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Old 27-03-2007, 15:23   #1
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A place in the chance!

Although it might be sleeting again this time next week, today is absloutely beautiful, and there is some real warmth in that strange yellow thing up in the sky.

On my twice weekly little sojourn into Accrington, I thought I'd wait with the shopping bags, whilst sitting enjoying the sunshine on Broadway. Sadly however, all the benches were full.

Old dears were queueing up for someone to depart before they could park their backsides down. I had no chance of a seat, so had to stand leaning against Home and Bargains, whilst waiting for my Mum to finish her shopping.

It was whilst sulkily stood there, that I worked out that there are now only a tenth of the seats on Broadway, compared to when they were round the raised flower beds, and non of the haemoroid inducing marble or stainless steel benches, now face the sunshine. So even if you are lucky enough to get one, you will have to rotate your round head like an owl, to feel the sunshine on your face.

So, the newly, and expensively, refurbished Broadway, is not a place to sit and enjoy the sunshine. Infact if some entrepreneur wants to start renting out deckchairs there this summer, they should make a bloomin' fortune.

Hyndburn Borough Council once again prove that throwing money at something, with very little awareness to design and ergonomics, does not necessarily mean it's going to be an improvement. Just as moving the market wasn't, but we'll save that for another day...
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 15:35   #2
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Re: A place in the chance!

i said that to chav last week, we wanted to sit down whilst in accy but there was nowhere at all, same with the arndale, there's nowhere in there to sit now either, its pathetic
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Old 27-03-2007, 15:59   #3
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
i said that to chav last week, we wanted to sit down whilst in accy but there was nowhere at all, same with the arndale, there's nowhere in there to sit now either, its pathetic

Yeah, in the Arndale, all the benches around the old clock, and then the cafe, have now gone. I think there's just one bench in the whole place, near Thornton's. It's a shame for elderly people, who may need to sit down for a moment or two.

Welcome to Accrington.

We have free parking for your cars, but not your arses.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 16:22   #4
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Re: A place in the chance!

is there actually one near thorntons? i cant picture it, the arndale used to be a regular meeting place for many people, i know i used to meet tinks in there a lot, under the clock, when we where younger, stupid i tell ya just stupid
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-03-2007, 16:26   #5
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
is there actually one near thorntons? i cant picture it, the arndale used to be a regular meeting place for many people, i know i used to meet tinks in there a lot, under the clock, when we where younger, stupid i tell ya just stupid

Yes, it's probably a bit further in than Thornton's, more like between the two card shops.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-03-2007, 16:29   #6
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Re: A place in the chance!

i shall have to investigate that on thursday when i next go into accy
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-03-2007, 16:37   #7
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Re: A place in the chance!

Should have waited on the benches round by Church St Chippy and told you Mum to shout you when she finished. They were clear at lunchtime, not even a sign of the usual cider drinking druggies
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Old 27-03-2007, 16:40   #8
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Should have waited on the benches round by Church St Chippy and told you Mum to shout you when she finished. They were clear at lunchtime, not even a sign of the usual cider drinking druggies

when i where a lass there never used to be druggies or drinkers round there, we (me n the fairy) used to sit there with her kids sometimes, people watching
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-03-2007, 17:53   #9
Resident Waffler

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Re: A place in the chance!

Where the seats once were we've got empty stalls in an Arndale which also has empty shops.

Broadway was supposedly left with few benches in order to accommodate the continental market but they set up shop in front of the Market Hall on Blackburn Rd.

So why can't we have some decent benches in both places?

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Old 27-03-2007, 18:18   #10
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Re: A place in the chance!

shall we start a petition?? shall we??
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-03-2007, 18:20   #11

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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
So why can't we have some decent benches in both places?
Because that would be sensible so it wont happen.
It all comes down to politics unfortunately. We vote in the nice person who knocks on our doors.
If fact I didn't because the only person who knocked on my door was a rather soggy Gayle Knight with Greg Pope. I must apologise Gayle for laughing at the sight of you two trying to hide from a very heavy down pour. I am sure you look back at it now and laugh yourself. I only wish I had my camera with me
Sorry of track there, back to voting in those who knock on our doors telling us how nice they are and what they will do for us. The problem with all this is that the people we elect no naff all about running a Council. They are just shop keepers, teachers, van drivers etc. In other words normal people. What do they know about running a town?
Exactly, nothing.
The people who should know how to run the place, the employed Council Officers appear to have little say in what happens. These people are employed to do a job on there merit, past experience and qualifications, just like any other job. They should be qualified to decide what we need to do to make the place better but they appear to be told what to do by the elected Councillors.

