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29-04-2021, 07:40
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Accrington Web
We take it for granted now but I thought it would be very interesting to know the history of Accrington Web, how it started, when it started, what brought it about, and so on. Perhaps even some reminiscences from people who have been members from the earlier years about the site and about those unforgettable, and sometimes outspoken, members – some of whom are sadly no longer with us. There have been some real characters, even over the years I have been fortunate enough to be a member.
29-04-2021, 10:49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accrington Web
AccyWeb was started by Robert Maxwell back in June 1991, he invested his vast fortune (and several peoples pensions) to see if any money could be made from this 'social media' thing.
Due to it's unadulterated success in attracting the type of people that wouldn't believe a word he prints in his papers, he threw himself from his luxury yacht in November 1991 his last words were allegedly, 'Oh my God, what have I done? They'll be blaming me for facebook next!'.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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29-04-2021, 12:27
Beacon of light
Re: Accrington Web
Less, Dotti asked a perfectly reasonable question...out of interest, and perhaps to stimulate some reminscences of when Accyweb was shiny and new.
She really deserved a better answer....don't you think?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
29-04-2021, 12:58
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Re: Accrington Web
Less, I’m not sure how long it took you to think up the frivolous reply to my genuine request for information, but let’s get at least some facts straight. Actually Maxwell was peeing in the ocean while in the nude, as he so often did, when it seems that he suffered a heart attack, fell overboard, and drowned. Although at first it was assumed he had jumped in voluntarily and thus committed suicide, this was ruled out, as was murder. As for any last words he might have uttered (a bit difficult if unconscious) it would more likely have been ‘this is what I get for pi**ing in the ocean’. At least you did get the date of his death right.
29-04-2021, 13:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accrington Web
Originally Posted by dotti34
Less, I’m not sure how long it took you to think up the frivolous reply to my genuine request for information, but let’s get at least some facts straight. Actually Maxwell was peeing in the ocean while in the nude, as he so often did, when it seems that he suffered a heart attack, fell overboard, and drowned. Although at first it was assumed he had jumped in voluntarily and thus committed suicide, this was ruled out, as was murder. As for any last words he might have uttered (a bit difficult if unconscious) it would more likely have been ‘this is what I get for pi**ing in the ocean’. At least you did get the date of his death right.
Obviously with the reply I've given I wasn't really bothered about being completely factual because it was wasn't intended to be correct.
All the threads, posts and history of AccyWeb are collected right from the start in 2003, do some research and make up your own history, You've seen mine.
P.S, I apologise for my one lapse into accuracy.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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29-04-2021, 13:56
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Re: Accrington Web
You are completely missing the point, Less. I know I can do research and possibly find the history of Accy Web for myself but I was attempting to entice others to share some stories and make this thread interesting reading. I know it is possible that it will fizzle out in the same way as so many others seem to do without receiving much input, well so be it. At least I do try.
29-04-2021, 17:39
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Accrington Web
Hi Dotti,
I joined Accyweb in 2004, it was a way of keeping in touch with my friend who emigrated to Canada. She told me about this forum so I thought I'd take a look. Initially I think it was aimed at Accringtonians living/working abroad as a way of keeping up with what was going on at home. Like a lot of forums, it soon attracted lots of members.
I met my current partner on here, he was working in China at the time we'll have been together 17 years this year. We used to have regular member meet ups in the Stag and other local pubs. It was great getting to know some of the other members, especially as online personalities are sometimes very different to the face to face personality.
In the early days, most topics centred around having a laugh and local issues, sport, jokes, music etc. Things very soon got political and some members started posting a lot less, myself included. I used to love reading the blogs and doing my own blog. I also loved it when we had virtual pets and the Accrington Web currency 'Ackers' that we earned from posting in the forum. These were used to buy pet food in the virtual shop so that we could feed our pets.
I do still log on now and then, just to see what's happening but unfortunately my life got a whole lot busier so I don't get as much time now.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
29-04-2021, 17:45
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Accrington Web
a shame that lettie you and sparkologist are well missed on here.as are others some have obviously passed on some are not very well these days.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-04-2021, 17:55
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accrington Web
Originally Posted by dotti34
You are completely missing the point, Less. I know I can do research and possibly find the history of Accy Web for myself but I was attempting to entice others to share some stories and make this thread interesting reading. I know it is possible that it will fizzle out in the same way as so many others seem to do without receiving much input, well so be it. At least I do try.
Not missing anything, avoiding maybe. But at least I replied, you could pretend to be grateful.
Only the other day someone on here was talking about tongue in cheek, doesn't seem to work.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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29-04-2021, 23:17
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Re: Accrington Web
Oopsy-do, Less, I guess I asked for that – the only thing is that your idea of tongue-in-cheek and mine are very different. I like to think I am a wee bit subtle in my endeavours to be amusing, and people can take it or leave it depending on their sense of humour, or lack of it.
Well Less, we do seem to clash at times but at least we are contributing to this website. By the way, as much as I sincerely appreciate (no pretence about me) the fact that you have replied to my post I think asking me for gratitude is a bit over-the-top.
29-04-2021, 23:21
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Re: Accrington Web
Lettie, that is a great post from you about Accy Web, I loved it. Congratulations on your romantic partnership of 17 years – here’s to many more years together, and to think this website was responsible for you meeting. Brllliant!
Hope your story brings out more memories from other members.
30-04-2021, 08:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Accrington Web
Originally Posted by dotti34
Well Less, we do seem to clash at times but at least we are contributing to this website. By the way, as much as I sincerely appreciate (no pretence about me) the fact that you have replied to my post I think asking me for gratitude is a bit over-the-top.
There you go you see, you think we are clashing whereas I consider it to be nothing of the sort a bit of banter is all.
As for gratitude, yes, be grateful when someone answers your post it is far better than being completely ignored and one reply can help stir up the interest of just a few more (alas AccyWeb isn't what it was, when any old crap would get several replies no matter what the subject).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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30-04-2021, 08:35
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Re: Accrington Web
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1253375]Less, Dotti asked a perfectly reasonable question...out of interest, and perhaps to stimulate some reminscences of when Accyweb was shiny and new.
She really deserved a better answer....don't you think?
I dont think that Less was trying to be facetious,(I had to look in my Oxford senior dictionary for that word), it struck me as bringing a touch of humour without meaning to cause offence.
30-04-2021, 08:38
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Re: Accrington Web
Less, I would rather use the word 'appreciation' when someone replies to one of my posts, because I do appreciate the fact that they have read it and bothered to reply. To say I am grateful makes it sound like I am humbled by them replying, which is not the case. The things I am really grateful for are somewhat different.
Personally I find it is a pity that Accrington Web is not what it was.
Banter, yes, although I still think we have been clashing I realise it can be seen as a sort of bantering and as long as it is kept 'civilised' and within certain boundaries banter can be quite entertaining. So I will carry on with it if the occasion warrants it, and I expect you will too.
30-04-2021, 08:38
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Re: Accrington Web
As for Dotti's answer, it was a classic.
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