22-05-2010, 08:28
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Re: America takes control of UK troops
Originally Posted by cashman
how many lost there lives in the Gulf War through friendly fire,is my problem eric, twas more than saddam managed.
But there would probably be fewer friendly fire casualties with a unified command ... and in WW ll, Eisenhower didn't do that bad of a job as Supreme Allied Commander ... and in the Normandy landings, the US had their beaches, the British theirs, no problem. Even Foche did ok in the first war. I think it's all in the cause of military efficiency ... oops, that's a lot like "military intelligence"  ... "America takes controy of UK troops" is not, I don't believe, an accurate reflection of what is contained in the news article. And the British command will probably have lots of input, esp. when British troops are concerned. Like NORAD, for example, the second in command is always a Canadian ... and Canadian fighters operate in Canadian air space.