Maybe I don't see things as they really are. Could someone please enlighten me why we empower just about anyone to make the decisions that affect our lives day in day out?
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Old 27-03-2007, 18:36   #12
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Re: A place in the chance!

Suppose it is all to do with being a good business move. People who wish to idle their time away on the benches in the town centre in 'the sun' (Garinda .. will the sun not shine more on this area as the sun gets higher in the sky ?) are not the biggest spenders, and will not be encouraged. It is the people who have the money i.e. workers who have limited time to spend shopping that don't need to sit for lengths of time... so not economically viable to outlay money/space on benches. The idea of a shopping centre is to get people moving into the shops to spend, not a trip to town to buy a pound of tripe and watch the world go by for the next hour or so... that was the idea behind parks. How many benches are there in the Trafford Centre ? (apart from the eating area) ..hardly any.

The only time I would ever sit when shopping is to have me fag as don't feel ladylike walking around with one in my hand .. but have to move on quick as time is precious, and probably spend more in two hours than sitters in a month.
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Old 27-03-2007, 18:37   #13
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Re: A place in the chance!

maybe we could all sponsor a bench for uncle rindy and place it in the middle of broadway
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-03-2007, 19:54   #14
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Re: A place in the chance!

I'm the opposite of Katex. If there were benches I'd be likely to stay longer and consequently likely to visit more shops after having rested my weary bones and recuperated myself for the next onslaught. as it is, when I start flagging I just think "Oh forget it!" and head for the bus.

A revitalised Willow, after a short sit down on a bench, could end up wandering the shops and spending more which would be good for businesses but bad for Busman's wallet.

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Old 27-03-2007, 19:57   #15
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Re: A place in the chance!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Because that would be sensible so it wont happen.
It all comes down to politics unfortunately. We vote in the nice person who knocks on our doors.
If fact I didn't because the only person who knocked on my door was a rather soggy Gayle Knight with Greg Pope. I must apologise Gayle for laughing at the sight of you two trying to hide from a very heavy down pour. I am sure you look back at it now and laugh yourself. I only wish I had my camera with me
Actually laughed about it at the time.

Originally Posted by Neil
Sorry of track there, back to voting in those who knock on our doors telling us how nice they are and what they will do for us. The problem with all this is that the people we elect no naff all about running a Council. They are just shop keepers, teachers, van drivers etc. In other words normal people. What do they know about running a town?
Exactly, nothing.
The theory should be that the people who run businesses, schools, homes are the ideal people to run councils - their concerns are the same as the rest of the people. Plus they have the business experience which should qualify them.

Originally Posted by Neil
The people who should know how to run the place, the employed Council Officers appear to have little say in what happens. These people are employed to do a job on there merit, past experience and qualifications, just like any other job. They should be qualified to decide what we need to do to make the place better but they appear to be told what to do by the elected Councillors.
There should be training.

Originally Posted by Neil

Maybe I don't see things as they really are. Could someone please enlighten me why we empower just about anyone to make the decisions that affect our lives day in day out?
The problem is that everyone thinks of themselves and so votes for the person who can specifically help them, they don't actually think who is the person who is the best person for the job. For instance, and I'm not getting at you Neil because we've talked about this, you voted for the leader of the council because you believed that the leader of the council is the right person to have as your ward councillor because he could do the best for you.

Did you actually ask his credentials, or mine? I'm not sure I would have made a better councillor and now we'll never know but when I was canvassing nobody actually asked me whether I was suited to the job but a lot asked me if I could sort out the parking space in front of their house or the problem with the pub next door - very specific problems.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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