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Old 10-08-2014, 17:41   #211
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Apparently, tens of thousands took to the streets of UK cities to protest against Israeli actions in Gaza. Not one peep of protest about the atrocities being carried out by ISIS
Funny that.
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Old 10-08-2014, 18:09   #212
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Yes, well might that being on account of Islam being a religion of peace and compassion?

The kind of peace that allows those who practise this faith to annihilate those who follow any other religion......the kind of faith that strips women of their clothes before raping them and selling them into sexual slavery.....the kind of faith that give those who do not follow it a chance to convert to Islam or be killed.

The practices of ISIS have nothing at all to do with Islam, they have all to do with man wanting to exert power over others that are in a weaker position. God(any God) does not figure in this at all......however devout these men like to think they are....they are just murderers......but holy that makes it all alright....doesn't it?

Are there any Muslims in this country standing up and saying'This is not the Islam that I follow?'
If there are, then they are whispering it...and the world cannot hear them.
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Old 10-08-2014, 18:36   #213
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Apparently, tens of thousands took to the streets of UK cities to protest against Israeli actions in Gaza. Not one peep of protest about the atrocities being carried out by ISIS
Funny that.
"Israeli actions in Gaza" ... aggressive self protection, learned the hard way after 66 years of facing Arab aggression and the threat of extermination. In my opinion, a much more considered and conservative response to that of GW following 9-11. 100s are dying in Gaza ... hundreds of thousands died in Iraq.

"[The] atrocities being carried out by ISIS": think of it as a warm up; a preparation and whetting of the appetite for the big game: the elimination of Israel, and the slaughter of every man, woman, and child in the country.

Come to think of it, Israel is a nuclear power. The scenarios are fascinating to think of, but they all include a radioactive parking lot where Mecca used to be.
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Old 10-08-2014, 21:43   #214
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, well might that being on account of Islam being a religion of peace and compassion?

The kind of peace that allows those who practise this faith to annihilate those who follow any other religion......the kind of faith that strips women of their clothes before raping them and selling them into sexual slavery.....the kind of faith that give those who do not follow it a chance to convert to Islam or be killed.

The practices of ISIS have nothing at all to do with Islam, they have all to do with man wanting to exert power over others that are in a weaker position. God(any God) does not figure in this at all......however devout these men like to think they are....they are just murderers......but holy that makes it all alright....doesn't it?

Are there any Muslims in this country standing up and saying'This is not the Islam that I follow?'
If there are, then they are whispering it...and the world cannot hear them.
Just like Christianity is a religion of peace and compassion..

Lets ignore inquisitions, slavery and the morally corrupt religious leaders of past and present.

The kind of peace that allows those who practice the faith to annihilate those who follow any other religion...

Aztec, Mayan, Aborigine, American Indian, Polynesian, Chinese, Japanese, African etc..etc..may give a few similar arguments against christianity

The kind of faith that strips women then ties them to a stake and burns them alive, the kind of faith that give those who do not follow it a chance to convert to Christianity or be killed..crusades anyone?..however devout..just holy murderers.

Yes there are muslim leaders condemning these atrocities, unfortunately they don't make it into the redtop rag reporting that passes for English or American media.

Thing is..we are educated, we can make an informed choice between creationism, Darwinism, Atheism, Alien seeding, a stork that carries newborns in its beak and a multitude of other religious beliefs and we have learned that it aint worth killing people for. We have learned that religion isn't even worth arguing about either believe or you don't, and good for you whatever floats your boat....a persons religious belief is less important to anyone other than themselves than the benches outside the market hall.

It's only 50 or so years since pregnant girls were shuffled off to secret convents in Ireland and treated like scum, 100 or so years since women were treated as second class citizens not allowed to speak their mind, the old testament advocates stoning for women....we've come a long way in the last century or so, thanks to education. We have to believe that the ordinary muslim will eventually get there regardless of indoctrination.

