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04-12-2012, 17:54
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Sue..he has only told us about it to make us slavver...knowing full well that none of us is near enough to gatecrash his slow roasted moose.
I have just braised some shin beef with kidney and a bit of barley........this will be for tea tomorrow.
I will put a suet crust on it in the morning. We will be having it with baby new potatoes, steamed carrots and cauliflower. Proper stick to the ribs grub.
Hey, hark at pot callin t'kettle black 
04-12-2012, 17:57
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by mobertol
Sugarmouse -I have a very good vegetarian cookbook which suggests several alternatives for a "roast" (Sarah Brown's healthy living cookbook) The "Celebration" roast sounds nice -layers of a creamy nut mixture, then mushrooms with walnuts in a moist layer in the center. There's also a buckwheat roast and a nice-looking vegetable terrine. Take a bit longer to make than bunging stuff in a wrap though!
Talking of moose ... one of the finest and most popular vegetarian cookbooks in the world is the "Moosewood Cookbook".
04-12-2012, 18:09
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by Eric
Talking of moose ... one of the finest and most popular vegetarian cookbooks in the world is the "Moosewood Cookbook".
I've been to a friends house for a slap up meal, it turned out all her meals were made from that books recipes.
I tried a sampling from each of the dishes she placed before me.
My feet didn't touch the floor after I said, "can we come to a compromise? Throw this lot away, I'll eat the book".

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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04-12-2012, 18:17
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Goldarnit, was doing myself a nice steak and some thick cut chip's, got involved in this thread time passed am now sucking on genuine cow hide and breaking my teeth on fossilised potato!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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04-12-2012, 20:00
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by mobertol
Eric -what does Moose actually taste like? Please don't say sort of "Moosey"! 
Chicken ! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
05-12-2012, 08:09
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Chicken ! 
I imagine it being something like venison -not a fan of "gamey" stuff myself.
Much prefer a straightforward gammon steak topped with a fried egg! Can't get 'em in Italy, or decent back bacon either for that matter. It's like being in the third world - and no Vimto either as I recently discussed with Sue on another thread, though I discovered you can get it in the Cape Verde Islands!  So it's either a visit to Accy or there next time I fancy a glass... 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
05-12-2012, 15:19
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by mobertol
I imagine it being something like venison -not a fan of "gamey" stuff myself.
Much prefer a straightforward gammon steak topped with a fried egg! Can't get 'em in Italy, or decent back bacon either for that matter. It's like being in the third world - and no Vimto either as I recently discussed with Sue on another thread, though I discovered you can get it in the Cape Verde Islands!  So it's either a visit to Accy or there next time I fancy a glass... 
Ha ha Dianne you'll have to go a bit further for your Vimto - it was Gambia not Cape Verde, sorry!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
05-12-2012, 15:43
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by mobertol
I imagine it being something like venison -not a fan of "gamey" stuff myself.
Much prefer a straightforward gammon steak topped with a fried egg! Can't get 'em in Italy, or decent back bacon either for that matter. It's like being in the third world - and no Vimto either as I recently discussed with Sue on another thread, though I discovered you can get it in the Cape Verde Islands!  So it's either a visit to Accy or there next time I fancy a glass... 
It's kinda like venison ... or maybe horse  ... And from reading the economic news from that side of the pond, much of Europe seems to be heading for third world status. By the way, the best bacon in the world comes from Canada. But no Vimto 
05-12-2012, 23:41
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by accyman
i tried been a vergetarian last xmas but i ended up just called the turkey carrot.It wasnt teh best i dea in the world it was a bitch to mash 
I imagine it also looked as if it had already been eaten once!
Originally Posted by mobertol
Sugarmouse -I have a very good vegetarian cookbook which suggests several alternatives for a "roast" (Sarah Brown's healthy living cookbook) The "Celebration" roast sounds nice -layers of a creamy nut mixture, then mushrooms with walnuts in a moist layer in the center. There's also a buckwheat roast and a nice-looking vegetable terrine. Take a bit longer to make than bunging stuff in a wrap though!
Sounds nice!I couldn't cook it at the moment as our oven's broken lol but if I was cooking xmas dinner I would definitely attempt it. I like vegweb.com, for the odd time I do want to use a recipe-I love cooking but mostly just figure things out for myself.
Haha to be fair, I do cook the contents of the wrap before I 'bung it in' 
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
Last edited by Sunflower49; 05-12-2012 at 23:44.
06-12-2012, 09:04
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by Eric
It's kinda like venison ... or maybe horse  ... And from reading the economic news from that side of the pond, much of Europe seems to be heading for third world status. By the way, the best bacon in the world comes from Canada. But no Vimto 
You are right about that Eric - things are really bad over here especially for young people. Latest statistics in Italy show that 36.6% of 18-24 yr olds are out of work and have never worked! The others are all students...!
As to Canadian bacon -not so sure -been watching a programme with a famous Canadian chef called Lynn -yesterday she was using turkey bacon -YUK! I did like what she did with maple syrup though...
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
06-12-2012, 09:07
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Thought I'd show you where I spend much of my day - was cooking rib eye steaks last night on a special "stone"! We don't eat in the kitchen -have a separate dining room. 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
06-12-2012, 09:12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by mobertol
I did like what she did with maple syrup though...
Is there a video of it? perhaps you'd have to put it in over 18's?

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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06-12-2012, 09:13
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by Less
Is there a video of it? perhaps you'd have to put it in over 18's?

Forgot to mention she was with a bunch of Lumberjacks for the maple syrup episode -very entertaining...Would much rather leave it to your imagination -so much more scope for enjoyment then! You can invent all the recipes you want that way 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Last edited by mobertol; 06-12-2012 at 09:22.
09-12-2012, 10:56
Common Sense Member
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Roast chicken every Sunday up here at Rishton Towers, a firm favourite. Prep for dinner then it's into the Great Hall with a book and a bottle of red by the fire while everything cooks.
Has my favourite day of the week for several years now.
09-12-2012, 12:51
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Re: A traditional Sunday roast...
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Roast chicken every Sunday up here at Rishton Towers, a firm favourite. Prep for dinner then it's into the Great Hall with a book and a bottle of red by the fire while everything cooks.
Has my favourite day of the week for several years now.
Sounds like a recipe for success!
I had a change of plan today as my other half didn't fancy lamb - Roast pork instead with crispy roast potatoes, apple fritters, mashed carrots with buttenut squash, cabbage and a delicious onion herb gravy! Went down a treat - afternoon indoors as it's freezing cold outside and I went for a walk this morning crunching through the snow.
I think it might be a hot chocolate sort of afternoon here! 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
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