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Old 18-07-2006, 14:51   #16
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: all this mess at asda

havent used asda for yonks (emergencys exepted) use tesco, but their friut and veg has been crappy for ages,(not quite as bad as asda) so get them from lidl, find it ok there,also cheaper than the other two.
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Old 18-07-2006, 16:28   #17
Apprentice Geriatric
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Unhappy Re: all this mess at asda

The only problem with buying fruit and veg from a market stall is that you cannot really pick your own like you can in supermarkets and some greengrocers.

I recently bought some nice chipping spuds from a stall in the Darwen market and pointed to one and asked for 6 about that size. The young girl obliged but from a sack on the floor out of my sight. When I got home the 6 spuds were already showing growth and beginning to get soft. They made lousy chips too.

But that has always been the case since time immemorial. The greengrocer puts all the nice fruit etc. at the front and when you place your order you get it from the back. It is never like what you see. The person serving doesn’t take kindly to it if you try to pick your own from somewhere in the middle of the display. Well they wouldn’t because the whole display would crash to the floor.

So if a fruit and veg shop will not allow me to pick my own I am not interested.

Our Grimshaw Park Blackburn Asda goes through phases of good quality fruit and veg to what is obviously old stock. I never buy raw meat from them, mainly because they don’t seem to cater for single people. The bakery is the worst example. A few months ago you could buy a packet of 2 tea cakes. Then it was 4 tea cakes and now the smallest packet has 6 tea cakes. So I don’t buy their tea cakes any more. They used to sell microwave able puddings like Treacle puddings and Jam Rolly Polly in single units. Not any more. Now you have to buy a packet of two with a use by date barely three days forward.

One final twist of the Asda knife is that slowly but surely the branded goods are being replaced by Asda own brand and in my view they are not as good as the branded goods.
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Old 18-07-2006, 22:11   #18
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Re: all this mess at asda

If its any consolation chav our asda got a total refurb not long back and it was a total nightmare simalar things to yours not finding stuff ,crap stock etc, took about 12 weeks to get done and another 3 weeks for the car park to be done but what an improvement and well worth the hassel . they also gave vouchers each week to compensate for the hassel and at the end of the work you could spend them all back in store..
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Old 18-07-2006, 22:37   #19
God Member

Re: all this mess at asda

Asda went very scummy BEFORE walmart took over(nothing to do with people who shop there though, just bad managment), they all went downhill, all started to look dirty and would run out of stock on basic products, they did however have quality non food goods.
After they took over quality plumeted to an all time low, plus they only stocked their own brand non food. You'd be amazed at how many companies walmart own. they have started stocking some good brands now though.
Slowly, they got things sorted, they've gutted most shops. Here in tamworth, the closed the shop, built a temporary shop in the carpark, extended the old shop, plus put an extra floor on two thirds of it for clothes, gardening,camping, books tv, hi you name it it's there. The cafe is still pap though, last time we went it was uneatable so were the replacements when we complained, and a complaint to head office got us a letter saying thank we'll pass it on.
rawtenstall is competely being rebuilt, dunno if its open yet, but thats a two story one too.
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Old 01-09-2006, 21:44   #20
God Member

Re: all this mess at asda

Hows your asda doing?
The new 22million pound one at rawtenstall is doing very well after having 25,000 shoppers on the first day. However the latest is that tesco's are opening a new store on the OLD asda site.
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Last edited by Madhatter; 02-09-2006 at 17:40.
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Old 01-09-2006, 22:55   #21
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Re: all this mess at asda

we have stopped going to asda till its sorted - we use the tesco in burnely...miles better - and I wont use the one in haslingden - bad memories there in a previous job....
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Old 02-09-2006, 01:29   #22
God Member

Re: all this mess at asda

I don't see the point in having two tesco's so close. Surely it would have been better to have a retail development. Does this mean that Tesco's will build another store in Acrington aswell.
This is your problem up there, Rawtenstall seems to serve a few good sized villages and has an unusually high quality town centre for it's size, I suspect burnley is the same, whereas here small towns haven't and feed bigger towns like accy, which are nuneaton and tamworth here.
If we want something from woolworths or boots we go to nuneaton, if rawtenstall do the go to their woolworth boots etc Accy is in a situation that most towns that size aren't in.
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Old 02-09-2006, 17:23   #23
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Re: all this mess at asda

Asda in Accy still rubbish last time I went;no clothing to fit any child over the age of 7 and not a pair of plimsolls to be had!
As for veg;well,let's just say I didn't buy any of what they were describing as "onions";made do with some from my local Spar instead.That says it all really when the garage has a better selection of fresh veg than a multi national supermarket chain.Not going again till it's sorted.Although the friendly chap in the wine aisle did assure of a bigger range and some real bargains on the way.
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Old 02-09-2006, 18:00   #24
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Re: all this mess at asda

We are to have a large Asda close to me by crimbo and I hope to hell it aint as bad as yours.

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Old 02-09-2006, 18:07   #25
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Re: all this mess at asda

I've got something to say about the "newly refurbished cafe"! firstly it looks rather nice might do my kitchen like that one day .
anyway , im disapointed in the food.....before you could get a bacon sausage or egg butty or any of them with whatever u wanted,
I went in the other day for the first time since it was done up and after been stood there fot the last 10/15 minutes while the snails where rushing about, asked for the usual, saugage egg and toast because it was after 11 so i couldnt get the big brekkie, and they said "sorry we dont serve that sort of thing after 11"..... WHAT you mean u dont do that anymore, NOPE they dont, well what a waste of bloody time that was! bring back the old staff and the old menu, cuz untill then im goin elsewhere!!

i always liked going there on a sunday morning too for me brekkie after a night out, looks like thats gone out the window too.
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Old 02-09-2006, 20:02   #26
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Re: all this mess at asda

well I went to asda the tother day and I was pi**ed off within 5 minutes ( which is quite good for me shopping with ginger and 2 kids).

Went down the first alley way and WOW!!!! they have toilet rolls and froot shoots stacked together??

When I pointed this out to ginger he said " Hmmm they are orange flavour, probably make you s""t through the eye of a needle".....

Couldn't find anything I wanted, so in the end went to the checkout with a list of things and just said to the check out assistant " please could you get someone to go and find me this,this,this,this oh and this"

Why bother walking around when i can get them to do my shopping.

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Old 02-09-2006, 20:06   #27
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Re: all this mess at asda

I wonder why stores make these "improvements" and what makes them think they are what the customers want?

I've never really been keen on the fruit and veg at ASDA as it seems to go off very quickly. Lettuce is the worst culprit. Haven't been to Accy ASDA much since the work started and Busman warns me not to as he says the aisles are so narrow I won't fit through!

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Old 02-09-2006, 20:14   #28
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Re: all this mess at asda

I'm fed up with the Asda. You can't find find anything and when you've found were they moved it too they ain't got what ya want.
The bananas used to be the best around and for the the last 6wks they have been terrible.
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