dawdling in town, I remember our elected burghers (did I spell that correctly, or is it a silly pun on buggers?) trying to encourage us to idle away our time in pavement cafes, infront of the Town Hall.

What happened to that idea?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 20:19   #20
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I'm the opposite of Katex. If there were benches I'd be likely to stay longer and consequently likely to visit more shops after having rested my weary bones and recuperated myself for the next onslaught. as it is, when I start flagging I just think "Oh forget it!" and head for the bus.

A revitalised Willow, after a short sit down on a bench, could end up wandering the shops and spending more which would be good for businesses but bad for Busman's wallet.
Not disageeing at all Willow with your type of shopper, you are an 'inbetweeny' ... , however, most of the sitters are mainly pensioners (ok, know I'm one ... and more of us now ), teenagers, non-working mothers .. all people with time on their hands, who have come to town for their bits and bats and just wish to enjoy a social time-out in the main. Instead of a petition, would be good to do a survey and ask people sat down on the benches/people rushing around why they are there, how much they have spent, etc., (sure has been done already) ... could prove any points as to the viability, or not, of petitioning HBC to provide more sitting accommodation.

Not critical at all of anyone wishing to carry out this pastime .. just thinking of our Council Tax money, etc., and a theory as to why not many benches in 'most' town centres.
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Old 27-03-2007, 20:30   #21

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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
The problem is that everyone thinks of themselves and so votes for the person who can specifically help them, they don't actually think who is the person who is the best person for the job. For instance, and I'm not getting at you Neil because we've talked about this, you voted for the leader of the council because you believed that the leader of the council is the right person to have as your ward councillor because he could do the best for you.

Did you actually ask his credentials, or mine? I'm not sure I would have made a better councillor and now we'll never know but when I was canvassing nobody actually asked me whether I was suited to the job but a lot asked me if I could sort out the parking space in front of their house or the problem with the pub next door - very specific problems.
That is the problem with how the system works. I think the elected people have too much power/influence on what happens.
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Old 27-03-2007, 22:45   #22
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Re: A place in the chance!

When I think of Broadway, I remember the walls and the flowerbeds. I also remember the benches and all the 'oldies' sitting in a row spending some time together in the sunshine. In fact, my brother's late mum in law used to catch the bus there from Ossy for a bit of company.

I haven't been there for about eighteen months but I thought it was dreary and dismal.

My vote is for Rindy and his bench in the sun x
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 27-03-2007, 22:54   #23
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Re: A place in the chance!

Probably some genius from HBC will read this thread and have the divine inspiration that it would be a great idea to create in the town center a sunken garden (sun-trap) with flower beds and benchs where folks can take five minutes rest ...............opps , sorry , there used to be such a thing , but it was done away with in the name of progress.

Last edited by steeljack; 27-03-2007 at 22:55. Reason: spelling
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Old 27-03-2007, 23:02   #24
I am Banned


Re: A place in the chance!

Well i managed to sit down in the sun on broadway outside music choice this afternoon - quite nice

I suppose i was lucky - i even had a polished bench to myself
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Old 27-03-2007, 23:09   #25
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
Well i managed to sit down in the sun on broadway outside music choice this afternoon - quite nice

I suppose i was lucky - i even had a polished bench to myself

Please pm me the name of your deodorant.

I want a bench to myself next week.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 23:11   #26

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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
I suppose i was lucky - i even had a polished bench to myself
Who said there were no advantages to not showering
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Old 28-03-2007, 13:08   #27
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Please pm me the name of your deodorant.

I want a bench to myself next week.
Well shows that impulse doesn't do what it claims then

It must of been the rare beeming smile i wore yesterday must of worried a few folk pmsl
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Old 28-03-2007, 13:09   #28
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Who said there were no advantages to not showering
True shall keep with baths then
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Old 28-03-2007, 13:11   #29
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Re: A place in the chance!

Mind you its another lovely warm day today - sun always shines on the righteous
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Old 28-03-2007, 14:21   #30
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Re: A place in the chance!

Try the Canadian solution: pull up a hibernating Grizzly and park it. Shortage of places to park one's ass is common in the homogenized world we live in. As the poet said: " What is this life if, full of care,/I have no time to park it on a bear"?
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