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Old 20-06-2014, 13:10   #91
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

I can't see why they don't rip the scruffy market stalls down, put the bus station back to how it used to be before they cut it in half and have the market down the middle of Broadway three times a week. At least the town would still be accessible to everyone, including the elderly and the disabled.
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Old 20-06-2014, 13:28   #92
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
I can't see why they don't rip the scruffy market stalls down, put the bus station back to how it used to be before they cut it in half and have the market down the middle of Broadway three times a week. At least the town would still be accessible to everyone, including the elderly and the disabled.
Far too sensible...and they'd have to admit they were wrong in the first place!
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Old 20-06-2014, 14:03   #93
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
I can't see why they don't rip the scruffy market stalls down, put the bus station back to how it used to be before they cut it in half and have the market down the middle of Broadway three times a week. At least the town would still be accessible to everyone, including the elderly and the disabled.
If you look at the thread about this development, you will see that this was one of my suggestions too.
This would also increase the footfall in the little used Arndale, and it would give the air of a bustling town.
Perhaps people would even walk through the market hall as well.
The stalls of the market on the Peel Street side need not even be moved to Broadway there is enough empty space in the Market Hall...the traders would be under cover(real cover) and that place would stop looking like a mausoleum.

Just in case Ken is still looking at this thread.....I would like to ask if this post is positive enough for him....and also whether it constitutes solutions??.....Since he seems to think my posts are mired in negativity.

Just another aside too....personally, I would knock down any retail outlets on the Whitbirk estate and use the land for something more useful.
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Old 20-06-2014, 17:19   #94
God Member

Re: All The Best To You Graham

has there been a bribe to have the bus station relocated?

i only ask because tesco got to build in a ridiculous location for the mere price of a roundabout and if so if this relocation gets blocked will said bribes have to be handed back

someones benefiting from this relocation and it isnt the town center but boy is it convinient for the supermarket
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Old 20-06-2014, 17:23   #95
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Just another aside too....personally, I would knock down any retail outlets on the Whitbirk estate and use the land for something more useful.
if whitebirk vanished the likes of currys and pc world would be begging to get back into the arndale which would attract other big names back

a bit like how the reverse happened when dixons and currys legged it from teh arndale so did all teh rest
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 20-06-2014, 17:48   #96
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Yes, and that is why I suggested that those outlets should be knocked down and the land used for something else.

Apparently when a store like Tesco moves in they make a payment to the local area(I can't remember exactly who it goes to) but it applies to not exactly a bribe or a bung.....but they would want the town centere to move nearer to them...for obvious reasons.
The new Bus station development cannot even be called an interchange as these are usually like Bury - linked.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-06-2014, 17:55   #97
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
has there been a bribe to have the bus station relocated?

i only ask because tesco got to build in a ridiculous location for the mere price of a roundabout and if so if this relocation gets blocked will said bribes have to be handed back

someones benefiting from this relocation and it isnt the town center but boy is it convinient for the supermarket
Therefore destroying more small businesses. Little by little, Accrington is becoming a wasteland. Whoever is in charge of these changes certainly doesn't give a monkeys about the town or its people. Money talks and seems to be a lot more articulate than the folk that have to live there to the powers that be. The arrogance of the council is staggering. The people might just turn out to be the mouse that roared , sick of being dumped on. I hope so.
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Old 20-06-2014, 20:30   #98
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Strange isn't it? Plenty of folk of various ages put forward positive thoughts, but no doubt our Ken will be back (even though he claimed he wouldn't be) yet again with his 'I know better than thee' attitude to put everyone right.
What a shame he acted like his mentor and treats us like morons, still, if 95% of us are morons, we will find the companionship far more comforting without him.

By the way Ken, I wasn't born here either, but if I'm patient, I'm sure I will be accepted as a local just give it 100 years or so, as long as you don't make folk uncomfortable with your imagined superiority.
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Old 20-06-2014, 22:05   #99
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If you look at the thread about this development, you will see that this was one of my suggestions too.
This would also increase the footfall in the little used Arndale, and it would give the air of a bustling town.
Perhaps people would even walk through the market hall as well.
The stalls of the market on the Peel Street side need not even be moved to Broadway there is enough empty space in the Market Hall...the traders would be under cover(real cover) and that place would stop looking like a mausoleum.

Just in case Ken is still looking at this thread.....I would like to ask if this post is positive enough for him....and also whether it constitutes solutions??.....Since he seems to think my posts are mired in negativity.

Just another aside too....personally, I would knock down any retail outlets on the Whitbirk estate and use the land for something more useful.
Like a car park maybe? Surely it'd be far more useful than having those shops situated where only those who have their own transport can get to them?
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Old 20-06-2014, 22:19   #100
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Just a theory, well, really it's far less than a theory, more of a flight of fancy that perhaps our Ken has realised that what you bite off might just be more than you can chew?

He's spent two or three years as a Councillor and now regrets the responsibility he needs to live up to?

Why else would he come on site to call everyone else?

He possibly knows he's failing and would prefer to come on here blame anyone other than himself, after all, he didn't exactly post with an attitude that would naturally gain him browny points from the free thinking members of the site.