We have headlines in our local rag about a protest outside tesco..not one reporter has spoken to the muslims who are currently working behind the tills, stacking shelves and selling Israeli produce in this particular store, who are wondering what the hell the muslim version of our local Christian jihadist Kevin Logan is doing outside.

What Israel is doing in Gaza is just plain wrong...what ISIS are doing is also plain wrong..both on humanitarian grounds NOT religious!
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Old 10-08-2014, 22:02   #215
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

What Israel is doing in Gaza is just plain wrong...what ISIS are doing is also plain wrong..both on humanitarian grounds NOT religious!
That sums it up very well fer me, but also this stuff is happening now only thanks to Bush@ Blair, as far as i'm concerned, whilst the previous leaders of Iraq n Libya were complete bad sods, ISIS would not be at it yon now, if those lunatics had not been deposed, simple as that to me.
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Old 11-08-2014, 00:35   #216
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
That sums it up very well fer me, but also this stuff is happening now only thanks to Bush@ Blair, as far as i'm concerned, whilst the previous leaders of Iraq n Libya were complete bad sods, ISIS would not be at it yon now, if those lunatics had not been deposed, simple as that to me.

is tony blair still the peace envoy for the middle east im sure he woudl like to go see ISIS and sort this out but i dont think ISIS can afford his appearance fee lol

best send a lower ranling labour lacky out there i guess but i wonder who


if they do send a labour politition may i suggest they send him or her labour soldier style as in under protected and under equiped


when you say bush@blair it kinda sounds like they were having sex
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 11-08-2014, 05:17   #217
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
when you say bush@blair it kinda sounds like they were having sex
Not necessarily sex, but there was definitely some arse kissing going on.
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Old 11-08-2014, 06:11   #218
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
Just like Christianity is a religion of peace and compassion..

Lets ignore inquisitions, slavery and the morally corrupt religious leaders of past and present.

The kind of peace that allows those who practice the faith to annihilate those who follow any other religion...

Aztec, Mayan, Aborigine, American Indian, Polynesian, Chinese, Japanese, African etc..etc..may give a few similar arguments against christianity

The kind of faith that strips women then ties them to a stake and burns them alive, the kind of faith that give those who do not follow it a chance to convert to Christianity or be killed..crusades anyone?..however devout..just holy murderers.

Yes there are muslim leaders condemning these atrocities, unfortunately they don't make it into the redtop rag reporting that passes for English or American media.

Thing is..we are educated, we can make an informed choice between creationism, Darwinism, Atheism, Alien seeding, a stork that carries newborns in its beak and a multitude of other religious beliefs and we have learned that it aint worth killing people for. We have learned that religion isn't even worth arguing about either believe or you don't, and good for you whatever floats your boat....a persons religious belief is less important to anyone other than themselves than the benches outside the market hall.

It's only 50 or so years since pregnant girls were shuffled off to secret convents in Ireland and treated like scum, 100 or so years since women were treated as second class citizens not allowed to speak their mind, the old testament advocates stoning for women....we've come a long way in the last century or so, thanks to education. We have to believe that the ordinary muslim will eventually get there regardless of indoctrination.

We have headlines in our local rag about a protest outside tesco..not one reporter has spoken to the muslims who are currently working behind the tills, stacking shelves and selling Israeli produce in this particular store, who are wondering what the hell the muslim version of our local Christian jihadist Kevin Logan is doing outside.

What Israel is doing in Gaza is just plain wrong...what ISIS are doing is also plain wrong..both on humanitarian grounds NOT religious!
Guinness, we have trod the path of the historical religious failings before.
We cannot change what went before. We can only lament that that was how it was......and hope that those failings can be a lesson to us. It seems like they never are.
And it isn't me who says that Islam is a peaceful and compassionate religion.
It is those devout Muslims who hide their faces, wear the long flowing robes lest weak men are tempted. So the weak men target white girls instead.

Baroness Warsi quit her government position all over her outrage at the situation in Gaza.....does this not strike you as a bit ironic when you consider the atrocities committed by ISIS? She gives them not a mention.....does that not pose the question in your mind 'why'?

