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Old 15-07-2009, 21:45   #1
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lindsay ormerod's Avatar

Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Just been named in some survey as being excellent and having visited there twice in the last month I have to agree. First class. When we got there tonight with sick child they were about to close at 8:30 but were brilliant with us, helped us get Kels out of the car and straight onto an ECG monitor, no messing. Thankfully all is well, the chest pains are linked to her viral infection and we were offered the option of being admitted to Blackburn Royal with a potential 3 hour wait or , as the doc advised, take her home, get her comfy, keep an eye on her. Lovely caring staff and the minimum of fuss, reassuring and practical.(The doc also told us in his opinion it isn't Swine flu and that the antibiotics given to us by my own GP are useless against this kind of virus!)
Thanks Accy Vic, you rock!
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Old 15-07-2009, 21:58   #2
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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Glad to hear that your lass is being well looked after, Lindsay, and top marks to Accy Vic. Reading the local health debates on here sometimes about whether services should go to Blackburn Royal or Burnley, you wouldn't even think that this town had its own hospital, so it's nice to know that the Vic is still alive and well!
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Old 15-07-2009, 22:01   #3
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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

got to agree, always been very well looked after at the "Vic" was once transferred there after an Op at the infirmary, was much better than the place i'd just left.
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Old 15-07-2009, 22:49   #4
God Member


Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Got to agree staff are great and the hospital is spotless, just a shame it was downgraded so much by taking away maternity, childrens ward, practically everything. Mum was transferred there last year after her op and everything was spot on. Hope Kels is feeling better soon Linds.
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Old 16-07-2009, 08:53   #5
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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

I've been to the Vic for various reasons over the last few years, beats the hell out of schlepping to the Royal, pity they don't still have medical wards there, would be much better for both patients and visitors, especially me as my daughter lives in the next street
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Old 16-07-2009, 10:11   #6

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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

I don't think you can call Accy Vic a hospital any more. Its more of a heath centre these days which is a terrible shame. People like to be treated locally. They have a renal unit there but if one of the patients has a bad turn they have to call an ambulance to deal with them which is a little odd seeing as it is a hospital.
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Old 16-07-2009, 10:26   #7
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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Great to hear Kels is receiving the correct medical care Linds, I hope she recovers quickly, wrong antibiotics eh? (I had heard that many doctors these days dont seem to know thier ass from thier elbow ), I have been to Accy Vic twice, once when Jack (7) put a small stone in his ear, and once with my eldest for a gum abcess, both were treated immediately, very successfully, and were not waiting around for hours, with the gum abcess, they took the tooth out, which surprised me, because I have been to dentists who wouldnt do it untill the swelling had gone, hats off to Accy Vic.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 16-07-2009, 12:02   #8
Junior Member+

Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Yes Accy Vic have always been very helpfull with my son. Shame the same cant be said about Royal Blackburn, just got back from picking my Dad up from there and the way he has been treated is atrocious!
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Old 16-07-2009, 16:58   #9

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Re: Accy Vic, an excellent hospital.

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
wrong antibiotics eh? (I had heard that many doctors these days dont seem to know thier ass from thier elbow )
I think the Doc meant antibiotics are no good for a virus. The Doc may not have knows it was a virus, you can't be 100% without a blood test after all.
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