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04-09-2008, 15:21
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by emamum23
and the luminous net curtain skirts as well...
04-09-2008, 15:26
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
i remember wearin luminous leg warmers and clothes when i was little, seems to have made a comeback...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
04-09-2008, 16:16
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by pipinfort
Out of the seven responsible parents i asked....................errr well seven responsible parents were shocked and found it totally unacceptable but like i said earlier our school is the main supplier of their own uniforms so nobady i asked had been in anyway. Mmmmm masked Hoodies he is a responsible shop owner isn`t he..........
What did you actually ask them? Did you say "ashtrays, cigarette papers, lighters and tobacco grinders" or did you say "drug using equipment"? Have they seen these things themselves? They haven't objected up to now though have they? You said they haven't been in the shop so as far as I can tell they only find something unacceptable that they have been told about not something they have seen first hand. Or at least not objected to the relevant person - ie the shop owner. My comments to him yesterday were the first he was aware that anyone didn't like any of his stock being displayed. Please let him know. Tell THEM that you have asked parents at your school and what they have said.
I, for one parent, do not want one less place to buy uniforms Cashy. I prefer to buy them from this shop than from the school. I sincerely hope the shop doesn't go out of business over this.
I'm seriously thinking of asking the council myself - if I had any idea who to speak to.
Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 04-09-2008 at 16:20.
04-09-2008, 16:36
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Shisha pipes are for flavoured tobacco - if some people use them for smoking other things that is their choice.
If you take this argument to extremes you would avoid all shops selling Rizla papers
lol this post just dawned on me - they don't sell Shisha pipes at the Abbey Street shop Margaret. They DO sell Rizla papers! Some people sniff drugs through straws so maybe we should boybott all shops that sell straws?
04-09-2008, 16:48
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Everything is OK
04-09-2008, 16:59
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
so maybe we should boybott all shops that sell straws?
is that the opposite of a girlbott willow 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
04-09-2008, 17:20
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
04-09-2008, 17:33
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
What did you actually ask them? Did you say "ashtrays, cigarette papers, lighters and tobacco grinders"
I asked them exactly that except i said grinders and not tobacco grinders....... i did`nt really need to say what they are for but anything with a cannnabis leaf on them is sort of self explanatory to most
04-09-2008, 18:53
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
They don't all have a cannabis leaf on. Is it just the things with that emblem on you would like them to remove? Some have CND logo and various other things. Would you like them to remove all the smoking related items?
I do wish the people who object to these things had simply voiced their concerns themselves to the actual shop.
I can't help wondering how you feel about the Playboy logo which has been so prevalent on children's clothing/stationery/furnishings lately. I find that more disturbing because it's actually directed at children and children are displaying the image themselves.
Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 04-09-2008 at 18:56.
04-09-2008, 19:07
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by eattothebeat
Should I have said something to the staff?
Did you know these things where on sale at this shop? Should our local schools be recomending this shop?
As the original discussion begins, my first answer would be, ITS UP TO YOU......my second answer would be , NO i did`nt.............my third answer would be , NO........
Like i said before if i got up petitions and went into shops and visited places i have disagreed with/about previously on accyweb i`d have no life. I am a strict vegetarian so should i object to asda (for example) selling meat?, should i confront the manager.? should i contact the council?I think not........At the end of the day its about morales and family values both of which i regard as priority, if people find this sort of thing ok, then thats up to them, i personally don`t and thats my opinion (and a few others on Accyweb). Certain people on Accyweb seem to have taken this upon themselves as a mini crusade and perhaps due to their lack of understanding of the common uses for these items feel that its fine....well thats fine by me...  It has nothing to do with Playboy, Tobacco or should this be sold here and there should `Smoking` items be sold alongside childrens uniforms ..........NO
Last edited by pipinfort; 04-09-2008 at 19:11.
04-09-2008, 19:14
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
So, it's smoking items of any kind which you object to being sold in the same shop as school uniforms?
Again - why not simply go to the shop and tell them how you feel? From the way the man spoke to me I think he would listen and if you could explain to him why you object then he might happily remove them from sale, after all I don't think they are a substantial part of his stock by any means. That could solve the problem or everyone then.
04-09-2008, 19:17
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
So, it's smoking items of any kind which you object to being sold in the same shop as school uniforms?
Not just smoking items but also the Items themselves in question..and its not just me on Accyweb that objects either..........
04-09-2008, 19:31
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
The thing is, as there are people who object to these things then it would be better if they went into the shop to complain as so far the only person actually telling the shop is me, the one who actually hadn't even noticed them let alone seen them as objectionable.
I told him that there were people here on AccyWeb objecting to them but I was a bit third hand and it didn't have the same effect although he did ask me what I thought he should do.
I think if the people who actually personally object were to go in and complain then the shop owners might ask what you want him to do and then you could say you would like him to stop selling those things. That's likely to have more effect than just grumbling about it here on AccyWeb.
04-09-2008, 19:33
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Willow , you are making up more excuses for this guy (the shopkeeper) than the proverbial black man ( insert your own colloquialism) on his way to jail , just because stuff is legal does not make it right , obivously the shop-keeper knows what these things are being used for ( and its not for grinding up nut-meg for custard pies) , I think , if I was a parent I would have concerns about such a person 'measuring-up'/fitting my child for a school uniform is this is an example of his thinking .
04-09-2008, 19:34
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?
Am i not allowed to express an opinion here anymore..........? and if i do its grumbling is it....?
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