01-04-2004, 22:41
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Re: Accrington becoming a ghost town?
As someone who was quoted in those articles I agree with what is being said. Quite simply the Council has been poorly run for years and town centre planning has been flawed. Too much over capacity, not enough development of specialist or higher profile and the wrong size of units. Te wrong type of developments with designs that are not sympathetic to what is around. Demolition of historic or non commercial elements and too much emphasis on buildings and not people. Even now our town is only getting by because of the C/C boom.
Worse. Its mostly owned by Pension companies and southern investmnet firms increasing bailing out of stocks and shares into property, sometimes without experience and often without any committment to what they are buying other than short term investment capital. eg. they don't lose as much money on them empty as they would in stocks and shares. And of course letting is not strategic to what is best for Accrington, but simply extra income. Whilst Marks&S might object to a Pound store next door, as may someone trying to develop an up market and complementary retail grouping, the Poundstore and Pension company doesn't really care about who where or the fact that it is our Accy.
The answer is to reduce drastically retail premises. To develop an identity and quality that people will be attracted to. EG the old buildings around Warner St, stop the brick built Milton Keynes drift to the viaduct, encourage differnt and wider uses, residential flats, evening economy, diversity. To avoid down market distractions, amusements pound stores etc.. A new bus station, better marketing, more robust use of the Town Hall for diverse and popular events - RUN BY THE COUNCIL AS A STRATEGIC SERVICE - COMMERCIAL AND WHERE APPROPRIATE SUBSIDISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. More events in the centre that tie into people, culture, celebration blah blah.. New more stringent planning policies on crappy facias, tacky shop fronts, corporate masking of historical stonework. Greater use of upper stories. Aggressive pricing on market stalls to bring back market retailers. Landscaping of Broadway..... oh and dont forget Harwood Ossy Rishton
And it is official we are a ghost town as the 'Ghost Tours' start soon ...
graham jones