Originally Posted by cashman
Gone to Twitter!!, Perhaps 95% of locals dont read that crap? 
Ah Well, no great loss for us then.
A great advantage for him though, no doubt either he or some unpaid minion will be administrator and censor the 'twits' erm I mean 'tweets' posted, something he couldn't and never would be able to do on AccyWeb, once he says something on here it stays for the world to see.
I'm contemplating a theory, could it be that metal theft & malaria sound bite publicity are his reward from his party because he not only toes the line but like a good lickspittle forces more honest men to toe the line as well?
Somewhere deep in New Tory headquarters a darkened room, and whispers can be heard,
1st voice 'That Jones fellow, he's almost intelligent'.
2nd voice 'Yes that could be a problem'.
1st voice 'Why should it be a problem bigger dimwits than him have gone a long way'
2nd voice 'Exactly, we need to keep him close, we can't allow genuine progress to interfere with our over all plans'.
1st voice 'True, true, this could be tricky I've heard the man has erm' principles'.
2nd voice 'Rubbish a nasty rumour spread by his constituents, he fooled them alright'.
3rd and more authoritative voice 'Do what we always do, make him a whipping boy and to keep him happy we'll give him a few simple tasks that will keep his name in the paper making it seem like he's doing something'.
1st voice 'We could put him in charge of stolen man hole covers'.
2nd voice 'Do we need someone in charge? We don't get that many in my Uncle's scrapyard?
3rd voice 'Yes, grids a nice one, but we also need something with a humanitarian angle to it, though it must be an impossible task...'.
1st voice (excitedly) we'll give him Malaria, that's humane, impossible & basically only exists were the Ni', I mean Dark men live.
3rd voice Excellent let's head to the commons for a few free beers & whiskey chasers.