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Old 20-06-2009, 23:27   #31
Resting in Peace

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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Larger business get loads of begging letters every week and most of the time our hands are tied because we have shop forums that elect a charity for the year and all we raise goes to that. I know it's hard to appreciate that big firms don't have the cash but trust me, they don't !
We're not talking though about nationwide businesses like Boots or Game shops Lyndsay, just those locally where they spend huge amounts of money on marketing to attract out-of-towners, and have had money incestives offered from our council tax to widen their business.

Non trade organisations only pay £10 ... not even necessary to have a float to be honest. Remember was involved in promoting The Hyndburn Pathfinders in a carnival ... a theatre group from the ashes of the Arts Club (which did have a float one year), and just had a group walking in pantomime gear ... me in fishnets of course. Think we could have done an Ossy Players one if we had really thought about it .. not exactly short of money.

As West Ender said ... just apathy ... nowt to do with money.

Hek ... we could have had an Accyweb one !! Which blockbuster movie would we have chosen ??... would have been great fun. I know retrospective thoughts are easy aren't they....
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Old 20-06-2009, 23:36   #32
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Re: accy carnival

the jungle book
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 21-06-2009, 00:09   #33
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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
the jungle book
LOL .. not quite sure that is the quite the category Flashy.

Could have your Reece (with a bit of fake tan) as Mowgli ... but what about the other characters ?

Shere Khan, the ruthless Tiger ... Roy ? No ... he could be Baloo, happy-go-lucky bear.

Daren't say any more ...

No women though ..
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Old 21-06-2009, 00:18   #34
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Re: accy carnival

accyweb is full of 'characters' i'm sure we could find some who fit the bill
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 21-06-2009, 07:46   #35
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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
The event is organised by the Rotary club, not the Council. I'm sure the next comments will be 'but the Council should be supporting or running the event' - well, to defend the Council, everybody says that about every single event or organisation (the Council should support Accrington Stanley, the Council should support the Carnival, the Council should support businesses going under)!!!! They simply can't support every single thing, plus, as I said, this is organised by the Rotary, I don't even know if they asked the Council for support.

The newspapers charge for a four page spread. This is expensive and from what I understand the Carnival committee didn't have the money this year.

I think money has been the issue with this year's carnival from day one. It takes a lot of fund raising and a lot of volunteers to put this event on and I'm sure they've done the best they can on the money they had. For companies like Ossy Mills and Express Gifts to put floats in costs money which they don't have - would you rather have them employ an extra person for six months or put a float in the Carnival?

It's a shame that the Carnival isn't what it used to be but we should be congratulating the Rotary for at least trying to keep it going.

There are two years before the next one.
yes they should try and support everything they do in other towns the councils apathy in accy is nothing short of scandalous and one of the reasons accy is dying they are a disgrace tory and labour.was the local mp not there either
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Old 21-06-2009, 07:57   #36
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Re: accy carnival

The Accrington Carnival is one of the biggest events in the town so i cant see any excuse why the local councilors cant get involved and support it.
I saw Perter Britcliffe in his shell suit heading away as fast as he could to do his shopping
I did try to stop him to ask him but just ignores everyone.

Last edited by Mick; 21-06-2009 at 08:02.
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Old 21-06-2009, 08:18   #37
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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
We had a great day

So did we................
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Old 21-06-2009, 09:19   #38
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Re: accy carnival

After yesterdays procession I was talking to friends and were thinking aout carnivals from previous years going ack to the late 70's and how the carnival procession started at Thorneyholme Road went down Burnley Road along Broadway efore it was pedestrianised onto Blackburn Road and then up to the College, the crowds along the route were massive.

I'm sure the demise of the local companies like Karrimor has had an impact on participation and local companies being absorbed into larger national companies perhaps there's no longer the commitment to local events.

Yesterday I walked on the pavement behind "the crowds" and along the route even at the busiest points it was no more than 3 or 4 deep

Although the weather may have reduced the size of the crowd this had nothing to do with the size of the procession for a town the size of Accrington it should have been much bigger. Our float at Accrington Girls and Ladies cost nothing apart from some creative talent and hours of volunteers time and the enthusiasm of our girls (well gone girls you did your club proud)

On the positive side what as a participant what did we get out of yesterday?

a memorale day for our members being in the carnival
built team spirit by all our teams being together
involved some of our parents in the event in leaflet distribution
allowed us to give massive pulicity to the local community regarding Accrington Girls and Ladies FC
hopefully will attract new members to our club
(major event this Tuesday at Hyndurn Sports Centre Tuesday June 23 6pm - 8pm to promote girls football, further details at Accrington Girls & Ladies FC Home - sorry had to get the plug in)

At the carnival field I was talking to the Accrington Wildcats Rugy League Club, they were in the procession dressed in their kits and had a stall at the field, that didn't cost anything but like ourselves it will have raised their profile.

thanks for all those who did take part lets hope next time we have a few more organisations taking part
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Old 21-06-2009, 17:25   #39
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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by pipinfort View Post
So did we................
oh good... was beginning to think i stumbled into Colne Gala instead
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 21-06-2009, 17:48   #40
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Re: accy carnival

My friend and I had a charity stall on the field at Peel Park , a bottle tombola in fact.there was a good turnout of families , and yes the Mayor was there. Also was Kenny Baker and Star Wars characters. The weather could have been better or a damn site worse. I did not see the parade but on the field a success.
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Old 21-06-2009, 21:19   #41
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Re: accy carnival

I went to the school and had a wander round (avoided the precession etc) the boys enjoyed it..........

Speaking of which, does anyone have a spare goldfish bowl
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Old 22-06-2009, 14:01   #42
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Re: accy carnival

Just out of interest, if the haulage company provides the flat back lorry, who pays the insurance premium to cover the people riding around on the back? Is it done through a blanket policy paid by the Accy lions? One thing is for sure - in these risk-adverse times, that policy won't come cheap.
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Old 23-06-2009, 08:55   #43
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Re: accy carnival

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I went to the school and had a wander round (avoided the precession etc) the boys enjoyed it..........

Speaking of which, does anyone have a spare goldfish bowl
Bet if you look hard enough you'll find you already have one emzy, its about 5 foot long 2 feet deep and is near the toilet, goldfish just love a good swim
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Old 23-06-2009, 17:18   #44
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Re: accy carnival

Oh I used to LOVE watching the carnival in Accy when I was a child
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Old 23-06-2009, 18:45   #45
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Re: accy carnival

I used to love the ones by The Peter Pan Club ... they won a few times too.
What happened to them, did they amalgamate with another group ?
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