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Old 10-07-2014, 21:31   #151
Beacon of light

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Ah....I see he is gone!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-07-2014, 21:33   #152
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Less, now don't be holding your breath while you wait for an answer in politicalese.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-07-2014, 21:35   #153
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

I would like to know just who the 'they' are(as in their petition).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-07-2014, 21:44   #154
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Less, now don't be holding your breath while you wait for an answer in politicalese.
I don't know about you Margaret, but I was disgusted with that pile of manure he covered our servers with, anyone with any empathy for those that have suffered wouldn't have contemplated such a low standard of answer.

Is he really OUR representative? Is he the best we can hope for? If yes to either or both of the above questions then we really should be ashamed of ourselves.
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Old 10-07-2014, 21:53   #155
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Less, I am pretty sure you know my opinion of what our elected representative wrote in answer to my question.
I think I have made my opinions pretty clear.....unlike the reply.....which was obfuscation....pure and simple.
Yes, I thought I could smell a large lump of Fisons!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-07-2014, 21:56   #156
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All The Best To You Graham

I had to do something.

My own view has been towards the victims (and an inquiry) in everything I have said so far elsewhere (I addressed your petition question here).
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Old 10-07-2014, 22:04   #157
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All The Best To You Graham

Margaret, I have a 5 year daughter going to bed with all due respect.
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Old 10-07-2014, 22:19   #158
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

You have a five year old daughter?
What has that got to do with this thread....unless you are telling me that you left the forum so that you could see her off to bed....if that IS the case then you need to be clearer in your response.
That you have such a young child should make you all the more determined to see that those people who want to harm such young children by abusing them sexually, should feel the full force of the law.... whether they be postman or politician, plasterer or policeman.
Position or social status should be immaterial in the justice system......and transparency when dealing with those who transgress is paramount.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-07-2014, 22:28   #159
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I had to do something.

My own view has been towards the victims (and an inquiry) in everything I have said so far elsewhere (I addressed your petition question here).
No, you aught to do something, such as direct us to 'elsewhere'? I'm not searching through twitter or anywhere else to find yet another disappointing answer.

you are still pussy footing around the subject, be brave, actually do something, make a statement that actually says something. Please, I beg you, I want to be proud to have you as my MP.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 10-07-2014, 23:05   #160
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All The Best To You Graham

Most people are proud and every day I work hard for them.

There's to be two investigations which I fully support. I don't need to sign a petition to find out where my morals lie.
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Old 10-07-2014, 23:09   #161
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
Most people are proud and every day I work hard for them.

There's to be two investigations which I fully support. I don't need to sign a petition to find out where my morals lie.
You shouldn't work hard for them, you should work hard for ALL.

Tell me, where do your morals lie? More pussy footing around no actual statement of facts.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 10-07-2014, 23:18   #162
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All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You have a five year old daughter?
What has that got to do with this thread....unless you are telling me that you left the forum so that you could see her off to bed....if that IS the case then you need to be clearer in your response.
That you have such a young child should make you all the more determined to see that those people who want to harm such young children by abusing them sexually, should feel the full force of the law.... whether they be postman or politician, plasterer or policeman.
Position or social status should be immaterial in the justice system......and transparency when dealing with those who transgress is paramount.
If you assume good in people, you'd probably have said/thought, "he's busy and he has a family, he probably had to go, never mind. At least he came on." and you'd have been correct.

I don't need to have a daughter to know what's right and wrong.

What we are discussing is the process by which things moved on and the conclusion that was arrived at.

I supported an inquiry, we've ended up in the right place.

As I said to colleagues privately around Westminster at the beginning AND AT THE FULL MEETING OF THE WHOLE OF THE PARLIAMENTARY LABOUR PARTY, my very first words. - we need a sensible process that is focused on the victims but which does not compromise a police investigation.

If that isnt speaking out to influence proceedings I don't know what is?

If you believe in good in people you're probably a lot nearer to the truth on most occasions.
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Old 11-07-2014, 06:05   #163
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Graham, the thing is....I DO see good in people. Politicians though, have disappointed me so many times.
Making assumptions about them leads to us, the electorate, being duped.
Many of those in the POW seem to live in a different world to us. They seem to believe that the rules that we live by are not the ones that they should follow.

And forgive me, but unless you make it really plain to those who follow you, by deeds(words mean very little when coming from a politician) then I don't assume the best......I assume that you are waiting for directions from those in the Labour Party who yank your chain.
Your personal morals are one thing.....your political ones are something entirely different.

Graham, you used to give straight answers. When did you learn to be so obscure?
You have changed since you became our MP. You have become like those you mix with.

All this may sound really cynical, but my cynicism has been caused by trusting what the people in power tell me.
Having my trust dashed more than once.

The political apathy that is present in many of the ordinary people like me, has been caused by politicians not giving our concerns any thinking that we are too dumb to be able to understand talking to us like we are incapable of rational thought.
By thinking that we can be is sad, but that is how it is.
Many of the electorate realise that their votes mean very little when it comes to influencing what happens in this country....we have NO democratic power, because which ever party you choose to follow, they are all the same.
You are not in the job for what you can do for me( or the people of Hyndburn) are in it for your own ends.

Graham, I am just being honest. Telling it how I see it. Anyone who knows me personally will tell you that this is how I have always been. I have no plans to change anytime soon.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-07-2014, 06:29   #164
Beacon of light

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by g jones View Post

As I said to colleagues privately around Westminster at the beginning AND AT THE FULL MEETING OF THE WHOLE OF THE PARLIAMENTARY LABOUR PARTY, my very first words. - we need a sensible process that is focused on the victims but which does not compromise a police investigation.

If that isnt speaking out to influence proceedings I don't know what is?

If you believe in good in people you're probably a lot nearer to the truth on most occasions.
Graham, if you say something your colleagues......then, because I am not one of these people......I know nothing about it.
I only know what I can read in publications, on the internet and on here.
So while that may have happened I have no knowledge of information.
My judgements...of people,of situations are based on the information that I have been able to find. I would hope that what you say in private remains private. In situations of this nature.......what you say publicly is how you are going to be judged.

In my world five year olds are in bed at 7pm on a school night.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 11-07-2014, 07:51   #165
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
In situations of this nature.......what you say publicly is how you are going to be judged..
Those few words sum this matter up perfectly!! In my view,this is n issue that offends public decency, so therefore is n issue that should be strongly spoken of by all who think this way, it is certainly NOT one of these matters to play politics oer, which to me is what seems to be occuring here, There are quite a few things in this enquiry i aint oer happy about, but the issue is more important than my objections to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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