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Old 09-11-2016, 18:18   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: American Presidential Election

No influence whatsoever, (we can't even influence our local M.P.)
As many have already said though, it's time for them (and they are already queuing up) to kiss Trump's arse, so no change there.
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Old 09-11-2016, 19:01   #32
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Cashy, I think that your comment about locker room filth is a little unfair.(I am that 'some person')
You cannot compare the faults of these two American politicians....they are not comparable at all.
Neither of these people are suitable for the serious office of President.

Some of the things he has said about women are deeply offensive. How he has treated women has been offensive. Saying that women should be punished for having an abortion is despicable.All this shows that he is bad at making judgements.
Hilary Clinton is no better, she also has shown herself to be criminally negligent...and duplicitous.
But then it seems to me that those attributes are valued in politics.
I liked neither of these people and we heard very little about what they plan to do(other than Donald Trump being contentious in saying he will build a wall to keep the Mexicans out...and that he will turf Muslims out of the country).not much was said about what would be done and how it would be achieved.
I also like neither of em,and am glad they aint standing oer here, but i have already said i would have voted Trump if i had that choice,and i stand by that. point is to me, though both aint suitable but fact is yer only mentioning now about Clinton being criminally negligent, so it seems to me yer being unfair not i.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-11-2016, 19:25   #33
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Re: American Presidential Election

No Cashy, I said in my first post that neither were suitable...I just didn't go into the details because though Hilary Clinton had been accused of wrongdoings, she had not been subject to charges, even though she had been investigated.
I found Donald Trump's treatment of women to be offensive(maybe that is because I am a woman)but also he was very inflammatory in his campaign. Maybe that was to keep him in the public eye.After all I reckon that politics is like show business. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
It was a dirty contest by two dirty politicians. There was no honour in either of them...but of course we all have our opinions and I respect you for yours. I just would not have voted
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Old 09-11-2016, 20:54   #34
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

He plays to the lowest common denominator. His mouth is ahead of any rational thought.
Maybe you could send this off to the folks who publish the Oxford English Dictionary so that they can include it in their definition of "Politician" in the next edition.

Gotta admit that what happened last night does restore a little faith in Democracy. Just love it when the voters don't do what they are told to do or supposed to do.

The Donald's major problem will not be Mexican rapists or ISIS terrorists flooding into the US, but that he will have to face a hostile congress made up of Democrats and traditional Republicans ... to pick one example at more or less random: The Senior Senator from Arizona.
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Old 09-11-2016, 22:47   #35
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Re: American Presidential Election

Listening to the Vox populi of the 'Mericans, those interviewed & paraded across the news programmes seem to be in two groups:

(1) Those fanatical for their candidate regardless of their pride & prejudices
(2) Those who chose a lesser of two evils or as was quoted "the least dislikeable" from their particular point of view.

To my mind, both were at turns "cringeworthy" & on occasion worthy of note for a particular passage in their diatribes, but Hell! Not my problem as I don't live in the land of the free & death by multiple firearms on a casual basis, I'm an exiled Englishman, living in the land of the Krautlets!

So me, I'm just gunna sit back & watch the fireworks!
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Old 09-11-2016, 22:56   #36
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Maybe you could send this off to the folks who publish the Oxford English Dictionary so that they can include it in their definition of "Politician" in the next edition.

Gotta admit that what happened last night does restore a little faith in Democracy. Just love it when the voters don't do what they are told to do or supposed to do.

The Donald's major problem will not be Mexican rapists or ISIS terrorists flooding into the US, but that he will have to face a hostile congress made up of Democrats and traditional Republicans ... to pick one example at more or less random: The Senior Senator from Arizona.
Aye Eric, Trump is just a figure head, just like sum ot tothrs, he might have a fancy aroplane to jockey round in, an he might be able to choose his own bog roll, bud like most of his predecesors he'ul do as he's towd, he has no real power, his Sir Humphrey's ul see to that, unlike Putin, any opposition to what he says vanishes. In Russia the policy is Hear all, See all, an Say nowt. Thall live longer
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Last edited by Retlaw; 09-11-2016 at 22:58.
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Old 09-11-2016, 23:19   #37
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Re: American Presidential Election

All those millions of people in America – how pathetic that these two were the best they could come up with. What a terrible state of affairs when many voters were saying they were going to vote for the one they hated the least – not the one they thought would be the best choice. Both candidates so unpopular.

IMHO Donald Trump is a loose cannon. Hopefully he will learn to think before he speaks – because that’s not what he has been doing up to now.

He appears to be a man who changes with the tide. For instance he has been affiliated to some 4 different political parties over the years, not to mention having had three wives. By the way, DinG, he is not a self-made man although he has definitely improved on what his father had already amassed. He's always been used to having money.