As for Muslims speaking out against those taking over the towns and cities in Iraq.....they want the world to be one huge Muslim Caliphate.....and what ISIS is doing furthers that whichever media you follow, you will see very little Muslim dissent against what they are doing.

As to your last will get no argument from me on that score.
It is most definitely not about religion....but about power and the exertion of force to achieve it.
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Old 11-08-2014, 07:39   #219
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Gaza. Whatever your religious views its still hell on earth for the women and children caught up in it all. The beheadings and stonings going on are, simply, inhuman. Its just horrendous cruelty on a massive scale instigated by ,on the whole, uneducated bullying fanatics that wouldn't know religion if it smacked them in the face.. Its the law of the jungle prevailing. Funny how the novel Lord of the Flies keeps springing to mind.
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Old 11-08-2014, 10:00   #220
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

this is a major thread wander...only very loosely connected with the title of the thread....we are going to be getting detention if we aren't careful.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-08-2014, 10:29   #221
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

This whole thread has been a wander, if you look back, you will notice our M.P. and his biggest fan being the main wanderers they have introduced many topics to divert from answering questions.
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Old 11-08-2014, 15:07   #222
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

What Israel is doing in Gaza is just plain wrong...what ISIS are doing is also plain wrong..both on humanitarian grounds NOT religious!
What Israel is doing in Gaza is just plain necessary, and it would not be happening if extremist muslims would just leave them the [deleted] alone. The Jews have learned from history that they have to take care of themselves. The allied nations knew damn well what was happening to Jews in Germany ... but would they take a bunch of them in ... no way.

The politically correct, bend-over-forward countries in the world ...the UK seems to be one of them, are calling on Israel to negotiate. What bs! How does one negotiate with enemies whose main raison d'etre is the elimination of the Jewish state ... that is their non-negotiable bottom line. What does the west envision? A series of Munichs, where the Jews compromise ... and still get it in the ass? There will be no peace in our time until militant muslims are treated like the plague they are, and not like slightly misguided fellow humans who can be coaxed into becoming members of a cozy international, multi-racial, religiously tolerant, non-sexist, non-racist, non-smoking, low trans fat community. They are toxic waste.

I still believe that there would not be such a creature as "Israel" if it hadn't been for the goddam Nazis. That would be great. Then the AK toting followers of the prophet could get their jollies killing other muslims because of some succession horse manure that happened in the seventh century. Come to think of it, that's the century that millions of muslims still live in. The men, that is. I'm sure many muslim women would love to live in th 21st century ... particularly in some place where they are actually regarded as human and are not charged with adultery for committing the crime of being gang raped.
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Old 11-08-2014, 15:29   #223
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Very few comments about the rockets and mortars being fired from Gaza into Israel, extremely inaccurate but is it just the failings of the weapons or do the Israelis have someone watching over them?
As already mentioned, Israel is a nuclear power - the last action of the Israelis will probably be the push of a button and goodbye to all the major Arab cities, and they won't bother about any collateral damage.
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Old 11-08-2014, 15:48   #224
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
they won't bother about any collateral damage.
Because an Arab victory in the field would amount to a death sentence for any and all Isrealis who fall into Arab hands. Israel has only two options: victory, at any cost ... or being wiped off the face of the planet.

Fortunately, Israel has friends ... well "two" is plural The only two countries (there were a couple more with names that not many recognized) who stood with Israel at the UN were the USA and Canada. Kinda makes me proud to be Canadian. Most other countries stand in some "middle" and strive to maintain the fiction that reason and compromise will solve the problem ... they won't. It's kinda like baseball ... the game has to go on until someone wins.

Talking of baseball, it took nineteen innings for the Jays to beat the Tigers yesterday.
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Old 16-08-2014, 22:10   #225

Re: All The Best To You Graham

Graham Hartley surely not the intended recipient of such attention and wishes.
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