Perhaps it's time we act as sympathetic carers as he rocks himself to sleep in his shower cubicle sucking his thumb and cursing all in the world for problems he's brought on himself?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
How the mighty have fallen.

The General Chat section used to have dozens of contributors every day, now we're down to about five, all of whom are like baying pack animals. None of you have anything positive to say and look for petty negatives in absolutely everything. There are no solutions offered up, just the same tired old rhetoric the like of which Garinda used to latch onto and use ad nauseum (95%, 95%, 95%...).

The daily debate on here used to be fantastic, generally balanced arguments from people with lots of different viewpoints, now it is simply spite for the outside world.

What a shame, what a bloody shame.
Oh, my Dear Ken, please don't take this as me giving you a personal insult, give it a few posts maybe others will add to it and make you feel more popular.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 20-06-2014, 22:44   #101
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

if people are complaining about the same stuff time and time again it shows that the stuff been complained about isnt been fixed

fix the stuff and the stuff wont be complained about

i think most of the labour lot that were so present before winning the council left pretty quick after the EU referendum vote and the taking away of benches to solve the smackhead issue in town

we would love to say well done but lets face it there hasnt really been anything to say well done for just one mess after another

people like jones and ken are why i dont vote labour any more infact this new labour sucks arse
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 20-06-2014 at 22:47.
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Old 21-06-2014, 00:11   #102
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Not having the anti Tesco argument at's much nearer to walk to than Asda from the current bus station and significantly closer to the railway station. Logically, the proposed bus station would be more beneficial to Asda than Tesco because it would bring it nearer to them than it currently is. It's a moot argument anyway because most high street shoppers with any sense and without their own transport would simply stay in the bus station until the Blackburn or Burnley connecting bus came.

Also not having the anti Whitebirk argument either. Shopping habits have changed and high street shops with their overheads cannot offer the prices that purpose built retail park superstores can. It's so easy to jump in the car, hit the retail park, have a browse, buy something, put it in the boot and continue browsing. If you are after something in particular, check it out online, price it up, order it and simply go and pick it up.

I know there are people like Margaret, who still use the bus, trudge around town and catch the bus home, in reality you should welcome the new bus station, you can get a connecting bus to a town with a proper market and high street like Bury, Blackburn or Burnley, and have a nice cup of coffee in the warmth while you wait.

The only thing that keeps high streets alive around the country are bustling markets..unfortunately consecutive Hyndburn councils have turned our market into a tight wet windtunnel and our high street into a conglomerate of cheap and nasty charity shops (which in many cases pays more to its upper management than its actual charity), bookies, pound shops and empty units with wallpapered windows. On top of this there is apparently no enforcement of littering, open drug and alcohol use or anti social behaviour except for removing benches for the old and infirm to rest their weary bones.

And Ken Moss wants positives???? The mind boggles...Oh wait, he has suggested putting some shops along the canal in Rishton..I guess that would really help to bring people into the town centre.

He bangs on about getting everything he needs from Accrington high street, yet when I challenged him on another thread about where he buys his toys for his grandkids, his books, his laptop etc..etc.. he refused to engage, nor did he comment on the fact that the boxing day sales last year caused mayhem in Blackburn and Burnley yet didn't even raise an eyebrow in Accrington.

But hey..he says 'we all have a miserable outlook on life', and according to him have 'nothing positive' despite thread after thread offering ideas, insight and thoughts, which incidentally he chooses to ignore because none of them agree with his own blinkered view.....a view which is party orientated regardless of what he would have you believe..this is the man who a few short posts ago claimed that an obvious spin intended to deceive, posted on an MP's website was a 'social media mistake' couldn't make this up if your name was Jacob Grimm.
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Old 21-06-2014, 09:09   #103
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

All this stuff about the bus station is in the wrong thread...and we are going to get our knuckle rapped soon by Mick or Neil.
There is a thread dedicated to the pros and cons of the new development of a bus station....and that is where these posts belong...this thread was about out much vaunted MP and his exploits.
Somewhere along the way(as is usual) we have got side tracked.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-06-2014, 22:32   #104
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
All this stuff about the bus station is in the wrong thread...and we are going to get our knuckle rapped soon by Mick or Neil.
There is a thread dedicated to the pros and cons of the new development of a bus station....and that is where these posts belong...this thread was about out much vaunted MP and his exploits.
Somewhere along the way(as is usual) we have got side tracked.
Erm....thats what my last paragraph did..the rest just countered some of the arguments put forward in the preceding posts stimulated by the arguments that Ken Moss used..

Debates meander and encompass varying points of view, that will, from time to time, incorporate ideas and arguments from other threads....more so in threads with a political bent.

If I were to suddenly place my last post in the thread you are talking about, it would have no context and no preceding argument.

The thread wander rules are like the health and safety rules, they need sensible governance (and a little leeway) that doesn't insist on wearing goggles to play conkers.
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 22-06-2014, 09:30   #105
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Guinness, are you female?(for the record I know you aren't) Females are the ones who assume they are guilty of some misdemeanor when usually they aren't.
I was not referring to your post specifically, but to the many more(including my own) which went before.
Had I been referring to your post I would have quoted it.

I also know that threads wander and meander- usually coming back to the gist of the post.....but the mods are the ones who ultimately decide.
I was just saying that we were in danger of getting told off.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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