Early on in this fight to the White House when he thought he might lose he said the voting was rigged – didn’t hear him mention this yesterday. Or maybe he knew something the rest of us didn’t….and maybe he was speaking the truth.

Hmm!!! now what was that Kanye West said - something about HE would be President one day and we laughed but after yesterday's result anything could happen!
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Old 10-11-2016, 03:38   #38
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
All those millions of people in America – how pathetic that these two were the best they could come up with. What a terrible state of affairs when many voters were saying they were going to vote for the one they hated the least – not the one they thought would be the best choice. Both candidates so unpopular.

IMHO Donald Trump is a loose cannon. Hopefully he will learn to think before he speaks – because that’s not what he has been doing up to now.

He appears to be a man who changes with the tide. For instance he has been affiliated to some 4 different political parties over the years, not to mention having had three wives. By the way, DinG, he is not a self-made man although he has definitely improved on what his father had already amassed. He's always been used to having money.

Early on in this fight to the White House when he thought he might lose he said the voting was rigged – didn’t hear him mention this yesterday. Or maybe he knew something the rest of us didn’t….and maybe he was speaking the truth.

Hmm!!! now what was that Kanye West said - something about HE would be President one day and we laughed but after yesterday's result anything could happen!
It might be worthwhile checking out a list of US Presidents ... seems like a Who's Who of incompetents, crooks, liars, drunks, and philanderers. Maybe Donald isn't all that bright. But GW ... nuff said. And one of the more popular and likable Presidents of the 20th century, Ronny Reagan. You know, the guy who was supporting actor to a chimp, the one who thought the Village People's "In the Navy" would be a great recruiting song.

A loose cannon? Maybe. But the Prez who took us closest to the brink was JFK. Seems he also had a problem keeping it in his pants (and out of Marilyn Monroe's)

For me, the point at which this election veered out of the path of political debate, and into the centre aisle of the Theatre of the Absurd, was Jessica Drake's accusing Donald Trump of inappropriate touching. Ms Drake is a beautiful and talented woman. Her work is on display on popular sites like "Pornhub," and numerous other sites that gentlemen resort to when they've popped a Viagra and their date cancels.
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Old 10-11-2016, 06:19   #39
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Re: American Presidential Election

You've hit the nail on the head, Eric, with your descriptions of Who's Who. Unfortunately this also applies to some others in public office.

I don't think Hillary C's Billyboy helped her cause that much either.

However, whether Jessica Drake is a porn star or not she still has/had the right to be offended by uncalled for and inappropriate touching by anyone, even Mr. Trump.
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Old 10-11-2016, 07:55   #40
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post

So me, I'm just gunna sit back & watch the fireworks!
As long as his rockets don't land in your backyard....and his pinwheels don't singe your whiskers son, it will be a fine show.
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Old 10-11-2016, 08:01   #41
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post

However, whether Jessica Drake is a porn star or not she still has/had the right to be offended by uncalled for and inappropriate touching by anyone, even Mr. Trump.
Spot on Dotti. No woman should have to submit to unwarranted attention from men who think, that because they are famous, a celebrity, they can as DT said 'grab a handful of pu$$y'.
This man reminds me so much of Jimmy Savile. (That really creeps me out)
As a businessman I am sure he is not above some double dealing to get where he wants to yes, as a politician, he should fit in just fine.
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Old 10-11-2016, 11:38   #42
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Re: American Presidential Election

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post

However, whether Jessica Drake is a porn star or not she still has/had the right to be offended by uncalled for and inappropriate touching by anyone, even Mr. Trump.
You're wasting your breath, hon. I happen to fully agree with you. But the realist in me knows that this puts me in a minority of men. In a world in which an attractive woman in a short skirt and heels is seen to be "asking for it", Ms Drake doesn't stand a chance of avoiding ridicule ... probably from many women too. Ok, she has a small chance ... "snowball in hell" comes to mind.
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Old 10-11-2016, 11:49   #43
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Re: American Presidential Election

I'm not sure that you are in a minority of men Eric.
I would sincerely hope you aren't.
I wonder how Donald Trump would react if his daughters had been subjected to the kind of treatment that he meted out to other women.
he is a lech, and leopards do not change their spots.
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Old 10-11-2016, 11:54   #44
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Re: American Presidential Election

I had a pleasant evening In Read Con last night and it was bliss.
Not one word was spoken about the Election or Trump.
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Old 10-11-2016, 12:28   #45
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Re: American Presidential Election

Russell, that sounds like heaven to me.
I spent the evening crafting so was not disturbed by the many and varied opinions of this election.
It may take a few days for the furore to die down.
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