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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 17-06-2014, 08:55   #46
God Member

Re: All The Best To You Graham

from this diagram it looks like the lib dems and UKIP are doing most of teh work fighting malaria not labour

All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 18-06-2014, 11:11   #47
Registered User

Re: All The Best To You Graham

My son visited me the other day and I told him I wasn't impressed with our MP as, unlike Greg Pope, he invites contact from constituents but doesn't bother to respond to concerns outlined in emails. He and my son share the same birth year, thus they did meet occasionaly and said son thinks GJ is a very upright honest and caring man.

I've never met the man but, judging from his entry in Wikipedia, it seems to me that he has had a lot of help along the way.

After seeing the many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors on his website I'm surprised he specialised in desk top publishing. Here's his bold statement yesterday

<<New taxi licensing regualtions will undermine public safety in Hyndburn.>>

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Old 19-06-2014, 07:20   #48
Common Sense Member

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

How the mighty have fallen.

The General Chat section used to have dozens of contributors every day, now we're down to about five, all of whom are like baying pack animals. None of you have anything positive to say and look for petty negatives in absolutely everything. There are no solutions offered up, just the same tired old rhetoric the like of which Garinda used to latch onto and use ad nauseum (95%, 95%, 95%...).

The daily debate on here used to be fantastic, generally balanced arguments from people with lots of different viewpoints, now it is simply spite for the outside world.

What a shame, what a bloody shame.
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Old 19-06-2014, 07:43   #49
Beacon of light

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Ken, when posts contain solutions to anything do the local politicians listen...or have they, like the people in the capital caught the same deafness disease?

There is current concern about the building of a new bus station. This is something that will affect locals greatly...especially the locals who are not rich enough to have their own transport. This new development will take trade away from the centre of may just take trade out of the town altogether.

If there is a bus in the station with a better destination than Accrington town centre, people are going to get on it and explore what another town has to offer.
Now, they walk round the market before they choose that option
There was great debate on here about the subject......ideas and solutions were offered up...has anyone taken one jot of notice?
I doubt it very much.

If you do not like the forum anymore, then no-one forces you to come here.
It is a public forum where people can say(within the rules of the forum) what they feel.
Most of what is posted about our MP has some basis to it...... he has come on here and made some pretty scathing(and in my opinion - and I know that is pretty worthless) juvenile remarks....the silliest of which was the 95% was obviously a figure plucked out of thin air and fooled no-one, but irritated many of those who put a cross in the box for GJ.
I speak for myself, I am disappointed in our the same way you are disappointed in this forum.......the difference being that GJ was elected to represent us.

Oh and just an aside I do not think that describing the members od the forum im such colourful terms(baying hounds) does you any favours either.
I say this with the utmost respect
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 19-06-2014, 07:57   #50
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

I intend no disrespect to you either, Margaret. In the past we have had some very good debates between ourselves.

The fact is that the 95% figure which people on Accyweb seem to use as Graham's defining moment was not plucked out of mid-air at all, it was from a YouGov poll asking what people's primary concern was (at that time). Only 5% of people put Europe down as the number one problem, that place was taken overwhelmingly by the recession. With the recent UKIP surge I suspect that the poll will have changed somewhat but it doesn't alter the fact that Graham was right AT THAT TIME. Latching onto it and using it as a stick to beat him with shows a staggering lack of imagination, it was three years ago.

If anyone can hand on heart say that he doesn't work harder as a Hyndburn MP than his predecessors then I would politely ask you to open your eyes a bit wider.

If finding petty social media mistakes and typos is the best people can do then he isn't doing that bad a job.
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Old 19-06-2014, 07:58   #51
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
How the mighty have fallen.

The General Chat section used to have dozens of contributors every day, now we're down to about five, all of whom are like baying pack animals. None of you have anything positive to say and look for petty negatives in absolutely everything. There are no solutions offered up, just the same tired old rhetoric the like of which Garinda used to latch onto and use ad nauseum (95%, 95%, 95%...).

The daily debate on here used to be fantastic, generally balanced arguments from people with lots of different viewpoints, now it is simply spite for the outside world.

What a shame, what a bloody shame.
I don't miss those daily exchanges of insults that used to be a regular feature here.

I suppose many logged on to watch 'a good scrap' and 'put their oar in'.

There may be fewer threads, but what there are are 'civilised'.

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Old 19-06-2014, 08:00   #52
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

In response to the bus station debate, my own personal feeling is that it is a good move and will not only give a better hub for the bus service but also tidy up a scruffy area of the town centre.

I still fall back on my previous question of why developing Whitebirk is badly needed because there is nothing in Accrington but moving the bus station 200 yards will kill it stone dead.

No one has yet given me an answer.
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Old 19-06-2014, 08:13   #53
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
How the mighty have fallen.
'Ello Mozzer! Thought you'd shuffled off somewhere due to your lack of input. Still, it's nice to see you back amongst the "Riffy raff" chucking your tuppences about.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 19-06-2014, 08:24   #54
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
How the mighty have fallen.

