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Old 04-09-2008, 23:43   #121
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Maybe they only post when something pops into their head... not everyone has genius thoughts every day.

I was in abbey street the other day and to be truthful I didn't notice. I don't really see how it matters though. It isn't a crime to be selling them and children are taught about drugs in school and shown videos of kids doing drugs and all sorts.

As long as children are educated about the true risks of drugs then they wont even think about buying things like that anyway.
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Old 04-09-2008, 23:46   #122
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Maybe they only post when something pops into their head... not everyone has genius thoughts every day.

Yeah, one day you want to share some stupid ditty about a fast food take away, and five years later you see a lighter in Rasta colours, and you so need to share your shock with those nearest and dearest to you.
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Old 04-09-2008, 23:49   #123
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Yeah, one day you want to share some stupid ditty about a fast food take away, and five years later you see a lighter in Rasta colours, and you so need to share your shock with those nearest and dearest to you.

My first post was made years ago and I came back randomly as well. The only strange thing is that they don't keep replying... but maybe they just feel like giving us something to talk about
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Old 04-09-2008, 23:53   #124
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Is it really strange?.. should we hold a forum inquiry.. ?
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Old 04-09-2008, 23:59   #125
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
My first post was made years ago and I came back randomly as well. The only strange thing is that they don't keep replying... but maybe they just feel like giving us something to talk about
yeh blaze but was yer first post as daft as that one? somehow i doubt it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-09-2008, 00:01   #126
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yeh blaze but was yer first post as daft as that one? somehow i doubt it.
I didn't look at it but lets face it, we can't all be a genius like me. Some people make stupid pointless threads day in day out.
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Old 05-09-2008, 07:48   #127
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Well it's in the telegraph.
Wonder if the thread starter spoke to them or they took the story from Accy Web?

Accrington school uniform shop slammed (From Lancashire Telegraph)
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Old 05-09-2008, 07:55   #128
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Something smells funny here, and it isn't whacky baccy.

If the person who started this thread thought there was a problem, why wouldn't they just complain in the shop, rather than share there thoughts about the matter on here?

That's what I thought and why I suggested that people who have a complaint about it should take it up with the shop.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Perhaps that passes as 'sensible debate'...if you're as high as a kite.

Hmm I wonder if that's why they saw "drug using equipment" and I saw "lighters and ashtrays"

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
It actually gets stranger.

It says this member joined on the 2nd January 2004, yet the daft Macdonald's thread was started on the 16th July 2003.

I had a look yesterday because I was wondering if the thread started had some personal vendetta type reason for this and concluded that they'd had 2 posts deleted.

I think the date discrepancy has something to do with AccyWeb being swapped over from somewhere else originally but that was before my time as a member. There's just something at the back of my mind about having seen that before with another member and either Mick or Roy explained it at the time.

It does seem very odd that they would only come on to post this one complaint after all that time and then not even follow it up.

Is it perhaps someone who couldn't get a refund for some reason on something they wanted to take back to the shop? As emamum said the title 'drug using equipment' gave the impression of something quite different to what is actually there.

Personally I like the shop and have always bought school uniform there and outdoor clothing and jeans and t-shirts and trainers. I have always found them very friendly, helpful and they've gone out of their way to order things that they haven't had in stock or even to seek out things that they didn't stock but which I've wanted to order. I wouldn't like to see people boycotting the shop and forcing it to close over something which I personally see as very petty because they are not selling anything which they assure me cannot be found in other shops in town where kids go by themselves.

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
Why do that?...Trading standards are paid to do it.
My experience of Trading Standards...They have got their finger on the button.....and are not influenced by the PC brigade....If I'ts illegal they will stop it.
I think this thread is absolute bullcrap.....I dont care what race or cread this guy and let live....let the guy make a living.
If we want to control what comes into the country for sale then have a go at the customs who allowed the offending objects in the country in the first place.
The reason I want to look in the pound shops etc is to see for myself what things there are which have this cannabis leaf symbol on them. I've already seen it in jewellery, as earrings and pendants.

I think everyone has agreed that it isn't illegal but some people seem to feel that it's immoral. As such it wouldn't concern the Trading Standards bods would it? You think it could be a racially motivated complaint? I've never really stopped to wonder what creed the shop owners are. There is always a presumption that anyone from the region of the Indian subcontinent is Muslim, but that isn't necessarily so. But surely Muslims would be offended by drug taking equipment wouldn't they? All I can say is I'm pretty sure they aren't Rastafarians - they haven't got dreadlocks.

I know I'm a pain when I get a bee in my bonnet about something but it does seem that this shop is being unfairly targetted. Even people who have agreed have admitted that they have never actually noticed the things themselves.

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Old 05-09-2008, 08:04   #129
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by cazzer View Post
Well it's in the telegraph.
Wonder if the thread starter spoke to them or they took the story from Accy Web?

Accrington school uniform shop slammed (From Lancashire Telegraph)
It wouldn't surprise me if they have taken the story from AccyWeb. If the complainer has reported it to the newspaper then I'm even more surprised that they haven't actually thought to complain to the shop in the first place and ask them to remove the stuff.

When I spoke to one of the owners he didn't seem to mind the possibility of doing that if he knew that people were actually upset by them but when I spoke to him it was the first he knew that anybody had even seen them as drugs related.

Surely approaching them first would have been best? But then again it wouldn't have created as much of a stir would it and maybe a stir was what was wanted more than having the items taken off sale.

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Old 05-09-2008, 08:40   #130
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
My first post was made years ago and I came back randomly as well. The only strange thing is that they don't keep replying... but maybe they just feel like giving us something to talk about
they? do you mean black people as "they".. Blazey the new .. non racist.. new Tory.. that see's everyone ok.. blacks are welcome...or of slightly colored nature..... you are a disgrace to English people and always will be.. someone that would take on the English mantle and then disgrace this nation is close on a Traitor !
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:43   #131
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

no she means the person that started the thead........
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:52   #132
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
no she means the person that started the thead........
It's no matter.. anyone that has a sig that supports the "new tories" is a traitor to this Nation....
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Old 05-09-2008, 09:52   #133
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Mancie if i could give you some more, then i would, but i cant
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 05-09-2008, 10:05   #134

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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Though the mystery deepens.

It says there have been four posts made by the thread starter, yet only two are visible.
I can only think of one reason why that can happen
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Old 05-09-2008, 10:15   #135
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Re: Abbey Street uniform shop - drug using equipment?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can only think of one reason why that can happen

Perhaps andrewb/Cyfr could start a campaign to free the Missing Two.

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