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Old 01-11-2005, 10:11   #1
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Acohol and trains

I assume that most of you have heard of the plan to stop alcohol being consumed on the mainline trains in England and that the transport police support this. It would not apply in Scotland so if you are having a drink on a train here you need to be rid of it before the border. I have done the Glasgow or Edinburgh run to Preston for the past 15 years and have yet to see any real troublle through drink and believe there is a bit of over reaction. The police say it will stop some of the alcohol related trouble at stations but I believe it is passing it to someone else.

1; If it was enforced the people who are determined to have a drink will be bladdered by the time they reach the border between Scotland and England.

2; Any who want a drink wil try and get a skinfull after they reach Scotland.

3: All the trouble will then be at the mainline stations in Scotland as they all roll of there bladdered.

4: How do they enforce it?

5: Will people be forbiden to take drink on a train?

I like the odd drink on a train and think that again the majority will suffer because of the mindless minority so why should I have to pay because of them! Then what do they do if the train from Manchester Airport has people coming back from their hols with a bagful of duty free seize it and tell them they can get it when they reach home. The Virgin trains do not have a guards van so where would it be kept. It seems to be badly misjudged and ill thought out. The ban should be either on all intercity trains in the whole uk like with smoking or they find another way.

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Old 01-11-2005, 10:32   #2
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Re: Acohol and trains

It won't happen as a lot of our lovely MPs travel by train and wouldn't be allowed a bottle of wine(on expenses of course) with their meal in 1st class.

As has been said it will just mean that people will get lush before they get on. Personally I occassionally travel to London for courses etc and take a few cans and something to eat onto the train. I've never seen anyone piddled on teh west coast line.
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:56   #3
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Acohol and trains

haven't heard of this one spug! the only alcohol related trouble i have witnessed on trains was a couple of years ago when travelling back from euston, and that was caused by a bunch of man utd fans,who were clearly bladdered when they got on the train,and were causing problems before departure.(bar closed) at that point.agree with entwi though- doubt it will happen.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:57   #4


Re: Acohol and trains

Again this is bo****ks dragged up by idiots and do goodies gone mad…….Alcohol related trouble on Station Platforms is much more likely to relate to Alcohol consumed in the pubs and clubs at cut price rates to people who would have most likely demonstrated that they had had enough to drink prior to reaching the stage were they potentially become violent. I.e. like the old day’s, “Err, sorry old son I can’t serve you anymore Alcohol because your pi**ed again.”


Don’t let them on to the Platforms if there drunk and incapable.

Make the owners of those establishments serving Alcohol responsible of the damage done and the cost of policing in there own Neighbourhoods.

Make those individuals who cause disruption, damage or harm pay for there office by a combination of punishments i.e. A very big fine, Public Notoriety by Naming and Shaming, Imprisonment with Hard Labour at its centre. Make the bas***ds clean up there mess, replace or repair at there own cost and damage done. They should also be made to contribute to the cost of Policing there activites.

On the Train:

Don’t let drunks on in the first place and eject anyone who gets pi**ed in motion at the next available station.

I would also suggest that the person behind the bar is made responsible for the Alcohol he or she serves to travellers on there trains and ensures that people don’t get too ratted. “Who wants pink rivers on slow trains?”

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 01-11-2005, 12:14   #5
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Re: Acohol and trains

It would be more than a pink river if you told some bruiser from Glasgow he couldnt drink his tennents super on the train and that the buckie was flushed down the loo. Yes some jobsworth has gon bonkers with this and should be made to realise that a tiny majority are to blame. Yes they get a good drink before bording the train as the beer seems to be sold at London prices.

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Old 01-11-2005, 19:51   #6
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Re: Acohol and trains

I have never had alcohol on a train, but dont really do long journeys, I dont see a problem with having a drink on a train, I certainly dont think banning it will stop the drunks, they'll find a way. The drunks should be dealt with directly fine/ removed from the train etc but they shouldn't bring a rule in that affects everyone just becouse of a problem with a few.
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Old 03-11-2005, 13:37   #7
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Re: Acohol and trains

ime glad they are taking the time to tackle real important alchol related issues instead of wasting time on minor alchol related issues like 14 year old girls mugging the elderly and large groups of under aged drinkers on street corners

i like how they showed footage of a few incidents where drunk people attacked train employees to justify all the attention but to be quite honest you dont have to be drunk to want to slap them after been made late for work or stood on a platform in the rain for 30 mins plus because the train is late due to a leaf on the line
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Old 03-11-2005, 16:06   #8
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Re: Acohol and trains

I think the govenment is scared of losing the support of the unions because their members are being attacked on buses and trains. It has come to the stage were the ordinary public will pay second fiddle to those who fund political parties. These people the govenment seem to forget put them in power and can just as easily take them out of power. Wonder if age concern put large amounts of cash into the political parties pensioners would be getting such a raw deal?

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