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Old 19-06-2012, 14:50   #16
I am Banned

Re: Air fresheners

My gas central heating boiler is in a large cupboard in the bathroom.
I may well decide to switch that off too. I have an electric shower, a dishwasher and 3 electric heaters, so lack of central heating and hot water at sink and basin is not a dramatic problem.
There should be no adverse effects from the central heating boiler, they are a sealed unit taking air from outside, and venting to outside.
The adverse effects of natural gas affects anyone who has respiratory problems.
(So Jaysay please read the link)[/quote]

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Old 19-06-2012, 15:10   #17
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Re: Air fresheners

Thanks to the two gents who gave info ref boiler.
I have also read that 'side vented' (which it is) can cause the fumes to re-enter the building via widows and badly fitted window frames.

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Old 19-06-2012, 15:19   #18
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Thanks to the two gents who gave info ref boiler.
I have also read that 'side vented' (which it is) can cause the fumes to re-enter the building via widows and badly fitted window frames.
Do you let many ladies whose husbands are deceased into your flat Margaret?

And are they fuming when they enter?

Sorry couldn't resist...
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Old 19-06-2012, 15:29   #19
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Re: Air fresheners

OK did a typo - missed an N

Incidentally, I can smell deodorants on either sex if they get within six feet of me.

When you stop bombarding your respiratory system with toxins, you gain a better sense of smell.

I have some carbon fliter masks to wear when I venture out (rare).

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Old 19-06-2012, 15:46   #20
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
OK did a typo - missed an N

Incidentally, I can smell deodorants on either sex if they get within six feet of me.

When you stop bombarding your respiratory system with toxins, you gain a better sense of smell.

I have some carbon fliter masks to wear when I venture out (rare).
Margaret, I absolutely detest being near people wearing heavily scented perfume or deodorant and like you I can smell them from afar To me it's a form of assault if you are in the street and get that whiff. Sometimes my other half comes home from the pub and I just know he's been sitting with someone who wears a lot of perfume and perhaps given her (or him?) a quick cuddle (he's like that).

Years ago I used to do a lot of sewing alterations and I hated it when I was given clothes that had been freshly washed in overpowering detergents or were covered in perfume/deodorant.

The latest one - I like Windolene to clean my windows and had a bottle which had lasted me for years. It smelt of the cleaning ingredients, including white spirit. I just bought a new bottle (very hard to find, incidentally) and it now has the most horrible cloying perfume added to mask the ingredients smell - which I much prefer.

Fortunately I don't suffer any longterm effects from all these but I don't have perfumed cleansers or cosmetics etc in the house if I can do without - might have to get rid of the Windolene.
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Old 19-06-2012, 15:56   #21
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Re: Air fresheners

Don't use Windolene - an E cloth works better
e-cloth — e-cloth - perfect cleaning with just water

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Old 19-06-2012, 16:13   #22
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Re: Air fresheners

Never did see the point of air fresheners ... we had a rain this morning; so, right now, my house smells of wet JRT and wet Golden Retriever My couch always smells a little like dog. I like it that way. Sure, I can open the sliding door to my deck, and a couple of windows and it, more or less, goes away. I clean the cat litter boxes a couple of times a day. And I keep my garbage outside. The coons get into it sometimes, and last nite I sense that a skunk stopped by.

When my pits start to get a little ripe after being outside in the heat, I take a shower. I use soap, not Irish Spring or Dial or garbage like that, but soap. I actually have some carbolic soap. I don't know if it is good for me, but I don't give a rats ass ... I like the smell. Brings back memories of my youth. Don't need after shave ... don't shave much.
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Old 19-06-2012, 16:23   #23
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Re: Air fresheners

Dr Bronners soaps have no petrochemicals - only organic natural ingredients.
I wash my hair with it too - no need for shampoos and conditioners.
If you want to add a bit of shine to hair, use apricot kernel oil.

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps: History: Overview

Last edited by MargaretR; 19-06-2012 at 16:26.
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Old 19-06-2012, 16:31   #24
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Don't use Windolene - an E cloth works better
e-cloth — e-cloth - perfect cleaning with just water
I use it about once a year Margaret - that's why the bottle lasted so long!
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Old 19-06-2012, 16:40   #25
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I use it about once a year Margaret - that's why the bottle lasted so long!
With a nice perfume anyone can cuddle me. except Eric
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Old 19-06-2012, 17:48   #26
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I have revived this old thread because there is a new development in my battle against Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

My problem began with an air freshener overdose when, in the aftermath of the smoking ban, a social club I visited several times a week, installed numerous plug in air fresheners - 2007 (5 years ago)

In the years since, I have altered my lifesyle, to avoid ALL petrochemical products.

There was one which I overlooked - natural gas!
I did notice that I became breathless when using a frying pan, and blamed it on Tefal fumes, so I got non coated steel pans, but the breathlessness persisted.

I have we searched and found -
the health hazards of natural gas, by agnes malouf and david wimberly
"The British medical journal, The Lancet, reported in1996 that the use of domestic gas appliances, particularly gas stoves, was linked to increased asthma, respiratory illness, and impaired lung function especially in young women. Women using gas stoves had double the respiratory problems of women cooking on electric stoves. The same study showed that using extractor fans which vented the cooking fumes outside did not reduce adverse effects of gas."

Today my gas cooker has been shipped out and an electric cooker shipped in.
My gas central heating boiler is in a large cupboard in the bathroom.
I may well decide to switch that off too. I have an electric shower, a dishwasher and 3 electric heaters, so lack of central heating and hot water at sink and basin is not a dramatic problem.

The adverse effects of natural gas affects anyone who has respiratory problems.
(So Jaysay please read the link)
To be honest Margaret Its pointless me reading anything really I'm to far gone to start worrying about whats good or bad for my health, I'm living on borrowed time as it is
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Old 19-06-2012, 18:22   #27
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
To be honest Margaret Its pointless me reading anything really I'm to far gone to start worrying about whats good or bad for my health, I'm living on borrowed time as it is
I choose not to be a victim - I will continue to try to be well.

In a way I am more fortunate than you because the NHS does not recognise my problem, so self reliance is my only option.

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Old 19-06-2012, 18:33   #28
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I choose not to be a victim - I will continue to try to be well.

In a way I am more fortunate than you because the NHS does not recognise my problem, so self reliance is my only option.
I actually admire you Margaret, but its just a little pointless me starting to bother now, I said years ago that I didn't expect to see my 65 birthday, its my 66th next month (all being well) but there again its like the old story isn't it, the old chap going into his local and celebrating his 90th birthday, a young lad stood next to him says I would want to live till I'm 90 granddad, tha would if tha were 89 he replied
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Old 19-06-2012, 21:04   #29
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by MargaretR
The adverse effects of natural gas affects anyone who has respiratory problems.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I have some carbon fliter masks to wear when I venture out (rare)
Of course the fact that Maggie smokes her Golden Virginia roll-ups without having any effect whatsoever on her multiple respiratory ailments must be down to smoking them through her mask.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 19-06-2012, 21:27   #30
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Re: Air fresheners

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Of course the fact that Maggie smokes her Golden Virginia roll-ups without having any effect whatsoever on her multiple respiratory ailments must be down to smoking them through her mask.
Roll-ups do not contain petrochemicals - factory made cigs are bulked up with chemical additives to increase addiction and produce a faster burn (so you smoke more).

Ignorance of the nature of chemical sensitivity is common

Last edited by MargaretR; 19-06-2012 at 21:34.
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