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Old 04-09-2008, 19:35   #91
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Willow , you are making up more excuses for this guy (the shopkeeper) than the proverbial black man ( insert your own colloquialism) on his way to jail , just because stuff is legal does not make it right , obivously the shop-keeper knows what these things are being used for ( and its not for grinding up nut-meg for custard pies) , I think , if I was a parent I would have concerns about such a person 'measuring-up'/fitting my child for a school uniform is this is an example of his thinking .

Jesus Christ.......we have another sane person here..............!
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Old 04-09-2008, 19:42   #92
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

He doesn't measure the children. Nobody does as far as I am aware. There are fitting rooms and the children just try things on. My girls have always just picked things off the rails and gone and tried them for size.

I am not making excuses for anyone. I would like to see the issue resolved. I read the thread and as I hadn't seen any drug taking equipment I went down to the shop to look and I told him that people had objected to some of the things he sells and that they said they were used for drug taking. Now I admit that I'm ignorant of what is used for drug taking but I have seen these same things used for other things which are not drug taking and so they would not have occurred to me as drug related paraphernalia.

Of course you are allowed to have an opinion Pipinfort. I just wish somebody who has that opinion would actually go and tell the shop owners and ask for the items to be removed from sale if they feel so strongly about it. I support you in that decision. I haven't done it because I didn't draw the same conclusion, but I did tell the guy that others had.

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Old 04-09-2008, 19:44   #93
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

and why has he got a monopoly of selling these uniforms.has he got a crb check is there a price cartel here.smells fishy to me..
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:21   #94
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

So basically as you`ve said in the last god knows how many posts of yours you won`t be happy until i have confronted the owner.......? correct?
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:22   #95
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
and why has he got a monopoly of selling these uniforms.has he got a crb check is there a price cartel here.smells fishy to me..

He`s selling `smoking ` related items (notice how i`m choosing my words carefully for the nieve folk amongst us) i really don`t think that there is any mafia connections...........
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:26   #96
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

as i remarked earlier,i find it very odd that the thread starter has not contributed more to this debate.
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:27   #97
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
as i remarked earlier,i find it very odd that the thread starter has not contributed more to this debate.

Quite true Cashy, i`m fending off the flack for them......... Only 4 posts in as many years...odd
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:29   #98
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
and why has he got a monopoly of selling these uniforms.has he got a crb check is there a price cartel here.smells fishy to me..
I don't think it's a monopoly so much as a lack of competition. There used to be another shop in Union Street that sold them but it closed. I don't think there is any reason why somebody else couldn't start selling them if they wanted to. When I was little my Mum used to buy my school uniform from Isobel Winter's.

Do you need a crb check to sell school uniforms? I wasn't aware of that.

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Old 04-09-2008, 20:41   #99
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by pipinfort View Post
So basically as you`ve said in the last god knows how many posts of yours you won`t be happy until i have confronted the owner.......? correct?
Well actually I wish the thread starter had expressed their concerns to the shop themselves but I also think it would help if other people of the same opinion just let the shop know. So far all they know is that a woman who had never even noticed the things has gone in and told them the owners that someone on a website which the shop owners have never seen has objected to them selling drug taking paraphernalia. He asked me who it was who had complained but I couldn't tell him because of course all we know are the screen names. He can't even contact the person in person himself.

I suppose he could join Accyweb and post in this thread.

I suppose I could go in the shop again and tell them that I posted to say that it's only ordinary smoking stuff but that people are still objecting and would like him to stop selling them. Shall I do that?

I don't see the point of a complaining thread if nothing is done to get something done about it when something could be done. That's why I went to the shop in the first place.

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Old 04-09-2008, 20:54   #100
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I suppose I could go in the shop again and tell them that I posted to say that it's only ordinary smoking stuff but that people are still objecting and would like him to stop selling them. Shall I do that?.
To be honest if you don`t really object to him selling the `Smoking` stuff as you and the shopkeeper like to call it , i can`t see why you would want to go to all this trouble......but if it makes you feel better then do what you must, i`ve said my piece and expressed my opinion( more than once) and wasted to much of my important time on this thread which to be honest is getting ridiculous and boring , i say its wrong then you tell me to go in to see the owner and so it goes, back and forward between us both,if you want to carry are welcome....
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Old 04-09-2008, 20:58   #101
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Well as people were talking about getting schools to boycott the shop I just think tackling it at ground level first seems the more sensible option.

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Old 04-09-2008, 21:00   #102
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by pipinfort View Post
He`s selling `smoking ` related items (notice how i`m choosing my words carefully for the nieve folk amongst us) i really don`t think that there is any mafia connections...........
In my younger days I sold leather belts...this included childrens belts, described as childrens school uniform belts. Other items I sold were pewter belt buckles (Not meant for children) with a canibis leaf on them.
There was no ulterior motive behind these sales, I sold them because they were in demand and sellable.
I have never smoked any of this crap myself nor do I ever intend doing so.
Maybe the guy who sells the uniforms is the only one in the town who wants to.....The guy has to make money otherwise he will go out of business as many others have.....If he was selling anything illegal the Trading Standards would have his guts for garters.
Maybe the guy does not understand that some goods on sale offend people.........that is an easy mistake.
For the ones who are shouting foul and have never run a business.
You should try it sometime.
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Old 04-09-2008, 21:01   #103
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Just wondering why this shop in particular is being picked on?
Ok, they stock school uniforms, usually purchased on average once or twice a year. As has been stated, many people have not even noticed them. But it's not a shop young ones particularly would generally frequent on their own, unlike the pound shops, which have stocked tobacco tins, ash trays and such, with cannabis leaves and dope smoking figures on them, and king size rizzlas. Nobody i know that rolls their own ciggies buys king size! Also sex related items on their shelves. (Remember being in there one time and this old guy playing with one of those "orgasm" toys, and a child stould next to him saying to his mum what's that?)
And what about market stalls stocking such items?

Last edited by Caz; 04-09-2008 at 21:05.
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Old 04-09-2008, 21:42   #104
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

i have wondered that cazzer, summat draws me back to the thread starter, seems very odd.
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Old 04-09-2008, 21:53   #105
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

I'll be going round looking in all the shops now to see what things they have which could be associated with drug use.

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