The General Chat section used to have dozens of contributors every day, now we're down to about five, all of whom are like baying pack animals. None of you have anything positive to say and look for petty negatives in absolutely everything. There are no solutions offered up, just the same tired old rhetoric the like of which Garinda used to latch onto and use ad nauseum (95%, 95%, 95%...).

The daily debate on here used to be fantastic, generally balanced arguments from people with lots of different viewpoints, now it is simply spite for the outside world.

What a shame, what a bloody shame.
Yes it is a shame, it's a shame that one of our local politicians that used to be a regular poster can only come on site acting like the proverbial pot just to call the site the kettle.

You and your mate are of course welcome to come on site and give us your views, however don't assume for one moment that we won't reply to you letting you know when those posts have been decorated with an over generous amount of bull shiste usually about 95% more than the man in the street can stomach.

Treat us as if we are your equals rather than talk down to us and you will find us far more generous with our applause for the work you claim to do on our behalf. Until you change the way you use the site expect nothing more than the criticism you deserve.
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Old 19-06-2014, 08:35   #55
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

95%, 95%, 95%....

A clear explanation has been given in public in writing by two elected representatives and the replies insinuate that it is a lie and that politicians are the ones who don't listen.

1-0 to the internet.
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Old 19-06-2014, 08:52   #56
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
95%, 95%, 95%....

A clear explanation has been given in public in writing by two elected representatives and the replies insinuate that it is a lie and that politicians are the ones who don't listen.

1-0 to the internet.
Is that the best you can do?
You criticise us for using your mates infamous 95% which you claim was a figure from a poll. Elsewhere on site I asked for a link to this poll as my own searching couldn't find it. Being an open and honest politician did he provide the link?

No he didn't but like you he is ready to put people down rather than provide what is asked for.

As for 95% you seem to be using it quite a lot in this thread, boringly repetitive aren't you?

As already stated you are just being the pot that calls the kettle black, (am I allowed to use the word black in this PC world of ours?).

The ball is most definitely in your court, post something useful for the members to mull over or shut up, your wasting server space.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 19-06-2014, 10:21   #57
Beacon of light

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I intend no disrespect to you either, Margaret. In the past we have had some very good debates between ourselves.
Yes Ken we did have some good is just a shame that we don't have them anymore because I come here and you don't.
Yes your life is busy, I expect too busy to come and enlighten us.
My life is busy too...I am working harder now than when I was employed......but I still like to come and see what is happening on AW.....I don't do FB or I guess I gain from that.

As for your comment on the bus station I think that many people have given answers as to why the re-siting of the bus station will affect the town in a negative way.....but I do not expect anything to come of what we have said because I think the deal was rubber stamped and it was a 'done deal'. Rarely do protests, petitions, or representations make any difference to deals such as this.
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Old 19-06-2014, 10:29   #58
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
In response to the bus station debate, my own personal feeling is that it is a good move and will not only give a better hub for the bus service but also tidy up a scruffy area of the town centre.

I still fall back on my previous question of why developing Whitebirk is badly needed because there is nothing in Accrington but moving the bus station 200 yards will kill it stone dead.

No one has yet given me an answer.
To tidy up a scruffy area it is necessary to move the bus station?
So a scruffy area cannot be improved without this move?
Blackburn Road from the Viaduct towards Blackburn is a scruffy area anything being done about that?

Whitebirk is an eyesore. The retail outlets on there are a waste of space...knock them houses.

Accrington town centre is almost dead on its feet anyway......the new bus station will be the last blow that means it will never get up again...and if you cannot see why then you aren't looking very fact if you can't see it is because you are averting your gaze.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-06-2014, 11:07   #59
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

In the same post I am being asked to look hard at Accrington because it has scruffy areas but reading disparaging comments about an improvement scheme which will tidy up at least one of them.

I go to Accy every Friday for my weekly shop and am never disappointed, it is far better than Blackburn and I get breakfast there too. Pennine Reach is not the be all and end all but why must everything which sets out to move with the times be looked on with such disdain?

I'm looking forward to it and all the transport improvements that go with it. In Rishton we get a new junction which everyone has screamed about for years. It just makes sense to do it holistically.

I doubt I am going to win any arguments about what Accrington has to offer but at least my head is not buried in the past like those who yearn for days gone by and assume that things are worse than ever before.

Think back, times weren't as rosy as some would have you believe.
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Old 19-06-2014, 11:51   #60
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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All The Best To You Graham

No one says things are rosy, however, we don't need bombastic politicians coming on site just to tell us we are always wrong and only they have the intelligence to understand what is needed.
They really should read some of their own posts to realise they come across as a little bit thick and extremely arrogant.
You wish for encouraging posts? Then why don't you and your mate come on site with a more positive attitude towards the members?


If you don't like what is being said, perhaps it's your attitude that needs to change not the rest of the site.
Now, please sit back and consider, not what the site can do for you but what you can do to improve your attitude towards the site.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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