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27-11-2007, 10:06
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Accyweb book club
sorry if this is really sad..
i recently read a book called 'a freind like Henry' it's the true story of a boy with autism and how his family helped him adapt and progress. it is written by his mother and was shown on tv on boxing day. It gives a familys view of living with a child with autism and also the childs view at the end. If you have an child with autism then you should read this book because it gives a real view of autism that the doctors and text books dont give you. i wish this book had been available when i was training as it is better than the text books i used.
please feel free to write about/recommend (etc) a book you have read as i am on the look out for something new to read! 
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
27-11-2007, 10:11
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Re: Accyweb book club
oh, by the way... the film that was shown is used as an example to students when they are covering autism......
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
27-11-2007, 11:03
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Re: Accyweb book club
any body got a copy of the program / film that i could watch. another program was called After Thomas
27-11-2007, 19:59
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Re: Accyweb book club
after thomas was based on the book i read.. the book starts from when his mother was pregnant and the programme doesnt.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
27-11-2007, 20:01
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Re: Accyweb book club
It may not be to everyone's taste, but Denis Winter's "Haig's Command: A Reassessment" is an excellent study of what was wrong in the high command of the British Army in the First World War. Also some good pics, but none that you can color.
27-11-2007, 20:38
Beacon of light
Re: Accyweb book club
I have just read 'The Diary of an Ordinary Woman' written by Margaret Forster......it documents the life of a woman from the turn of the century up until about 1995. I didn't really take to it at first.....it sounded like something of a privileged back ground....but it grew on me and in the end I was sad to finish it.
Margaret Forster was commisioned to write the story from a real diary.
I would recommend it, and say, it is a bit of a slow start, but persevere.
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27-11-2007, 22:11
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Re: Accyweb book club
Just out of interest (and sorry for the wander), but are there any real book clubs in the area?
A friend of mine lives in Lancaster and attends a really good book club. Does anyone know of any in the Accrington/Blackburn areas?
27-11-2007, 22:20
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Re: Accyweb book club
Also worth a read is "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. Very controversial, but excrutiatingly researched. It's not an easy read ... more like a PhD thesis ... but worth the effort.
By the way, George W might need some books. His library burnt down. All three books were destroyed. And one of them he hadn't even finished coloring!
28-11-2007, 13:02
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Re: Accyweb book club
If you want a laugh, and a biting satirical look at political correctness, try a book written by my double, George Carlin: "When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops."
28-11-2007, 13:12
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Re: Accyweb book club
I have read quite a lot recently, love James Patterson, Torey Hayden is great as is David Pelzer. All are great authors!
Had a quick look on web for local book clubs, best bet might be to pop into library and ask
28-11-2007, 15:19
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Re: Accyweb book club
I tend to read biographys more than anything else. Recently read jack osbournes (obviously not to everyones taste) found in really good, hearing of all the strange things that he did as a kid and how he coped with his mum being diagnosed with cancer. Also read peter kays which as you would expect is just packed full of laughs. Anybody recommend any decent biographys?
28-11-2007, 20:42
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Re: Accyweb book club
Yes, my partner is now reading Jools Holland's autobiography. Bought it him for his birthday on Fri and he's nearly finished it.
Obviously also not to everyone's taste
28-11-2007, 20:52
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Re: Accyweb book club
Originally Posted by AccyLass27
love James Patterson, Torey Hayden is great as is David Pelzer. All are great authors!
i've read all of Dave Pelzers books(a child called 'it' and the lost boy and a man named Dave)and all of his brother Richard Pelzers too (a brothers journey and a teenagers journey)and they are excellent, i love Paul Britton too (the jigsaw man and picking up the pieces), he's a criminal psychologist, i love reading about true crime, murders especially, recently ive read books by Constance Briscoe (ugly) Jenny Tomlin (silent sisters) Kerry Katona (too much too young) Stephen Cook (the real cracker) Sharon Osbourne (extreme) Shane Richie (rags to richie) Jordan (being jordan and a whole new world) Peter Andre (all about us: my story) i especially love books by and about the Kray Twins 
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28-11-2007, 20:57
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Re: Accyweb book club
Well worth a read .... Paris 1919 by Margaret Macmillan
Book reviews of Paris 1919 by Margaret MacMillan.
about the Paris Peace conference after the end of WW1
28-11-2007, 20:59
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Re: Accyweb book club
i've read all of Dave Pelzers books(a child called 'it' and the lost boy and a man named Dave)and all of his brother Richard Pelzers too (a brothers journey and a teenagers journey)and they are excellent
Cool, I have also read his brothers books and I too thought they were great. Also read the Constance, Ugly. How horrible. Have you read the book by the woman who does How Clean Is Your House? Can't remember what that is, but it's great!
Shane Richie's book was quite good, but can't really say that there is someone I find sooo interesting that I really want to read their autobiography
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