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08-12-2018, 11:17
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Re: Accrington is 8th
Originally Posted by monkey hanger
you must be having a laugh cashy. just a waste of time and increased blood pressure when they give all the excuses for not attending. its not an accrington problem but a nationwide problem unless you live in a million pound plus mansion.
Problem is the issue of "hate crime" this can mean if someone is merely offended, they can call the police and police today will investigate someone who is merely offended, this takes time up that they should be spending tacking real crime. Which today is often ignored: there is much evidence that if someone reports a car theft or burglary they do not receive a visit from the police, which was guaranteed back in the 70's 80's and 90's. Because many police are on the internet investigating "hate crime!"
09-12-2018, 12:08
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Accrington is 8th
Originally Posted by monkey hanger
you must be having a laugh cashy. just a waste of time and increased blood pressure when they give all the excuses for not attending. its not an accrington problem but a nationwide problem unless you live in a million pound plus mansion.
no mate i did that a few months ago and suprisingly they acted on it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
09-12-2018, 13:59
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Re: Accrington is 8th
Police numbers are now lower than when records first started 22 years ago. Prisons are over capacity. Courts are handing out fines and community orders for crimes that warrant imprisonment to safeguard the community. Scumbags know this, the police have to deal with it as well as us and more cuts are in the pipeline.
You can argue about how resources area allocated but it won't solve anything without a change in the priorities of Government. Kn0bheads who want to impose their vision of a powerhouse 'Great Britain' regardless of consequences, escalating poverty and disorder. Us sick to the stomach of every stabbing or violent robbery being an 'isolated incident'.
09-12-2018, 16:15
Beacon of light
Re: Accrington is 8th
I think there is a bit of conflation going on there.
The stabbings are down to gang culture and drill music....and I do not think extra police would necessarily affect the statistics relating to such crimes.
There needs to be a change in the culture of these youths...and that is a very difficult change to effect.
Gangs are almost a tribal entity, with territories and there is kudos to be earned by stabbing, maiming or injuring members from other gangs/areas.
Yes, police numbers have fallen, but it needs to be acknowledged that services need to be paid for....and if you are unwilling to foot the bill then you cannot have the service.
We had a labour government for 13 years that used the sound bite 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'
Clearly they were not tough on crime or indeed the causes of crime.
The Labour government of the time fostered a reliance on benefits, reducing aspiration to work or improve personal circumstances.
They spent money like it was going out of fashion...so it was no surprise when they were ousted, to find that there was no money left to spend....many services were curtailed because of this poor economic management.
There were howls of complaint from those who were affected....but the economic facts are....you can only have what you can pay for.
If those who use legal tax avoidance measures(not reined in by ANY government past or present) were prevented from doing so, loopholes (that all governments have known about)were closed and multinational like Google, Amazon, Paid what they should pay, then we could have all the services we need.
But it won't happen as politicians care little about the little man...they only care about how they can make their own lives better.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 09-12-2018 at 16:19.
09-12-2018, 18:28
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accrington is 8th
Originally Posted by Chris Cross
Police numbers are now lower than when records first started 22 years ago. Prisons are over capacity. Courts are handing out fines and community orders for crimes that warrant imprisonment to safeguard the community. Scumbags know this, the police have to deal with it as well as us and more cuts are in the pipeline.
Yes, Police numbers are down and yet you state prisons are overflowing. Is this because.
a) The fewer Police are more efficient?
b) Judges are issuing harsher sentences on the few that are caught by a minimal Police force? (Ignore b) we all know justice no longer fits the crime).
c) The prisons aren't as big as they used to be? (Perhaps from under funding?)
d) All of the above.
5) None of the above.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
09-12-2018, 18:37
Beacon of light
Re: Accrington is 8th
Less... I will await with interest the answer to those questions.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-12-2018, 11:14
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Accrington is 8th
How many prisons were there when records started? How many are there now?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-12-2018, 14:03
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Re: Accrington is 8th
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1220459]
If those who use legal tax avoidance measures(not reined in by ANY government past or present) were prevented from doing so, loopholes (that all governments have known about)were closed and multinational like Google, Amazon, Paid what they should pay, then we could have all the services we need.
if either of the two main parties put the above up as their main priority at a general election they would get thousands of extra votes but they will not as tax loopholes being abolished might hurt some of their friends.
10-12-2018, 14:09
Beacon of light
Re: Accrington is 8th
Yes....that is why no government has bothered to close the loopholes, preferring to take money off those who HAVE to PAYE.
HMRC have first grab of your money....so not able to avoid paying their share.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-12-2018, 17:32
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Re: Accrington is 8th
Back in 70's you could get done for telling lies to the Police or wasting their time with minor issues. Today they encourage people to lie to them about so called "Hate crimes!" Anyone hear about the woman who was pillar of community: given Police warning for pressing her car horn at a black woman at a petrol station. The black woman complained to Police and claimed it was a "racial hate crime!" The Police then issued a written warning to the woman, who was pillar of community and had no Police record. That is a waste of Police time.
12-12-2018, 11:46
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Re: Accrington is 8th
so you do not get with your white neighbour at one side of you its just one of those things but have similar agruements with a black or asian family at the other side it could end up a hate crime. what a funny old world.
03-01-2019, 22:26
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Re: Accrington is 8th
I have been told that the people who are responsible for rehoming scumbags from other parts of the country moved a few of these people up that area.
04-01-2019, 15:23
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Re: Accrington is 8th
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